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domestic incident at home involving some violence domestic incident at home involving some violence

11-26-2017 , 11:03 PM
hello 2p2,

i dont have any expertise in this area and im basically wondering if you think my actions went too far and whether i can be getting in legal / criminal trouble for my actions.

story in a nutshell:
i rent a home in canada with my gf (we are in our 50s), been living here for 5+ years. last year her oldest son in his late 20s had financial hardships and needed to move in with us. i am not a fan of this kid as we have had words in the past but the gf wants to provide him a place to live (rent free) so i accepted it. time goes by and everything is more or less ok. the "kid" is pretty messy, never helps out financially (and in fact often asks his mom for money) and is not always very considerate of others in the house when it comes to his noise levels and with regards to cleaning up after himself. the "kid" has some sort of health condition where he starts to feel unbearably nauseous and finds himself in the bathroom for hours or days at a time making himself throw up (fingers down throat) as a way to feel better and get rid of his nausea. in addition to this uncomfortable sickness he also has anxiety, depression, and anger management issues.

a few weeks ago it a normal evening in the household - kid had been having one of his sickness episodes for most of the day and was very irritable about it. he came down the stairs as he was going outside for a smoke but accidentally slipped and fell down on the stairs. gf came over to him to ask what happened and see if he was ok but he was pissed/embarrassed about it. he made some comments in frustration, and when his mom started to walk away i noticed that he threw something at her (this turned out to only be a shirt but i still was not going to allow that to happen). i quickly approached him and sternly told him he cannot be throwing things at her. he started yelling back and we had a verbal altercation where he was disrespecting me and instigating a fight "what are you going to do about it?". kid would end up going outside and kicked in the door of our shed in anger. later when he came back inside he slammed some doors but that was the end of my involvement on this night (his mom tried to calm him down, they yelled/argued at each other for a bit but nothing else would happen other than that he was told that he will no longer be allowed to use the wifi in the house and will no longer be getting his cell phone bill paid for him.

few weeks later he's in another "episode" as he calls it where he was sick in the bathroom for hours. the internet password had recently been changed in the house as a punishment to exclude him from using it. it is about 2:30am, we were sleeping, and were woken up by a loud bang coming from downstairs. we knew it was him, gf went to go see whats up with him. argument ensued, she couldn't console him so she came back upstairs to the room to tell me what happened. few minutes later he is outside of the bedroom screaming that if we don't give him the internet password he is going to kill himself (a threat he's used many times in the past). he then starts taking picture frames from the hallway and smashing them into pieces. he proceeds to go downstairs, and took a decorative glass bowl we had and smashed it against the wall, creating two medium sized holes in the wall and glass shattered on the floor. i heard this from upstairs and was irate, i had enough and had to go stop him. when i got down the stairs he was at the front door trying to kick through the glass panel on side of the door. i yelled at him on my way down to stop it but he continued. in anger, i ran towards him, punched him in the face and pushed him down the flight of stairs leading to the basement. this was the end of the physical altercation as he went outside. meanwhile, gf called the cops.

cops got here pretty quickly - a couple officers talked with him outside and got his version of the story, and a couple other ones came inside to talk to me and the gf and to document the damage he caused. we were asked if we wanted to press charges. i wanted to but gf didn't so we did not. kid was escorted to his room to grab some of his belongings and issued a trespass meaning that hes not allowed back here. he was sent to a hospital for the night mostly to treat him for his mental issues and his nausea episode. he was not injured in the altercation we had. he was released from the hospital the next morning and he is going to be attempting to press charges on me for assault. my gf, if asked to testify as a witness, will be telling them exactly how things went down and she is on my side. do i need to worry about these charges? what do you think is the worst that can come of it?

thank you
domestic incident at home involving some violence Quote
11-26-2017 , 11:08 PM
Should've called the Mounties sooner.
domestic incident at home involving some violence Quote
11-26-2017 , 11:36 PM
Thank you for breaking that into paragraphs. It was very easy to read.
domestic incident at home involving some violence Quote
11-27-2017 , 12:05 AM
Hmmm I'm no lawyer... but the fact that he wasn't injured seems to be very much in your favor. Good luck.
domestic incident at home involving some violence Quote
11-27-2017 , 12:06 AM
Private citizens don't "press charges" on people in Canada. If you get arrested hire a lawyer and don't talk to the police. /thread

Or put a lathe in his room.
domestic incident at home involving some violence Quote
11-27-2017 , 12:07 AM
Any particular reason you chose this forum to register and seek advice? Legitimate question

I'd certainly be concerned. Idk about Canada, but where I live destruction of property is not a valid reason to commit assault. Sounds like her "kid" REALLY needs to get some help. I'd look into maybe a treatment facility or therapy at the very least. Court ordered if need be
domestic incident at home involving some violence Quote
11-27-2017 , 12:20 AM
Tomato on his pillow should do the trick.
domestic incident at home involving some violence Quote
11-27-2017 , 12:26 AM
lol, I love that you have to punish someone in their late twenties by taking away their wifi access and not paying their cell phone bill.

