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Favorite Classic Nintendo Game Favorite Classic Nintendo Game

11-15-2007 , 05:21 AM
Favorite Classic Nintendo Game Quote
11-15-2007 , 05:22 AM
it's almost like there should be a 2+2 video games forum or something
Favorite Classic Nintendo Game Quote
11-15-2007 , 05:25 AM
Awesome thread. I've seen the obvious ones. One poster said Tecmo Bowl and it's not close. I'd agree. Contra was awesome too. But how has no one said Skykid yet?

Favorite Classic Nintendo Game Quote
11-15-2007 , 06:02 AM
castlevania 2 simon's quest is the best game of all time.
Man that is a really terrible choice.
Yep. Those messages where it changes from day to night were so [censored] annoying.
Favorite Classic Nintendo Game Quote
11-15-2007 , 06:07 AM

runners-up include Mike Tyson's Punch Out, The Legend of Zelda, Dragon Warrior III-IV, Bionic Commando, Faxanadu, Super Mario Bros. 1 and 3, Tecmo Super Bowl, River City Ransom, and many others.

I feel very strongly about this, all things considered.
Favorite Classic Nintendo Game Quote
11-15-2007 , 06:27 AM
Some less popular great games

Rushn Attack, knife up some russians

Solomon's key is a great puzzlish game which is rediculously difficult

Little Nemo Dream Master

Chip'n Dale Rescue Rangers

and the true greatest game of all BIONIC COMMANDO!!
Favorite Classic Nintendo Game Quote
11-15-2007 , 06:43 AM
i definitely grunched before i read the thread, but now i'm finding who shares similar sentiments.

how about an obscure one - faxanadu? i'm not sure i ever beat this.
my roommate and i beat this last week. i'm not kidding. it was like my 12th time or whatever, but i loved this game.

and the true greatest game of all BIONIC COMMANDO!!
Wow, I edited my post to include this before I read yours. I love this game so much I'm embarrassed I forgot it.

Other runners-up I didn't list: Final Fantasy, Kid Icarus, Ninja Gaiden, Super Dodge Ball, Metal Gear, Blades of Steel, Castlevania I and II, the Mega Man games (release order is more or less order of quality), R.C. Pro-Am

Dusty Diamond's All Star Softball, ftw!!
Wow, what a fantastic game. This is also a game that somehow slipped by me as a kid. I had this game on my old laptop in college and me and my roommate would play this game constantly. A truly underrated gem imo.
Wow, this is like exactly my story with this game.

I also played a ton of Arkanoid, Shadowgate, Blaster Master, Life Force, and, uh... lots and lots of others. Gauntlet (1 and 2)! The Battle of Olympus! TMNT 2! Milon's Secret Castle! Crystalis! Bomberman! A Boy and His Blob! The Adventures of Lolo! etc. etc.

I gotta give love to Dragon Warrior IV... You could play video poker, lol.
I got ridiculously good at that. I mean, the secret is to just take the double-or-nothing every time until you max out. This is the only real way to make tons of coins and by everyone Metal Babble Shields.

Okay, now that I've erased any doubts in anyone's mind that I'm not a huge nerd, carry on.
Favorite Classic Nintendo Game Quote
11-15-2007 , 07:09 AM
I also have to add Duck Tales, a relatively easy but great game.

This thread also reminds me how unbeatable and ******ed some nintendo games were, like Bart vs the Space Mutants.
Favorite Classic Nintendo Game Quote
11-15-2007 , 07:11 AM
god [censored] damnit bart vs. the space mutants is impossible as is fester's quest
Favorite Classic Nintendo Game Quote
11-15-2007 , 07:15 AM
god [censored] damnit bart vs. the space mutants is impossible as is fester's quest
more impossible imo

also great choice of rcr and sdb earlier, glad someone else s those american technos pudgy square humanoids as much as i do
Favorite Classic Nintendo Game Quote
11-15-2007 , 07:20 AM

faxanadu was a good choice by you as well, and obviously metroid (though to be honest i'm not such a huge fan of the series).

to me rcr basically defines the nes. the only other game i can think of that has such an impact on the system is probably tetris.
Favorite Classic Nintendo Game Quote
11-15-2007 , 07:23 AM
Was this the game where you could build your own team and improve your players based on money you won on the games?

