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Family Dirtbags Family Dirtbags

05-06-2014 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
before i could even respond my brother told him to get the **** out of my dads room and that he had no business being there.he said something like "i'd like to see you make me" her husband had a concussion about 30 seconds later courtesy of my brother who let out 6 months worth of anger and stress at the whole situation on this clowns face. the only good part about this horrific time when my dad was sick- was watching my aunt crying histerically as my brother carried her idiot husband into the living room, and had me open the front door as he dropped him into the hallway.
I'm not big on violence, but good on your brother for knocking that ******* out. I wish it were possible for him to have hit that guy so hard your aunt felt it. Sorry your aunt sucks so bad but thanks for sharing the story.
Family Dirtbags Quote
05-07-2014 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by Rapini
I'm not big on violence, but good on your brother for knocking that ******* out. I wish it were possible for him to have hit that guy so hard your aunt felt it. Sorry your aunt sucks so bad but thanks for sharing the story.
what made it even weirder is her and her husband got married 10 or so years ago. then they split up a year or two later.nobody had even mentioned this guy in years.

then he just shows up with my aunt to my dads hospital room one day all casual like he belongs there and they had never broke up, and apparently they're back together.

she's awful.
she's always trying to milk my grandfather for money.
for example she gets him to pay her car insurance for a car she never drives, then asked him for taxi (while complaining about how expensive taxis are- in this case about ten dollars each way)money when she was visiting my dad in the hospital. she got really pissed when i told her i would rather live in a dumpster than ask an 80 year old for money.
her reply: "he has a pension"

my grandfather (my dad's and aunt's father) was in the hospital for about a month from the day after my father died with emphasimia and some stomach dad being sick and basically tortured for 6 months also sucked the life out of him.

anyway i would go visit him every day and sometimes he would send me to the store to get him things, run errands etc. one day he sends me to the store and when i come back my aunt is there- fml!
i give him his stuff, and he goes in the bag and looks at the receipt and tries to give me the money (30 bucks or so.) i tell him no three or four times, and then my aunt blurts out loudly "if he doesn't want the money i'll take it"

occasionally (once a week or less) he would ask her to do something like go to his house (two mile drive) and get him some clothes, pick up his mail or whatever.despite having a car that he probably paid for ,with insurance he paid definitely for she would complain about this to my the time i didn't know how to drive, so i would walk or take a bus/cab to his house when he needed something a few times a week. one time i forgot something he asked for, so i left his hospital room to go right back to get it. she told me i was spoiling him.

Last edited by borg23; 05-07-2014 at 11:26 AM.
Family Dirtbags Quote
05-20-2014 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by Punker
Uncle who was a lawyer, but eventually disbarred due to too many missed cases caused primarily by alcoholism.

Let's start by setting the scene that he'd been married for a decent number of years, had a daughter, and divorced, with wife getting custody, and remarrying. She later dies, and the daughter chooses to be adopted by the stepfather rather than go to her dad (a wise decision on her part).

He bounces around before finally moving away from where he'd been living out to where my grandmother, mother, and aunt all live. First stayed with my aunt and her family for about 6 months, doing absolutely nothing and sponging before they kicked him out. Moved in with my mom and her partner for a similar amount of time and a similar result.

Eventually sort of gets on his feet and has an apartment; however, it turns out this is being paid for by my grandmother. In the last 2 years, she's started to need a lot of help (she's about 90), and he's taken advantage of her confusion to essentially rob her of everything, while convincing her that my mom and aunt are conspiring against her. Grandma was living in a senior's complex in a condo she owned, and he managed to get his name on the title, which prompted mom&aunt to legally take control of her finances; on doctor's recommendation, she was then moved to a full care facility.

Uncle however continued to convince her that this was all a plot, and moved into the condo, refusing to leave until the police took him away. He later then broke in and stole everything possible from the condo and sold it.

As his source of funds has been cut off, he has subsequently been evicted from his apartment as well, and is living in his car, unless he can sneak a night at the full care facility with grandma. The entire ordeal has been a massive source of stress, and mom&aunt are trying to get him arrested for robbing the condo, but with no success yet.
WoW, that is a pretty low down scuzzball.
Family Dirtbags Quote
05-21-2014 , 12:58 AM
My ex-mother-in-law. A controlling, abusive, meddling, miserable pos who had a very bad relationship w/ my wife who couldn't let her go.

