Originally Posted by nutella virus
While there are so many reasons it blows-here are 5
5) status-I think we can all agree these can be tilting af. I get it, you went to greece, love your tesla, have cute kids and own a baby turtle. Idgaf about any of it
4) you don't have 297 friends; you have like 3 tops
3) privacy, there was just another data leak of half a billion users. That's full names, addresses, emails, phone numbers and probably penis size
2) lolmark, do we really want nerds like this running the planet? Ask yourself that
1) hey remember me? We were in art class together in 1996. Yes I remember you, and there's a reason we didn't keep in touch
My wife still uses facebook, and I'm not sure our marriage can survive it. Just needed to get this off my chest. Carry on with your day fine people
I had an account for about two weeks before a stalker ex found me and kept messaging me. Deleted my account and never looked back. That was about 14 years ago now.
I don’t know if you’re joking or not about your marriage but I recall reading an article that around a quarter of all divorces are Facebook related now. Mostly from ex’s contacting each other which ultimately leads to infidelity.