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Does anyone else think doctors are full of ****? Does anyone else think doctors are full of ****?

12-03-2008 , 12:16 PM
I think you need to make a distinction between General practitioners/Personal Care Physicians and Specialists. If I was paying $800 for an annual physical I would be pissed off as well. Not sure why you are paying so much - for reference I pay $30 for this.

From recent experience working with Specialists they are not full of ****. Maybe I was lucky to get some of the best, but the ones I worked with were very talented and I probably wouldn't sitting here if they didn't exist.
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12-03-2008 , 12:22 PM
I thought everyone knew all this stuff already?

The reason why most people go to the doctor is because they are paranoid/drug addicts (or some combination)

Also most people are too stupid or incompetent to do all the self help things you describe.
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12-03-2008 , 12:31 PM
I agree with Hawk above...


If that's the case, they need to really alter the way the show is presented, because without mentioning the extra trials, it just seems so FOS. I get that you cant' show them, but at least mention it FFS.
Dids, wrt Mythbusters, a lot of times they don't need a lot of statistical proof. Their only goal is 'could this myth have occured?' Like, could the wind resistance from a giant truck have REALLY blown a car off the road? If they can get it to happen once in a controlled setting, then the myth is plausible (it could have happened).
Does anyone else think doctors are full of ****? Quote
12-03-2008 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by Kneel B4 Zod
wait so teeth cleaning is a scam?
I actually saw a study that said flossing might be of no use too. The researcher kinda slammed the ADA and dentists for using common-sense reasoning over rigorous analysis.
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12-03-2008 , 12:41 PM
On one hand, I'm with you completely. Remember my post last year, Rant: The Medical Profession, when I had diagnosed Iritis twice when specialists failed to do so?

On the other hand, Oma would certainly not be alive today if not for the care of many skilled professionals. (Coma - It's Not Like in the Movies.)

I always come back to the fact that you have to be proactive and inform yourself as well as possible. I've spent hours and hours reading up on medical issues we're dealing with, like brain injury.

I had surgery two weeks ago today. After reading web forums with others who had the same procedure, I thought recovery was going to be a bitch. But, I tried to do my research and find the best surgeon in the field. It's paid off in spades. I'm much better off than I anticipated at this point and will probably return to work three weeks sooner than expected.

I give my surgeon a ton of credit. Second opinions FTW.
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12-03-2008 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by kyleb
Now what the **** is this? Why can't you just Google this **** or go to WebMD to do the same thing? If you think you have a bacterial infection, order some Zithromax from an online pharmacy, take it according to generally prescribed guidelines for your height, weight, and age, and be done. If it doesn't get better, then go see the goddamned doctor and tell him you have AIDS.
Why don't you just do this then? Sounds like you are saying "I can basically do just as good a job as a doctor, but I keep going to doctors anyway, isn't this really stupid?"

I don't go to a doctor unless there's something really badly wrong. I do think that people shouldn't be allowed prescribe themselves whatever drugs they want, because people are just too stupid, so there is some need for a medical professional there. And not everyone wants to deliver their own baby, so they have the option of getting nurses and doctors to do it for them. But there are very few situations where you are "forced" to go to a doctor when you could fix it yourself.
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12-03-2008 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by DemonOfTheFall
I don't think it's fair to blame doctors though. It's a society-wide paranoia against allowing people to make decisions that filters through in every level of the public sector.
That's a fair assessment, and I agree. It's more of a reflection on our society in general rather than just doctors.

Originally Posted by Mason Hellmuth
I guess it's easy to hate doctors until they save your life. I have a very rare, possibly fatal condition that I never would have figured out by searching Google or looking at WebMD. The first doctor I talked to (who was very young and working in a university health center, not some fancy expensive practice) diagnosed it correctly almost instantly, and I had to do a few standard tests to confirm the diagnosis. Now I see an endocrinologist every six months to adjust my medicine doses, and I'm still alive and happy. Total cost was probably $500 for the initial diagnosis and confirmation tests, and $200 every six months for follow-ups. So I think doctors have been pretty +EV for me.

And we all know that a single anecdote is as good as data.

It's not AIDS.
How did you figure out you needed to go to the doctor?

Originally Posted by Duerig

I agree with a lot of what you've said. However, I think the important function of a doctor is NOT when you go in with a sprained knee or a head cold. It's when you go in with what you think is a headache and turns out to be a brain tumor, or when your appendix bursts.
Well, of course. Specialists are a different matter entirely, but not completely immune from being *******s with a superiority complex.

