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Dog Neutering Question Dog Neutering Question

05-23-2008 , 03:04 AM
I had my dog neutered the other day. As part of the post operation recovery stuff, I have to make sure he doesn't lick excessively at his stiches and keep an eye on the area for any signs of bleeding and infection. Sweet.

So, as the responsible pet owner that I am, today I closely inspected my dog's scrotum. They manscaped him bald down yonder, so it's painfully easy to see what's going on.

I'm confused, though, because it really looks like he's still got nuts in there. I mean, his scrotum is quite bulbous. When your dog gets neutered, do they pull the nuts right out or do they just snip some tubing like a vasectomy? Did they put fake nuts in there? Is it just somehow swollen or something and there's really only the illusion of testicles?

What do you think?
Dog Neutering Question Quote
05-23-2008 , 03:12 AM
wtf dogs spray semen on furniture? jesus h that's gross - i just dont want him knocking up random neighborhood dogs and creating unwanted puppies. plus it's supposed to like, reduce his aggressiveness and desire to roam.
Dog Neutering Question Quote
05-23-2008 , 03:14 AM
He's joking and using the same argument that people have against declawing cats. You should definitely spay and neuter your pets.

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05-23-2008 , 03:35 AM
were you masturbating when inspecting said dog scrotum? honest....
Dog Neutering Question Quote
05-23-2008 , 05:11 AM
my doctor said to make sure my cat didnt clean his wounds after i had him neutered...i tried to put the big cone shaped thing on my cat but he would but back up really fast when i got it on and basically wedge himself behind furniture and the cone would come off...i didnt wanna stay up all night and watch him...well, i woke up the next morning and his "man area" was completely clean/stitches were not bothered by his licking and his wound healed properly...just thought i would share...............
Dog Neutering Question Quote
05-23-2008 , 06:54 AM
the nutsack stays swollen for a bit but it will soon shrink. the testes are almost certainly gone.
Dog Neutering Question Quote
05-23-2008 , 08:16 AM
they completely remove the testicles, some swelling is to be expected, if it persists or if the scrotum grows larger than before and looks really bruised he may have developed a hematoma, which may or not be a problem.

Keep an eye on it, and if you feel like it, you could try ice packing it, although that's probably not neccesary.
Dog Neutering Question Quote
05-23-2008 , 09:04 AM
Its one of two things, possibly both.

First off, excess skin. It will tighten up in time.

What I think you are referring to is I think called a bulb. It/they basically look like testicals but are not. they seem to surface or come up/become visable (?) when the dog gets excited. Im not exactly sure what it is to be truthful, but it is normal and not his testicals
Dog Neutering Question Quote
05-23-2008 , 09:10 AM
i realize my answer is possibly confusing so i tried to do a quick search and found a site that offers fake testicles for neutered animals. they claim that over 100,000 pets have already received these lol

edit: i was beat to the punch
Dog Neutering Question Quote
05-23-2008 , 09:13 AM
The bulbus glandis (also called a knot) is an erectile tissue structure on the penis of canid mammals. During mating the tissues swell up and cause the dogs to stick together (tie) for some time after the ejaculation.

wait until you see it out. Will freak you out the first time
Dog Neutering Question Quote
05-23-2008 , 09:16 AM
that's prob. not what he's talking about
Dog Neutering Question Quote
05-23-2008 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by daryn
that's prob. not what he's talking about
no harm in warning him lol. Save a future thread
Dog Neutering Question Quote
05-23-2008 , 09:45 AM
yeah i've seen that thing, it's wild
Dog Neutering Question Quote
05-23-2008 , 02:04 PM
OP's housemate here -

I can honestly say I'm exceedingly glad to be going away for the weekend, as I'll be unable to witness this parade of excessive canine scrotum inspection.

That is all.

Last edited by amead; 05-23-2008 at 02:05 PM. Reason: Typo, doh. FWIW I vote excessive swelling that'll hopefully be gone soon.
Dog Neutering Question Quote
05-23-2008 , 02:38 PM
It may be serosanguineous fluid. If he is licking the surgical site, get him an e-collar.
Dog Neutering Question Quote
05-23-2008 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by claimsguy
It may be serosanguineous fluid. If he is licking the surgical site, get him an e-collar.
Yah I hope it's swelling or fluid or something.

All I know is that they supposedly removed his balls and his nutsack is now bigger than ever.
Dog Neutering Question Quote
05-23-2008 , 03:42 PM
Your vet may very well have the knowledge to answer your question.
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