Stop dating dating white trash
domestic incident at home involving some violence Quote
11-27-2017 , 12:53 AM
first world problems
domestic incident at home involving some violence Quote
11-27-2017 , 01:03 AM
If he called you an mf'er I hope you responded with, "why yes I am a mf'er....."
domestic incident at home involving some violence Quote
11-27-2017 , 01:04 AM
man, tough spot. i feel sorry for you
domestic incident at home involving some violence Quote
11-27-2017 , 01:09 AM
Whats the legality about letting him kill himself? Easy fix?
domestic incident at home involving some violence Quote
11-27-2017 , 01:23 AM
Stupidest part of that whole story was you letting him move in.
domestic incident at home involving some violence Quote
11-27-2017 , 01:25 AM
What I'd definitely do first is post my problem on a poker website and ask for advice. That OP didn't already have a thread going after the first confrontation is troubling.
domestic incident at home involving some violence Quote
11-27-2017 , 02:04 AM
Your shift key broken bruh?
domestic incident at home involving some violence Quote
11-27-2017 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
What I'd definitely do first is post my problem on a poker website and ask for advice. That OP didn't already have a thread going after the first confrontation is troubling.
in retrospect i do realize that posting this here is pretty dumb. just an emotional situation still fresh on my mind that's weighing on me, wanted to hear peoples opinions or possibly share similar experiences.

for the record i do post on 2p2 under a different account name (few posts). if this was against the rules i apologize and you can take this thread down if needed
domestic incident at home involving some violence Quote
11-27-2017 , 02:24 AM
How many years has the kid been on heroin?
domestic incident at home involving some violence Quote
11-27-2017 , 02:55 AM
You're step son is a junky. Not sure if that was made clear or not, but that's what's goin on. If you fix that, you'll fix the other issues, but that's a tough one to fix. You seem pretty trashy as well so it won't be easy. Best of luck.
domestic incident at home involving some violence Quote
11-27-2017 , 04:00 AM
I wonder about the kid. I would rather be homeless or kill myself before I move into the atmosphere you described.

I have no clue about criminal system at your place. So take what I say with a grain of salt. I think the worst (or actually the best) what can come out of that
is that you will have to go to some mandatory therapy or so.

I mean........ Your gf is a mom. You can't expect her to drop him down. That is just not reasonable, no matter how bad he is. You have to deal with it somehow. And it seems that how you do it is not an optimal way.

I would try do deescalate and somehow try to actually raise him (professional help in form of therapy? Psychiatrist? Has he Bulimia?).

Last edited by anonla; 11-27-2017 at 04:07 AM.
domestic incident at home involving some violence Quote
11-27-2017 , 10:55 AM
Great thread. Would read again.

Edit: Just did.
domestic incident at home involving some violence Quote
11-27-2017 , 10:57 AM
I'm hung up on the part where you've been living with someone who has a bizarre health issue for a year and don't know what he even claims it is. I mean, it seems likely he's a junky, but it's weird you don't know his claimed disorder.
domestic incident at home involving some violence Quote
11-27-2017 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by auralex14
You're step son is a junky. Not sure if that was made clear or not, but that's what's goin on. If you fix that, you'll fix the other issues, but that's a tough one to fix. You seem pretty trashy as well so it won't be easy. Best of luck.
Plot twist: Fapping with auto erotic asphyxiation and the puking is just a cover story?
domestic incident at home involving some violence Quote
11-27-2017 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by dealer1215
for the record i do post on 2p2 under a different account name (few posts). if this was against the rules i apologize and you can take this thread down if needed
Will give 20/1 on any of:
True North
Adam Schwartz
Field: 1/25*
*Must have posted in a 2p2 NHL thread in last 3 years
domestic incident at home involving some violence Quote
11-27-2017 , 01:30 PM
What happens when the mom gets cold feet and doesn't testify against him?
domestic incident at home involving some violence Quote
11-27-2017 , 02:44 PM
You are the one who needs to move out. She's never going to stop enabling the kid.
domestic incident at home involving some violence Quote