For example: I know more about the anatomy of the shoulder and elbow from a biomechanical standpoint than any doctor who hasn't studied it for the specific purpose of how ballistic activities affect those areas. This is not arrogance; I simply have read nearly all the relevant journal articles (and I do mean that - I have read over 50 published peer-review studies), advanced textbooks recommended for final-year med students specializing in kinesiology, had in-depth conversations with physicians and surgeons, etc, etc. For all intents and purposes, I am an expert when it comes to throwing a baseball and what it will do to your arm.

Now, if I watch high-speed video of a pitcher who complains of soreness after a certain subset of conditions given his nutrition and exercise background, I can't take him to a surgeon or specialist and tell him the most likely cause of his pain. They're going to tell me that I'm not qualified to make that judgment, when the reality is almost certainly going to be that they have no ****ing clue what causes baseball-related injuries (UCL replacement, SLAP tears, etc) - they just know how to fix them.

That type of superiority complex really gets my goat.

Originally Posted by Scary_Tiger
They are a tremendous resource who through looking at so many cases gain a wealth of experience that you don't really have access too.
Nope. I have subscriptions to multiple journals that discuss exercise physiology and kinesiology that covers all types of peer-reviewed literature and cases involving specific sets of injuries. Every major surgery and breakthrough in medical technology is available for the layperson with Internet access for a small fee. Hell, most doctors admit to not reading these journals simply because there's too many of them or they're too arrogant to do so. I actually do go through them and educate myself to what's happening in today's world.

Why the hell couldn't my doctor tell me what was wrong with my shoulder in college when I had pain? I saw a "specialist" who told me to stop throwing so many baseballs. Oh, well that's ****ing great, it's not like I'm a pitcher or anything, now is it? When I pressed him for answers on how joint loads and forces on my arm would specifically affect my connective tissue, he shrugged and said "It's commonly accepted that overuse is the main reason for these types of shoulder and elbow injuries."

Well **** you, that's not good enough, because anyone with a college education in biology will tell you that's a load of bull****. It turns out that he was telling the truth; doctors had no real idea how these injuries happened and no one really bothered to figure out why.

Now, I don't purport to know exactly why these injuries happen, but using high-speed film, accelerometers, and statistical analysis of pitchers, we can make some pretty good educated guesses. Nearly all of the advances in this area have come from laypeople like myself, yet another nail in the coffin of the elite few who spend four years slaving over textbooks and memorizing horse**** that may or may not be true.

e.g. Fatty decides to go on a diet and eat 800 calories a day of fritos and trail mix while cycling 2.5 hours a day. The doctor will correctly tell him that is not safe. He will then prescribe 2500 calories of 30/60/10 fat/carbs/protein and an hour of cycling a day. Now this is in all likelihood suboptimal. But it is way better than what the fatty thought up for himself. And that is the value of doctors.
The ****ing value of doctors is to prescribe someone a second-rate diet that has been disproven by amateur nutritionists? Well that's just great. Google and T-Nation could have told the fat **** how to eat and exercise for the cost of $0.

If a doctor is wishy-washy, and loads his statements with "I think" and "perhaps" as he really means, then people are less likely to follow through with his recommendations, even when that's the best course of action available to them.
Yeah, god forbid he tell the truth, or worse yet, actually educate himself!
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12-03-2008 , 12:51 PM
her name was Oma and she was in a coma?

This summer when my mom questioned my dad's primary care physician about not doing enough when my dad wasn't feeling well, the doctor told her "not to be such a worrier." He was dead within a month.
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12-03-2008 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
Watch a show like Mythbusters once you really grasp stats and things like that, and you'll realize what BS it is. I'm sure this is somewhat similar to what kyle's going through with the doctor.
I think hating on Mythbusters is the wrong way to go here. It captures the core principles of scientific inquiry better than anything else I can think of off the top of my head in popular entertainment. Does it constitute proof of anything? Of course not, but it's a great way of testing plausibility.

I do tend to think that there are some problems with doctors. (Digression: my own perspective is that med school seems like a ridiculous barrier to entry, and that we'd all probably be better off if we moved to something more explicitly like an apprentice system. Residency does some of this for you, but why not just make the apprenticeship 3 years longer or something? This isn't a fully fleshed out idea but I think there's something to it.) That said, part of the problem is that even if you do take a very scientific approach the human body is just a grotesquely complicated system. There are tons and tons of variables that somebody putting together a study is going to have relatively little control over, and the length of time that many studies are going to require is immense. In terms of diagnosis, there are obviously lots of tests and techniques that can give us further insight, but these are generally really expensive, and so trying to get away without using them except when necessary is a key part of economizing. Difficulties with the scientific approach doesn't mean that you should give up and refuse to question processes, but it does explain why there's so much frustrating vagueness.
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12-03-2008 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by RoundTower
Why don't you just do this then? Sounds like you are saying "I can basically do just as good a job as a doctor, but I keep going to doctors anyway, isn't this really stupid?"

