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Email a day after interview, what the heck? Email a day after interview, what the heck?

11-27-2012 , 11:17 AM
Had to stop reading OP's posts because he is so infuriatingly oblivious to obvious social cues.

1. You didn't get the job. Stop contacting them.
2. Your behavior/refusal to accept reality validates their decision not to hire you.
3. Unless you change, a bunch, you are not going to succeed in a Fortune 500 company.

All that said, huge company HR interaction is just awful.
Email a day after interview, what the heck? Quote
11-27-2012 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by samsonh
Just curious, what's your current title
He's Chief Pill Counter & Seller IIRC.
Email a day after interview, what the heck? Quote
11-27-2012 , 12:36 PM
ITT Victor is very intoxicated.
Email a day after interview, what the heck? Quote
11-27-2012 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by DblBarrelJ
This is a large part of the overall strategy I used to gain my current position.

It's risky advice though. Played correctly, in the right industries, it can put you above where you'd be able to get playing it "straight" and following all the standard business advice.

Played wrong, you come off as an insufferable douche who they wouldn't allow to volunteer to be a mail clerk.

Without pay.
Yeah but does that matter? Getting rejected and getting resoundingly rejected are the same thing imo

Originally Posted by samsonh
Just curious, what's your current title
I am an associate!
Email a day after interview, what the heck? Quote
11-27-2012 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by JayTeeMe
Yeah but does that matter? Getting rejected and getting resoundingly rejected are the same thing imo
True. Issue is that you can pull this off the wrong way and completely close a door to ever getting in again.
Email a day after interview, what the heck? Quote
11-27-2012 , 02:54 PM
I thought JayTeeMe was making a joke, lol. How do you interview for a job then act like you don't care about getting it? It seems like it would only work if someone contacted you about working for them.
Email a day after interview, what the heck? Quote
11-27-2012 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by chungchung

I made sure to thank them, but not thank them TOO much. I used the term "thanks" rather than "thanks so much"...
You really need to work on your word choices. Words like "never mind" and "thanks" are just too casual and are similar to going to an interview in a polo shirt and jeans.

As far as people itt talking about acting like you dont care about getting the job, i think thats good but only to a point. I think acting like you are the precious commodity instead of the job is the way to go about it. This can be accomplished by carrying yourself with confidence and asking the interviewer as many questions about the job as they ask you about yourself.
Email a day after interview, what the heck? Quote
11-27-2012 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
As far as people itt talking about acting like you dont care about getting the job, i think thats good but only to a point. I think acting like you are the precious commodity instead of the job is the way to go about it. This can be accomplished by carrying yourself with confidence and asking the interviewer as many questions about the job as they ask you about yourself.
Ding ding ding. And this can't really be faked.
Email a day after interview, what the heck? Quote
11-27-2012 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
I thought JayTeeMe was making a joke, lol. How do you interview for a job then act like you don't care about getting it? It seems like it would only work if someone contacted you about working for them.
I was kind of joking. But what i really mean is this. Typically they show you around the joint so you can see what the workplace is like. I like to be observant and make comments and ask questions about things with an air of "I wonder if i would enjoy working here? Hmmm"
Email a day after interview, what the heck? Quote
11-27-2012 , 04:28 PM
That makes sense.
Email a day after interview, what the heck? Quote
11-27-2012 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by JammyDodga
Ding ding ding. And this can't really be faked.
Yeah i was about to say people who are good at reading interviewers and carrying this off are usually people who dont need new jobs or need to rely on cold interviews to get new ones.
Email a day after interview, what the heck? Quote
11-27-2012 , 04:51 PM
I did interviews for a few years for my firm. Every time I'd get a thank you letter I thought it was stupid. However, when I didn't get one from an applicant, I'd wonder why the **** they didn't send me a thank you letter.
Email a day after interview, what the heck? Quote
11-27-2012 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by JayTeeMe
I was kind of joking. But what i really mean is this. Typically they show you around the joint so you can see what the workplace is like. I like to be observant and make comments and ask questions about things with an air of "I wonder if i would enjoy working here? Hmmm"
I also like to be slightly condescending when shown certain equipment, in a "Do you really feel the need to explain to me what X does?" manner.
Email a day after interview, what the heck? Quote
11-27-2012 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
As far as people itt talking about acting like you dont care about getting the job, i think thats good but only to a point. I think acting like you are the precious commodity instead of the job is the way to go about it. This can be accomplished by carrying yourself with confidence and asking the interviewer as many questions about the job as they ask you about yourself.
Yeah, that
Email a day after interview, what the heck? Quote
11-27-2012 , 06:08 PM
By the way, working with hundreds of hiring managers and thousands of candidates over the years, the one thing I've learned is that most managers are terrible at hiring and most candidates are terrible at interviewing. Which is one of the many reasons that my industry exists.

This thread confirms that.
Email a day after interview, what the heck? Quote
11-27-2012 , 06:10 PM
OP, it seems that you have a significantly difficult time being able to interpret how people communicate at a more subtextual level, and you rely too heavily on attempting to interpret intent by the literal definitions of words used.

