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Fabian's Piano Appreciation and ESA Scam Thread Fabian's Piano Appreciation and ESA Scam Thread

01-02-2018 , 07:40 PM
Kingpin (def)

**A person who is usually the boss of a group, and sits back on a throne or a comfortable spot and watches other people do work for him while he enjoys pleasures such as sex, women, drug, alcohol, games, sleep
Use: dude ur such a king pin!***

It is good to the be the king(pin).
Fabian's Piano Appreciation and ESA Scam Thread Quote
01-02-2018 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by golfnutt
Prison? For an ESA?

Go online and imprison all the people/companies that just hand it out. America loves to imprison people.

I don't get involved in any determination.
Yes, that's what "under penalty of perjury" means. Your income tax returns are filed under penalty of perjury, for example.

You're handing out the paper. The burden needs to be on you to swear that a legal doctor has communicated a medical need. If you can be shown to have lied, boom, federal prison.
Fabian's Piano Appreciation and ESA Scam Thread Quote
01-02-2018 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by Neil S
Yes, that's what "under penalty of perjury" means. Your income tax returns are filed under penalty of perjury, for example.

You're handing out the paper. The burden needs to be on you to swear that a legal doctor has communicated a medical need. If you can be shown to have lied, boom, federal prison.
You want lay people to be responsible that a 'legal' doctor has communicated a 'medical' need?

I hand out tons of other paper. Disability for the DMV, prescriptions to people, etc that doctors attest. I don't know if a patient truly needed Xanax. I am not about to go questioning doctors.

I bet a lot of people game the DMV for disability. I read that there are 20,000 ACTIVE DMV Disability placards in California for people over the age of 100. There are only 12,000 people over the age of 100 in California.

Doctors, theoretically, could be disciplined by their state Medical Board for intentionally falsifying an ESA.
Fabian's Piano Appreciation and ESA Scam Thread Quote
01-02-2018 , 08:27 PM
Well it's that or put scum like you out of business. I'm offering you an out: You have to communicate with the doctor, confirm credentials, and all that. But if you get a sham doctor, we take your freedom away.
Fabian's Piano Appreciation and ESA Scam Thread Quote
01-02-2018 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by Neil S
Well it's that or put scum like you out of business. I'm offering you an out: You have to communicate with the doctor, confirm credentials, and all that. But if you get a sham doctor, we take your freedom away.


I have a frickin political science degree. How would I know if a diagnosis is accurate. You think a doctor is going to tell me that they are participating in a low-level scam to help someone get an ESA?

It is 100% on the Doctor that signs it. The airline couldn’t give a rat’s teat what the hell I think. They want a signature and a medical license number.
Fabian's Piano Appreciation and ESA Scam Thread Quote
01-03-2018 , 02:17 PM
This business could be facing some trouble. Can't believe they would go on camera and admit to asking for documentation.

Service dog denied entry into local business

Customers started complaining that there was a dog inside. So the owner of the shop felt like she had no choice but to ask the dog's handler if it was a service animal and asked to show identification.

Unfortunately, he did not, so the shop owners asked them both to leave to be safe.
Fabian's Piano Appreciation and ESA Scam Thread Quote
01-03-2018 , 04:01 PM
If I sue over my PSD being denied, do I have to pay child support out of my profit? I mean judgment? Because that sounds mad lucrative.
Fabian's Piano Appreciation and ESA Scam Thread Quote
01-03-2018 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by ChipWrecked
If I sue over my PSD being denied, do I have to pay child support out of my profit? I mean judgment? Because that sounds mad lucrative.
More like an Owner Support Animal iyam.
Fabian's Piano Appreciation and ESA Scam Thread Quote
01-03-2018 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by golfnutt

I have a frickin political science degree. How would I know if a diagnosis is accurate. You think a doctor is going to tell me that they are participating in a low-level scam to help someone get an ESA?

It is 100% on the Doctor that signs it. The airline couldn’t give a rat’s teat what the hell I think. They want a signature and a medical license number.
We all know why you're so against this: you're a fraud.
Fabian's Piano Appreciation and ESA Scam Thread Quote
01-03-2018 , 08:08 PM
You can't put dogs in shopping carts. Service dog or not. Very unsanitary.

Has shopping gone to the dogs? Some concerned about K9s in carts

Messing added he contacted the management of the Marion store and was told it was their store’s policy to allow service animals inside a food cart.
He said spoke with the management of two other local grocery store chains and was told they don’t allow it.
Fabian's Piano Appreciation and ESA Scam Thread Quote
01-03-2018 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by Neil S
We all know why you're so against this: you're a fraud.
You have no clue how the ESA business is run or my personal involvement. Or how any part of the medical business works. The ESA side is a microcosm of the entire medical business that is not run any differently.

You can lobby your state medical board for change.

Best of luck.
Fabian's Piano Appreciation and ESA Scam Thread Quote
01-03-2018 , 08:58 PM

He does know that you took an animal on board an airplane as an ESA for reasons other than the reasons stated as qualifying for an ESA on the plane. So he knows you're at least a fraud when it comes to your own ESA usage.
Fabian's Piano Appreciation and ESA Scam Thread Quote
01-03-2018 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

He does know that you took an animal on board an airplane as an ESA for reasons other than the reasons stated as qualifying for an ESA on the plane. So he knows you're at least a fraud when it comes to your own ESA usage.

You know my personal medical information? I don't even know my personal medical information.