I don't go to a doctor unless there's something really badly wrong. I do think that people shouldn't be allowed prescribe themselves whatever drugs they want, because people are just too stupid, so there is some need for a medical professional there. And not everyone wants to deliver their own baby, so they have the option of getting nurses and doctors to do it for them. But there are very few situations where you are "forced" to go to a doctor when you could fix it yourself.
Of course I do that, but the point is that it's illegal for me to prescribe myself medication. You say you're against this because people are stupid. Why? So what if people are stupid? Why is it your job to save them from being dumb?

There is nothing wrong with doctors and nurses being available, but for the law to tell me that I must go see these special people with licenses granted by the all mighty government to do simple **** like prescribe myself painkillers is ******ed.

No one who swallows 600mg of Oxycontin is unaware that it is bad for them. They aren't that dumb. As such, why police them?
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12-03-2008 , 12:55 PM
In terms of diagnosis, there are obviously lots of tests and techniques that can give us further insight, but these are generally really expensive, and so trying to get away without using them except when necessary is a key part of economizing. Difficulties with the scientific approach doesn't mean that you should give up and refuse to question processes, but it does explain why there's so much frustrating vagueness.
Sure, I agree. However, why does all the research have to be done by medical students and other people who are "elite" enough as chosen by the government, academia, or the medical profession itself?
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12-03-2008 , 12:58 PM
I think hating on Mythbusters is the wrong way to go here. It captures the core principles of scientific inquiry better than anything else I can think of off the top of my head in popular entertainment.
With the notable exception (at least with the few eps I watch, and I may have been high) of multiple trials.

I believe the ep I saw was one on drunk driving, which was amusing, and that was probably the intent, but didn't prove ****.

More than anything specific with Mythbusters- my overall point was that once you understand statistics and scientific method, you realize that there is a lot of FOS reasoning afoot in general.
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12-03-2008 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by Eyedea
her name was Oma and she was in a coma?
Oma is German for "grandma".
Does anyone else think doctors are full of ****? Quote
12-03-2008 , 01:00 PM
I think hating on Mythbusters is the wrong way to go here. It captures the core principles of scientific inquiry better than anything else I can think of off the top of my head in popular entertainment. Does it constitute proof of anything? Of course not, but it's a great way of testing plausibility.

If you ignore the failed-attempt-at-funny panels and focus on the 1st, 3rd, and 4th panels, you'll see a very good point.

People hate on Freaknomics sometimes because some of the stuff he says is questionable/more nuanced than the book goes into, but for Christ's sake, in 1989 more people believed in ESP than did in evolution.
Does anyone else think doctors are full of ****? Quote
12-03-2008 , 01:00 PM
meh self help is nice and all but the aforementioned headache that turns out to be a brain tumor is the argument against that.

especially if you hurt yourself in a way you never have before, you have a greater chance of misdiagnosing it than a doctor, webmd or no. with some things it's easy to know how ****ed up the situation is, with others it isn't. there's always the possibility that you have something similar, but much worse, that's gonna **** you up for good if you don't treat it correctly.

that said, and i've mentioned this before, i do believe esp. US doctors are too med-happy. financial kickbacks for doctors are a bad, bad thing imo. as in the people who allow that deserve to be assraped and shot in the stomach bad. the ads on tv for 'ask your doctor about x' are similarly torture-worthy. it's one thing to entice someone into buying a TV he doesn't need, but meds are prescription-only for a reason, and making people want them more than they should is criminal imo.

also a quick read over this post has convinced me why capitals are a good thing. my next post will be more legible i promise.
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12-03-2008 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by miajag
People are lazy and stupid. They either don't bother to read up on stuff for themselves, or they just trust a doctor more than something they read on the interweb (not saying that's unreasonable per se). Also doctors can prescribe sweet sweet drugs.

I mean, why do we have realtors, lawyers and financial planners? I do work for people every day that a monkey could do for himself if he spent an hour reading. There's a pretty big market for helping people who, for whatever reason, can't, won't, or don't help themselves.