You get all hung up on the fact that they didn't actually include a sentence literally saying that you were rejected, or that they said "continued" success (OMG why didn't they just say success?? The continued is making my head bleed!) and the use of the word "meantime" baffled you because there was no reference to some future event that the "meantime" is relative to.

It's obvious to anyone without Asperger's that the meantime is in reference to the sentence before it referring to your continued search for other possible positions.

You also had no clue that the term "nevermind" (without you explaining to us the manner in which you said it) could easily be interpreted as short, rude, and unprofessional. Yes, I totally get it that you probably just said it in a nice, friendly way, but you seemed surprised by our reaction that we thought it was rude, which is a very easy interpretation from the way you recounted the events.

Look dude, it's a rejection letter. You could overanalyze it to death, but that's what it is. I'll bet if it said "We have decided to go in another direction at this time" you would interpret that as "This time? Maybe that means they'll offer me a position next week!"

A word of advice with women as well (I have a feeling that you may not be so hot at reading their social cues either): When a woman breaks up with you, she might not outright say, "Chungchung, I am breaking up with you and am not going to go on dates with you anymore." She instead might use a more passive (and UTTERLY CRYPTIC!) phrase such as "I don't think we should see each other anymore." Please realize that she's breaking up with you, and NOT that she is actually unsure about whether or not you two should see each other anymore, leaning towards not.

To cover my bases, I will not claim that this is 100% a rejection letter. But chances are probably 99.9999% that it is. Although now I'm sure your response is probably:
Email a day after interview, what the heck? Quote
11-27-2012 , 06:24 PM
Damn you DD, you just ruined a great future "Text a day after fight with my GF, WTF" thread.
Email a day after interview, what the heck? Quote
11-27-2012 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
Damn you DD, you just ruined a great future "Text a day after fight with my GF, WTF" thread.
True, true, although something along those lines comprises about 40% of OOT threads already.
Email a day after interview, what the heck? Quote
11-27-2012 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
I thought JayTeeMe was making a joke, lol. How do you interview for a job then act like you don't care about getting it? It seems like it would only work if someone contacted you about working for them.
You have multiple options and apply to jobs and entertain them. It's not that hard.
Email a day after interview, what the heck? Quote
11-27-2012 , 06:51 PM
Someone already cleared that up for me, Tom. Get your **** together.
Email a day after interview, what the heck? Quote
11-27-2012 , 07:45 PM
Is OP still hanging in there for a response?
Email a day after interview, what the heck? Quote
11-27-2012 , 07:54 PM
OP, to really impress your interviewer, send an animated thank-you card.

like this one!

Email a day after interview, what the heck? Quote
11-27-2012 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by Double Down
OP, it seems that you have a significantly difficult time being able to interpret how people communicate at a more subtextual level, and you rely too heavily on attempting to interpret intent by the literal definitions of words used.

You get all hung up on the fact that they didn't actually include a sentence literally saying that you were rejected, or that they said "continued" success (OMG why didn't they just say success?? The continued is making my head bleed!) and the use of the word "meantime" baffled you because there was no reference to some future event that the "meantime" is relative to.

It's obvious to anyone without Asperger's that the meantime is in reference to the sentence before it referring to your continued search for other possible positions.

You also had no clue that the term "nevermind" (without you explaining to us the manner in which you said it) could easily be interpreted as short, rude, and unprofessional. Yes, I totally get it that you probably just said it in a nice, friendly way, but you seemed surprised by our reaction that we thought it was rude, which is a very easy interpretation from the way you recounted the events.

Look dude, it's a rejection letter. You could overanalyze it to death, but that's what it is. I'll bet if it said "We have decided to go in another direction at this time" you would interpret that as "This time? Maybe that means they'll offer me a position next week!"

A word of advice with women as well (I have a feeling that you may not be so hot at reading their social cues either): When a woman breaks up with you, she might not outright say, "Chungchung, I am breaking up with you and am not going to go on dates with you anymore." She instead might use a more passive (and UTTERLY CRYPTIC!) phrase such as "I don't think we should see each other anymore." Please realize that she's breaking up with you, and NOT that she is actually unsure about whether or not you two should see each other anymore, leaning towards not.

To cover my bases, I will not claim that this is 100% a rejection letter. But chances are probably 99.9999% that it is. Although now I'm sure your response is probably:
Dude, I recently took the GRE and scored in the 84% percentile in Verbal reasoning...

And a couple months ago I interviewed and was rejected the day after (now THAT interview I knew I messed up. I knew I did bad as I left). When I got that rejection email, I knew instantly that it was a rejection...

If this letter said, "we decided to go in another direction this time", I would instantly recognize that it was a rejection.
Email a day after interview, what the heck? Quote
11-27-2012 , 09:05 PM
You seem denser with every post.
Email a day after interview, what the heck? Quote
11-27-2012 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
You seem to be pretending to be denser than any human ever with every post.
Email a day after interview, what the heck? Quote
