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Facebook invades the workplace - Advice on work situation Facebook invades the workplace - Advice on work situation

02-26-2010 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by yellowdoyle
How do you do this?
settings privacy
Facebook invades the workplace - Advice on work situation Quote
02-26-2010 , 03:53 AM
it's not a crappy office thing, it's a US thing. if you "make someone feel uncomfortable" they can bring a suit against your company. supposedly, if you feel uncomfortable about a situation (joke being told in the breakroom, poster on someone's cube wall, or even if someone tells a joke about someone else, but you are not comfortable with it), you can file a harassment suit (it's more complicated than that, obv, but that's the gist of it). as a manager, fundamentals has to consider all of this and realize that he's possibly risking his job. the company is likely to look for the lowest rung that they can blame the suit on and use them as the scapegoat. as the direct supervisor of the original complaintant (the snitch) and a lateral colleague of the subject of the racy photos (the rack), he's right in the crosshairs if this does make a wrong turn and get blown out of proportion. by going to his boss, he's done due diligence to cover his ass
sucks, but that's the corporate environment we work in in this country, and the larger the firm you work for, the more important it is to make sure your ass is covered.
Facebook invades the workplace - Advice on work situation Quote
02-26-2010 , 04:22 AM
Wow, that is a sucky thing.
Facebook invades the workplace - Advice on work situation Quote
02-26-2010 , 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by dknightx
Go to HR, let them handle it.
As usual the clearly correct answer comes out within the first 5 posts. But that's no fun. So let's read on...
Facebook invades the workplace - Advice on work situation Quote
02-26-2010 , 05:24 AM
I'm now thinking an anonymous note left on her desk after work was the pro play.
Facebook invades the workplace - Advice on work situation Quote
02-26-2010 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by stabn
I'm now thinking an anonymous print out of the picture with saliva on it left on her desk after work was the pro play.
Facebook invades the workplace - Advice on work situation Quote
02-26-2010 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by Charlie.Dont.Surf
A little tip for everybody ITT: add your work friends to a "limited profile list" to restrict their views. This is what I do with all facebook requests from co-workers (or co-workers significant others).

First go to "Account -->edit friends"

then click on a friend from work, and do an "add to list" like this:

(you may need to create a "limited profile" list first)

Next, go to "Account -> profile settings" and change everything you see fit to exclude your limited profile list:

It's worked pretty well for me so far--I can be facebook "friends" with my coworkers but they can't see sh*t about me. And if one of them is perceptive enough to realize they've been sandboxed, well, who cares.
Facebook invades the workplace - Advice on work situation Quote
02-26-2010 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by neuroman
And if one of them is perceptive enough to realize they've been sandboxed, well, who cares.
This is what friends lists are for. You can make a work friends list and then choose exactly what you want them to see and this way they'll never know they are sandboxed. You could block them from seeing status updates and tagged pictures and they will just think you never update or get tagged.
Facebook invades the workplace - Advice on work situation Quote
02-26-2010 , 01:38 PM
Lifting and separating ITT
Facebook invades the workplace - Advice on work situation Quote