Aside: When I was 16 or so, my family doctor, in the middle of a physical and without any prompting, started trying to convince me that creation makes more sense than evolution. Not to get into the whole debate or anything, but, like, how is it possible to go through medical school and still believe that?
I have had discussions with MD's that have strong math backgrounds that see no incompatibility with evolution and intelligent design. The point of incompatibility lies in the difference between literal creation and intelligent design.
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12-03-2008 , 01:01 PM
Sounds like someone needs a purge of the choleric humour.
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12-03-2008 , 01:03 PM
Yeah. I love Mythbusters - the people behind it are not idiots, and they have said routinely that they would love to do controlled trials and thousands of repeats, but guess what? That **** doesn't sell on TV.

The XKCD comic perfectly illustrates that if you hold your beliefs up to simple experiments to test the validity of your argument, you'll do plenty to educate yourself. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to accept that everything you know about a subject cannot be backed up with logic, which explains a lot.
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12-03-2008 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by Dale Dough
meh self help is nice and all but the aforementioned headache that turns out to be a brain tumor is the argument against that.
This argument is such BS. I have a terrible headache, so I take some Ibuprofen (1000mg of it because the industry standard of 200mg is ******ed), drink plenty of Gatorade, and sleep.

A few days later, I still have this absurd headache and it is not going away. Worse yet, it is affecting my vision. I go to the doctor, get a CT scan, and I have a tumor. ****balls!

It's not like I would sit around with a pounding headache for weeks on end and go "Ah **** it, it's probably nothing."

When the first response to basic problems is "OMG go to the doctor" (and yes, this includes broken bones), there's no wonder why we have a financial/medical crisis on our hands.
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12-03-2008 , 01:09 PM

If Thomas Gilovich's How We Know What Isn't So was required reading in high school


The Republican party, as currently constituted, would evaporate

To elaborate on Kyle's point, how many diseases are there that are
A) Very dangerous
B) Cause limited symptoms that are easily diagnosed as the serious problem
C) Curable if caught early, not curable if caught late

Like if I have a really painful headache, the idea that it's cancer is like 8 trillionth on the concern list, so I'm going to try a whole lot of other **** before getting an MRI. But the same is true if I go to a doctor, MRIs are very expensive.

I guess something like diabetes might qualify, the symptoms for undiagnosed/untreated type 2 diabetes are really vague. It's like fatigue, ennui, and/or necrosis of extremities. Thanks a lot, Wikipedia.

Last edited by FlyWf; 12-03-2008 at 01:15 PM.
Does anyone else think doctors are full of ****? Quote
12-03-2008 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by kyleb
Of course I do that, but the point is that it's illegal for me to prescribe myself medication. You say you're against this because people are stupid. Why? So what if people are stupid? Why is it your job to save them from being dumb?
People misusing antibiotics hurts everyone, not just them. Not that the system we have in place prevents that completely, obviously, but it's better than having Cipro available over-the-counter at Rite-Aid.
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12-03-2008 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by miajag
People misusing antibiotics hurts everyone, not just them. Not that the system we have in place prevents that completely, obviously, but it's better than having Cipro available over-the-counter at Rite-Aid.
That's an argument for restricting antibiotics, there's lots of drugs that aren't like this though.
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12-03-2008 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by miajag
People misusing antibiotics hurts everyone, not just them. Not that the system we have in place prevents that completely, obviously, but it's better than having Cipro available over-the-counter at Rite-Aid.
Yeah, this stopped doctors from overprescribing penicillin and amoxicillin in the 1970's through the 1990's. Oh wait, it didn't.
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12-03-2008 , 01:19 PM
a few weeks ago i starting getting horrible, sharp pains in the left side of my chest whenever i took a breath, i couldn't sleep because the pain was worse when i laid down so i starting looking around on the internet and came to the conclusion that i most likely had pleurisy (inflammation of the membrane surrounding the lungs) or a collapsed lung.

finally went into urgent care one night, doctor did some weird listening tests on my chest and i got an x-ray, the x-ray showed i had quite a bit of pleurae inflammation, he gave me painkillers, some anti-inflammatory stuff and now its pretty much gone. obviously i could have obtained some painkillers illegally, popped a bunch of ibuprofen and the outcome would have been the same but there was no way for me to positively identify what exactly was wrong with me. if it had been a collapsed lung and i did nothing i would have been ****ed.

i agree that there are some horrible physicians and quite a few problems with the whole medical system but people who believe they can diagnose all their problems using the internet, think doctors are worthless and only good for prescribing meds are ridiculous.
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12-03-2008 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by Eyedea

This summer when my mom questioned my dad's primary care physician about not doing enough when my dad wasn't feeling well, the doctor told her "not to be such a worrier." He was dead within a month.
Jesus Christ, that's horrible. That is just... wow.
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