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E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking

01-24-2014 , 11:14 PM
I'm pretty sure it's my Vamo that is ****ed up. I previously posted about my ProTank II not fitting in it anymore, but my ProTank I fits with a bit of effort. I guess I'll find out when my svd comes in the mail.

....Which I totally wouldn't have ordered if I knew it was coming all the way from China.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
01-25-2014 , 12:45 AM
Ah ok, it's most likely the threads. I would try to return it if you can. Fasttech replaced the head on mine relatively quickly and I've had no problem since.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
01-25-2014 , 07:27 PM
Got my Itaste in the mail today. Put the Kanger Aerotank on it, and it's the best combo I've ever tried. Much taste. So flavor.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
01-26-2014 , 06:27 AM
so i'm ready to stop paying $20/30ml... is there a recommended how-to guide to making own liquid?
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
01-26-2014 , 02:27 PM
My itaste svd is leaking through the holes just below the tank connection. Has anyone else experienced this? And how did you stop this happening?

What I did notice is that the coils that came in the Kanger tank packaging are longer in length than the replacements I purchased.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
01-26-2014 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by Human Halo
My itaste svd is leaking through the holes just below the tank connection. Has anyone else experienced this? And how did you stop this happening?

What I did notice is that the coils that came in the Kanger tank packaging are longer in length than the replacements I purchased.
Your tank is leaking (not your SVD). Are you sure you screwed the bottom of your Protank all the way down?
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
01-26-2014 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by Brock Landers
Your tank is leaking (not your SVD). Are you sure you screwed the bottom of your Protank all the way down?
Yeah I can't screw it down anymore.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
01-26-2014 , 04:04 PM
So, do you think the juice is leaking out through the 510 connection (the screw like thing that attached your Protank to your SVD) or is it leaking out where the base of the Protank connects to the tank?
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
01-26-2014 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Exitonly
so i'm ready to stop paying $20/30ml... is there a recommended how-to guide to making own liquid?
1. Find a source for PG, VG, and Nicotine base. I buy my VG off the shelf from the safeway pharmacy, and get them to order in PG for me. I usually tell them I'm using it for making soap. The nicotine base you will generally have to order from a vape shop online. It is more cost effective to get the highest nicotine level you can, but as a safety precaution, until you are more comfortable mixing, I would advise going no higher than 60mg for the base. Getting 100mg nicotine base on your skin sucks, even if you've been a pack a day smoker.

Unless you're trying to make 100% VG juice, I would recommend getting 50/50 PG/VG base as it's relatively easy to work with and will allow you to make most of the ratios of PG/VG that people like.

2. Find a source for flavourings. You pretty much have to use artificial flavourings. Anything containing real sugar is out because it messes up the atomizers. Many vape shops sell these now, or you can order directly from Flavor Art, The Perfumer's Apprentice, etc. I would recommend trying to find a few recipes at first online so you know you are ordering decent flavours, as there is a high amount of variance, even amongst the top shelf companies. I think I spent $250 on my first flavouring order, and at least 30% of the flavours were total duds. Coffee and Chocolate flavours in particular seem to be extremely high variance, so look up reviews online before ordering any.

3. Download this calculator: eJuice Me Up

4. Get some syringes, ideally a few 5-10ml and a few 30-100ml, or some graduated cylinders instead of the larger syringes. Latex/nitrile gloves are a good idea as well.

5. Input your recipe into eJuice Me Up, making sure to properly enter the strength and PG/VG ratio of your nicotine base, and what you want the ratios and strength of the finished product to be.

This is one of my more basic recipes. The cherry cola flavouring I have is good, but not very strong, and the Dark Cherry is very very strong, hence the disparity in %. I like very strong flavours, so most of my eliquids tend to be between 15-20% flavouring.

Ethyl Maltol is a sweetening agent, often sold in flavouring form as cotton candy. I bought 100g of Ethyl Maltol crystals that I disolved at 10% in PG like 8 months ago, and I haven't even used up the initial solution I made.

Some people, instead of actually measuring, just use drops as a rough guideline. This is fine if you're making small batches, especially when testing new flavours, but I prefer to measure more carefully, so when I'm making 30ml of eliquid, I just make it in a 30ml syringe.

6. a) Add your Nicotine Base, in this case 11.25 ml. If you get any on your skin or work area, it's important to clean it up right away as it can and will make you feel quite ill if it stays on your skin.

b) Add 3.38 ml of PG, and 9.38ml of VG

c) Some people add distilled water or everclear to their liquids, I don't see the point.

d) Using a small syringe, add 3.6ml of Cherry Cola and 1.5 ml of Dark Cherry.

e) Add ethyl maltol, or other sweetening agent.

7. I steep my juice by sealing the bottle, shaking it really really good for about 2 minutes, then opening it back up and putting it in a hot water bath for five minutes at a time. The easiest way to do this is just to use a coffee mug with the hottest possible tap water. Every five minutes, I take the bottle out, shake it, the put it back, generally repeating 3-4 times.

Some people steep for a couple days, others don't steep at all.

Sorry for the insanely long post.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
01-26-2014 , 05:10 PM
Awesome post man. I had no idea how to even get started, let alone whats really involved
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
01-26-2014 , 05:30 PM
Great guide Rempel. The only thing I'd add is to not use nic for your first 10ml batch of any flavor. If it's good, it can be worked into a 30ml+ batch later. If it's no good, you're not wasting nic.

