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does 2p2 have an irc channel? does 2p2 have an irc channel?

11-06-2010 , 06:21 AM
wasn't sure where to post this question, this sub forum made the most sense i guess.
does 2p2 have an irc channel? Quote
11-06-2010 , 07:02 AM
Once upon a time, people would go on #smallstakes. I am not sure if anybody still uses IRC though.
does 2p2 have an irc channel? Quote
11-06-2010 , 09:39 AM
Hello 1997
does 2p2 have an irc channel? Quote
11-06-2010 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by Parallax
Hello 1997
You use a forum but consider irc old hat?
does 2p2 have an irc channel? Quote
11-06-2010 , 10:00 PM
IN73rn37 reL@Y cHa7 (iRc) i5 @ f0rm 0f R3aL-tIM3 In73rN37 7ext m3$$aGiNg (cH@7) or $YnChR0Nou$ CoNfer3NciNg. I7 I5 m@InLY D35igN3D f0r gR0Up C0MMUNiC@7I0N in di5cussi0N F0rum$, calLed ch@nn3L5, 8U7 @L5o @Ll0w5 0n3-70-0Ne c0mMUnica7I0n Vi@ pRiV@73 me$5@G3 @$ W3Ll @$ CH@7 @nD D@7@ 7Ran5f3r$ VIa Dir3ct CLI3n7-7o-cli3N7.
@s 0F M@y 2009, 7He 7oP 100 Irc n37w0Rk5 53RVeD more 7HaN Half a MILli0n U53R$ @7 @ 7Im3, wI7H huNdr3ds 0F 7H0u$@Nds oF ch@nN3l5 (th3 v@$7 m@J0Ri7Y 0f whICH $7aNd Mos7lY v@c@n7), 0PeR@7inG 0n @ 707@l 0f r0UgHlY 1,500 53rv3r5 w0RldWid3.
Irc W@$ cre@73d 8Y J@rKk0 0iK@RIneN in @UGUs7 1988 70 r3Pl@ce a progRam CaLl3D mu7 (MUltiu5er 7@lK) 0N @ 8b5 c@ll3d 0uLu80x in finl@nd. 0Ik@rIn3n f0und in5pIr@7i0N IN a CH@t $Y$73m kn0Wn @$ bI7n3t reL@y, whiCH 0P3R@73D 0N 7h3 8I7N37.
iRC W@5 U53d 70 reP0rt 0N 7H3 1991 $0Vi37 c0up d'é7@7 @773Mp7 7Hr0UgH0u7 @ M3dI@ bl@ck0u7. i7 W@$ pR3vI0U5LY u53d In a sIMIl@r f@5HI0n dUrINg 7He gulf War. L0G5 0F 7H3s3 @ND 07h3r 3V3N7$ @r3 K3P7 iN the i8i8li0 @rCHiV3.
IrC cli3nt $0f7w@R3 is @vaIL@8le f0R n3@RLy 3v3ry CoMPU73r 0p3Ra7ing sY$73M 7H@t suPP0r7$ tcp/iP n37w0rkinG.
does 2p2 have an irc channel? Quote
11-06-2010 , 10:03 PM
no irc iirc imo
does 2p2 have an irc channel? Quote
11-06-2010 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by mbiz
You use a forum but consider irc old hat?
Not many people understand that this is nothing more then a BBS
does 2p2 have an irc channel? Quote
