cross-posted from 4l, in hopes of saving people time & money if they're expecting something different.
I just saw them here in SLC Sunday night. If you liked the 2007 tour you'll love this, as it's pretty much note for note, light for light the same set, except about 20 minutes shorter.
I have no idea how bands don't die of boredom doing the exact same thing every night, or what the purpose of this tour is, other than to stay in live shape and make a few bucks.
Then again, I know plenty of people who had never seen them before or had not seen the '07 tour, and they all loved it. Even my buddy who had seen them twice in '07 & the night before in Denver (SLC was his 10th overall; it was my 6th) loved it, so what do I know. Buddy said the Denver show was even shorter, as you might expect headlining a big festival, plus I guess it got really windy.
I will say they sounded great, esp Danny, and props to their sound guys for doing the best they could in that dump they played in. Defo would be an awesome first time. But when you read an interview with Adam Jones a month ago and he's talking about covers & different arrangements and such, it was pretty disappointing. He did say they had no new material, but I was hoping they had at least a couple things they might want to give a try.
I understand high-profile bands feel obligated/pressured to play just the latest & greatest, esp in America, and for most Americans that IS all they want. But criminey, another friend of mine saw AC/DC last year. They played 5-6 songs off Black Ice and 11 or so other songs, all of which they played the first time we saw them, in 1990. Excuse me, I meant 1980!
Gotta give Metallica credit for playing the entire Puppets album on tour a couple years ago, and even the Stones, one of the worst setlist offenders, have been emptying the vault for a decade or so.
Obv 99% of people at concerts don't care about this crap, but Tool fans are pretty hardcore & knowledgeable, and I was hoping for much more, esp as I'd never seen a band before on this type of non-new album tour. I wouldn't have gone had I known, or at least waited til after to decide to buy T-shirt and posters, as I would've saved $90 on that anyway.
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