I order flavors exclusively direct from the Perfumer's Apprentice except for chocolate. That I get from Capella (double chocolate). It's from Italy and unfortunately, expensive and dark (darker juices clog coils a touch faster), but I haven't been able to find any other choc flavor to replace it with to make my Jr. Mint.

If I remember I'll put up my recipe here later. It's by far my most popular juice.

Edit: Also, grab a couple 6-packs of 500ml perrier water. I keep my working PG VG and Nic juices in them. The green blocks UV, and the lids are nice and stiff making it easy to drill needle diameter sized holes in. This makes it really easy to meter out ingredients. I keep a dedicated 30ml syringe in each bottle so not to cross contaminate.

Last edited by runout_mick; 01-26-2014 at 05:43 PM.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
01-26-2014 , 05:39 PM
Anyone's Itaste make a buzzing sound when drawing? I read a few things about the mod using pulse width modulation which creates a buzz. It's mildly frightening.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
01-26-2014 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by CharlieKelly
Anyone's Itaste make a buzzing sound when drawing? I read a few things about the mod using pulse width modulation which creates a buzz. It's mildly frightening.
Mine does sometimes but after hearing the same thing about pulse mod. it never really bothered me
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
01-26-2014 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Brock Landers
So, do you think the juice is leaking out through the 510 connection (the screw like thing that attached your Protank to your SVD) or is it leaking out where the base of the Protank connects to the tank?
I'm certain it is leaking from the base of the protank where it connects to the svd.

I tried my secondary tank and the same thing is happening.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
01-26-2014 , 08:50 PM
30ml of that recipe I posted costs me $1.39, and that's without being able to buy any of the supplies wholesale. I'm pretty sure I could get it down to half that if I wanted to buy mass quantities of everything. DIY is definitely worth it. You could make 10 bottles of terrible liquid and one good one and still be way ahead at the prices you are paying!
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
01-26-2014 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by Human Halo
I'm certain it is leaking from the base of the protank where it connects to the svd.

I tried my secondary tank and the same thing is happening.
I don't know man, maybe try checking out some Youtube videos. There are a bunch about fixing leaking Protanks
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
01-27-2014 , 09:37 AM
Back to using a ego twist - they really are the Toyota Corrolla of the ecig
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
01-27-2014 , 09:59 AM
While we're on the subject of outlandish prices on juices.

I got my hands on some Mr.Goodvape Dabble Dooyah. 24 bucks for a 30ml bottle, I didn't buy it, swapped some juices I had with a friend.

I'll give them this, there's no bs candy/sherbet flavors, it tastes all natural and like you're eating a desert.

As good as it is though, it's hard to see how they can justify the price tag. Out of interest, what are the most expensive flavorings you can buy for making juices?

There seems to be quite a lot of these Artisanal producers cropping up, and the prices are getting higher and higher.

The price of juice, is too damn high!
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
01-27-2014 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Human Halo
Back to using a ego twist - they really are the Toyota Corrolla of the ecig

I've found over the last couple of months I've been using less and less volts when I vape. When I started I needed 4.8v to get a satisfactory draw (or more using my vamo). For a couple of months I was around 4v all the time and in the last month ~3.8v to ~3.2v has been perfectly fine.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
01-27-2014 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by TheRempel
30ml of that recipe I posted costs me $1.39, and that's without being able to buy any of the supplies wholesale. I'm pretty sure I could get it down to half that if I wanted to buy mass quantities of everything. DIY is definitely worth it. You could make 10 bottles of terrible liquid and one good one and still be way ahead at the prices you are paying!
this is awesome.

thank you very much for that post.. i'm gonna start gathering all those items.. will probably have some more questions for you when i get everything set up.


and runout_mick

you said your mint flavor is most popular? could have swore you had a cinammon one that you said that every one loved.. this might be a couple years ago that i'm thinking of. but point is i've been going with a cinammon flavor the past few months and love it.. think you could post that recipe so i can make sure i buy the flavors necessary to make yours?
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
01-27-2014 , 02:53 PM
Where are you located? If you're in the US you should be able to get all the stuff easily, Canada is a bit more difficult but I can point you to the right places. No idea about the UK unfortunately.

Be careful with cinnamon. Some cinnamon flavours can **** up your lungs.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
01-27-2014 , 03:23 PM
i'm in NJ.

and noted on being careful... although i dont know what being careful looks like.. should i not trust the local place i buy my cinnamon from currently? edit: yikes did some googling, and now bummed out. guess i need to find a new all day flavor. fwiw though i never had any of the issues people are mentioning with sores/numbness/throat closing

Last edited by Exitonly; 01-27-2014 at 03:29 PM.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
01-27-2014 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by TheRempel
Where are you located? If you're in the US you should be able to get all the stuff easily, Canada is a bit more difficult but I can point you to the right places. No idea about the UK unfortunately.

Be careful with cinnamon. Some cinnamon flavours can **** up your lungs.
And some cinnamon is a notorious plastic tank cracker.

Last edited by Brock Landers; 01-27-2014 at 03:24 PM. Reason: In before racist ban!
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
01-27-2014 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by Exitonly
i'm in NJ.

and noted on being careful... although i dont know what being careful looks like.. should i not trust the local place i buy my cinnamon from currently? edit: yikes did some googling, and now bummed out. guess i need to find a new all day flavor. fwiw though i never had any of the issues people are mentioning with sores/numbness/throat closing
I made a cinnamon extract once and had minor breathing issues for the next couple days. I'm not a huge cinnamon fan though, so not vaping cinnamon flavours hasn't bothered me at all. I know there are some that are supposed to be okay, but I'm not sure which.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