I told you I have every diagnoses in the DSM-IV. Go ahead and pick it and I qualify.

I have such great self-control that I have never chosen to fly in my life with an ESA until last week. And as the ESA Kingpin, it is important that I am somewhat familiar with the product. I am sure Don Escobar occasionally tried his product.
Fabian's Piano Appreciation and ESA Scam Thread Quote
01-03-2018 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by golfnutt
I told you I have every diagnoses in the DSM-IV. Go ahead and pick it and I qualify.
Pedophelia is in there.
Fabian's Piano Appreciation and ESA Scam Thread Quote
01-03-2018 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by de captain
Pedophelia is in there.

I am sure necrophilia is in there too. Sex with dead kids. Murder. Buying alcohol on Sunday in Utah.

My medical chart is DSM-IV.

I might even qualify for two ESAs.
Fabian's Piano Appreciation and ESA Scam Thread Quote
01-03-2018 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by golfnutt
I have such great self-control that I have never chosen to fly in my life with an ESA until last week.
How did I miss this? Did you tell about it in a different thread? If there is a story in this thread just let me know I'm a dummy and I'll look for it later when I'm on a computer.
Fabian's Piano Appreciation and ESA Scam Thread Quote
01-03-2018 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
How did I miss this? Did you tell about it in a different thread? If there is a story in this thread just let me know I'm a dummy and I'll look for it later when I'm on a computer.

It was in the Southwest thread about how to get an optimal seat. You automatically get to pre-board with an ESA. You don’t even ask. I actually think they want you to pre-board so that passengers can choose to sit next to a dog or not.

Two attractive females chose to sit next to me fairly quickly. They both had their own issues and that is in the SW thread too.
Fabian's Piano Appreciation and ESA Scam Thread Quote
01-04-2018 , 06:25 AM
Originally Posted by golfnutt
Two attractive females chose to sit next to me fairly quickly.
I think I suddenly feel the need to have an ESA.
Fabian's Piano Appreciation and ESA Scam Thread Quote
01-04-2018 , 04:20 PM
Really big landmark case in my opinion. I don't think they are allowed to limit a dog by weigh. Why should fat dogs be discriminated against or type of breed? I think the government will prevail. Will be mighty interesting.

Federal government to probe whether Orlando condos can force veteran to give up support dog

The federal government will look into whether an Orlando condominium association can force a longtime resident to surrender his emotional support dog, which exceeds the community’s weight limit.

Retired veteran Robert Brady filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development after a judicial arbitrator recently determined he had to surrender the dog by Jan. 11.

HUD will consider whether the case violates fair-housing laws by forcing the widower to surrender the animal despite a psychologist’s recommendation he keep the dog. Weight limits at the Conway-area condominium are 35 pounds; Bane weighs about 41 pounds and might be a banned breed.
Fabian's Piano Appreciation and ESA Scam Thread Quote
01-04-2018 , 04:41 PM
Worse article ever. Seriously.

The Characteristic of ESA

ESA doesn’t damage the property or bite anyone on the road. It behaves like a friend that solaces the aching heart.

The companionship of ESA makes a person friendly. Ultimately, the stress begins to melt, and one enjoys the flavor of healthy life.
The Well Behaved Pet

It is necessary to hire a pet that behaves well. Some pets harm or even bite people. Make sure that you are making the right choice while taking ESA.

Receive Your ESA Certification Online

It is straightforward to get the ESA certification online. You can find the mental health professionals online.

Rules and Regulations

Air Carrier Access Act, Fair Housing Act, and ESA Laws award the privileges to emotionally immobilized and also set some limitations. ESA possessors don’t pay the pet fee. They can keep emotional support animal in public place.
Information on Emotional Support Animals
Fabian's Piano Appreciation and ESA Scam Thread Quote
01-04-2018 , 05:21 PM
Here is what very few people realize. Anybody can LEGALLY say they have a disability and say that their dog is trained to perform a service.

ESAs require a doctor's note.

Service Dogs require nothing. You aren't required to ever have even seen a doctor. And let's say your Service Dog is terrible at performing a service. Truly sucks. Who cares? The dog doesn't lose his Service Dog qualification. Seizure and Epileptic Service Dogs are abysmal at being able to accurately ascertain seizures in advance.

The Wild West ain't ESAs. It is absolutely Service Dogs. People have the false belief that ESAs are scams and Service Dogs are legitimate.
Fabian's Piano Appreciation and ESA Scam Thread Quote
01-06-2018 , 02:49 PM
Woman’s ESA is killed by a larger dog. She wants the dog that killed her dog killed too. Killers.
Fabian's Piano Appreciation and ESA Scam Thread Quote
01-07-2018 , 05:10 AM

Serious inquiry:

Can a cat be an ESA or is the person more like the ESA for the cat?
Fabian's Piano Appreciation and ESA Scam Thread Quote
01-07-2018 , 01:01 PM
Nobody supports a cat.
Fabian's Piano Appreciation and ESA Scam Thread Quote
01-07-2018 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by All-inMcLovin

Serious inquiry:

Can a cat be an ESA or is the person more like the ESA for the cat?

Business-wise of course.

On “does it work?” It really depends on how you process the cat. It is emotional support. I don’t see why an inanimate object could do the job for some people. I think a phone perhaps would qualify. People definitely feel worse off without their phone.
Fabian's Piano Appreciation and ESA Scam Thread Quote