This story is for real and just one of many:

Mother-in-law needs to be hospitalized for minor surgery, my ex takes her. I get a phone call that I need to come to the hospital NOW! So what happened? My mother in law got hysterical, my wife got hysterical, hospital staff decided to admit them both and put them in the same room which I was told before I got there. So I go to the room and there's a security guard in front, wtf? Nurse comes up to me, finds out I'm the husband of younger one and she tells me that the two of them got into a fight, ripped the IV's out of each other's arms, they had to get security, wife was in another room upstairs, and the security guard is there to make sure it doesn't happen again.

If I ever get a call from the Jerry Springer Show I won't be surprised.
Family Dirtbags Quote
05-21-2014 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by rugby
That's harsh on the cousin.

It's surely not her fault? If the husband was in a bad enough way to commit suicide, then 1. The cousin leaving was surely only part of it and 2. He could have been very difficult to live with.
I assume you are a know nothing early 20s guy with no kids? This is a horrible thing to do, esp if he was mentally fragile. Maybe non parents just have a hard time understanding but that short story is one of the worst of this thread imo.
Family Dirtbags Quote
05-21-2014 , 02:21 AM
This thread is making me fairly thankful for my boring straight line midwest family.
Family Dirtbags Quote
05-21-2014 , 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
My ex-mother-in-law. A controlling, abusive, meddling, miserable pos who had a very bad relationship w/ my wife who couldn't let her go.

This story is for real and just one of many:

Mother-in-law needs to be hospitalized for minor surgery, my ex takes her. I get a phone call that I need to come to the hospital NOW! So what happened? My mother in law got hysterical, my wife got hysterical, hospital staff decided to admit them both and put them in the same room which I was told before I got there. So I go to the room and there's a security guard in front, wtf? Nurse comes up to me, finds out I'm the husband of younger one and she tells me that the two of them got into a fight, ripped the IV's out of each other's arms, they had to get security, wife was in another room upstairs, and the security guard is there to make sure it doesn't happen again.

If I ever get a call from the Jerry Springer Show I won't be surprised.
Bwah? Admit your ex for what? Was there a two for one special on IVs or something?
Family Dirtbags Quote
05-21-2014 , 04:58 AM
Originally Posted by Quadstriker
Bwah? Admit your ex for what? Was there a two for one special on IVs or something?
Admitted for fainting, vomiting and w/e else was going on. The two of them had the most toxic relationship I've ever seen. Another time my mother in law opened the car door and jumped out into the middle of the street during an argument. Too ****ing bad they were only doing 5 mph.

If her Christmas present wasn't good enough she'd scream and have a fit. One year I and my sister and brother in law put up $1K and my sister in law bought some piece of jewelry that, tbh, didn't really look to be worth $1K but nm. We gave it to the ****ing bitch and she went screaming into my father in laws room yelling that we'd bought her a pos Christmas present. So I went to see it and told her to calm down, I'd fix it. My sister in law returned the thing, gave me the $1K and I went down to Manhattan's Diamond District and bought a huge gold necklace which she was very happy w/ it. FYI, OOTers: You can get some damn fine deals in the Diamond District. Just tell one of the stores you don't like the deal and you're going to go to one of the next 200 or so stores and watch the price drop. Take a couple of steps, price goes down again. Can be fun.
Family Dirtbags Quote
05-29-2014 , 08:19 PM
Rustled that my dirtbag grandpa got no love(hate?)
Family Dirtbags Quote
05-29-2014 , 08:30 PM
Call me antiquated, but I felt nothing but utter disgust and contempt for my brother after catching him fingering his girlfriend at the dinner table on the day of our nephew's holy communion.
Family Dirtbags Quote
05-30-2014 , 06:33 AM
I guess he was going for his own hole-y communion.
Family Dirtbags Quote
06-01-2014 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by Sly Caveat
OP story reminds me of some distant relatives of mine. Husband and wife drive 3 or 4 hours to see the wife's parents. When they pull into the driveway the dad is standing there waiting and says "you're 45 minutes late." Husband puts the car in reverse, pulls out of the driveway and heads home without saying a word.
This is most awesome post itt. Boss move by husband.
Family Dirtbags Quote
06-01-2014 , 12:42 AM
My sister and my cousin are both evil I think.
Family Dirtbags Quote
06-01-2014 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by Beyond conscience
My sister and my cousin are both evil I think.
Did they reject your advances?
Family Dirtbags Quote
06-01-2014 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by Beyond conscience
My sister and my cousin are both evil I think.
Originally Posted by S.K
Did they reject your advances?
Family Dirtbags Quote
06-01-2014 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by S.K
Did they reject your advances?
lol thats disgusting
Family Dirtbags Quote