If so, this was truly the nuts and way ahead of its time.
Favorite Classic Nintendo Game Quote
11-15-2007 , 07:27 AM
The play where if you shot it perpendicular to the goal line was unstoppable.

After awhile my friends and I had a rule that no goals could be scored that way to even out the playing field.
Favorite Classic Nintendo Game Quote
11-15-2007 , 07:29 AM
god [censored] damnit bart vs. the space mutants is impossible as is fester's quest
Battletoads is the same way without a Game Genie. Even with infinite lives I don't think I ever beat it.

Burger Time also falls into this category.

My favs are Tecmo Bowl, Kid Icarus, Tetris, Q-Bert, all 3 TMNT games, SMB 3.
Favorite Classic Nintendo Game Quote
11-15-2007 , 07:42 AM
I used to wreck shop with Neal Anderson in that game.
Favorite Classic Nintendo Game Quote
11-15-2007 , 07:45 AM
I also played a ton of Arkanoid,
I loved Arkanoid. Sadly its worthless on emulators because the special controller was so important to the game.
Favorite Classic Nintendo Game Quote
11-15-2007 , 07:48 AM
Since it's only been mentioned once -

DR MARIO - simple gameplay, addicting, fun. 2 Player mode is awesome since you can handicap it. So much time wasted freshman and sophomore years in college.
Favorite Classic Nintendo Game Quote
11-15-2007 , 07:50 AM
Tecmo Bowl - Everyone says Chicago is best, but San Francisco is pretty awesome.

I could not be beat with the 49ers, they had this one play that was unstoppable, Roger Craig coming out of the backfield and running a slant, it was all in the timing.

D. Orginal LT was unstoppable in that game too, you could never kick a field goal or an extra point because he would always be able to block it, or was that Super Tecmo Bowl, don't quite remember now.

Rad Racer

Very underrated.

Double Dribble
I loved it when you could just hang in the air and then shoot it at the last second before you hit the floor.

Damn those were good times.
Favorite Classic Nintendo Game Quote
11-15-2007 , 07:56 AM

faxanadu was a good choice by you as well, and obviously metroid (though to be honest i'm not such a huge fan of the series).
the series i can take or leave, though i do think super metroid is a great game and what i played of metroid prime i really liked. but the original, for me, with what it did in terms of creating an immersive environment with its limitations, and the style of gameplay, and the incredible precision of the controls, not to mention the awesome main character, was... yeah. i don't think it will ever be topped. it's one of the most personally significant artifacts of our culture to me.
Favorite Classic Nintendo Game Quote
11-15-2007 , 07:57 AM
I also played a ton of Arkanoid,
I loved Arkanoid. Sadly its worthless on emulators because the special controller was so important to the game.
i got surprisingly good at it with a regular NES controller.
Favorite Classic Nintendo Game Quote
11-15-2007 , 08:29 AM
I think you guys are clearly forgetting RAD RACER!!!!

It had the 3-d vision option!!

Favorite Classic Nintendo Game Quote
11-15-2007 , 08:37 AM
my favorite was bionic commando

bionic commando vault

runner up would probably be nes soccer or tmnt arcade game
Favorite Classic Nintendo Game Quote
11-15-2007 , 08:52 AM
A list of NES games I still enjoy playing to this day:

Adventures of Lolo (series)
Bad Dudes
Castlevania (series)
Crash n The Boys Street Challenge
Double Dragon (series)
Dragon Warrior (series)
Adventure Island (series)
Legend of Zelda (series)
Mega Man (series)
Mike Tyson's Punch Out
Ninja Gaiden (series)
Super Dodge Ball
Super Mario Bros (series)
Tecmo Super Bowl
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2 and 3 only)

Also to those of you posting the JAVA emulator links, you guys should try out the downloadable NES emulators out there. They have better features, no lag, better sound and graphic emulation, and support for more games. PM me if you want to know how to get it all setup.
Favorite Classic Nintendo Game Quote
11-15-2007 , 09:33 AM
Favorite Classic Nintendo Game Quote
11-15-2007 , 10:01 AM
castlevania 2 simon's quest is the best game of all time.
Man that is a really terrible choice.
been watching JNN?
Favorite Classic Nintendo Game Quote
