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Do you think drug use can be a net positive if used responsibly? ? Do you think drug use can be a net positive if used responsibly? ?

01-26-2015 , 10:51 AM
I'm currently on a lot of drugs. I take a fairly complex array of nootropics. They have definitely given me a major cognitive boost—especially Modafinil. I'm a little worried about the health risks however. The long term impact on health is not known for any of the drugs I take. I also wonder if I would be better off trying to maximize my health via diet and exercise instead of taking my cocktail of noots. I don't use recreational drugs anymore.

Christopher Hitchens was a heavy drinker and said that it helped him write. Tons of musicians and artists believe smoking weed aids them. Same with psychedelics. More and more people are experimenting with nootropics like me. But the old logic is "drugs are bad; going natural is the optimal way". Do you agree with this logic or do you think drugs can be a net positive if used responsibly?

Those of you who are very anti-drug, what scientific evidence have you run across that best supports your view? Pro drug guys, have you any scientific evidence that shows drug use is not as bad as the naturalist say?
Do you think drug use can be a net positive if used responsibly? ? Quote
01-26-2015 , 11:05 AM
Google "Cognitive Dissonance."
Do you think drug use can be a net positive if used responsibly? ? Quote
01-26-2015 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by DrChesspain
Google "Cognitive Dissonance."
What of it?
Do you think drug use can be a net positive if used responsibly? ? Quote
01-26-2015 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by jokerthief
"drugs are bad; going natural is the optimal way".
anyone who says this is scientifically illiterate and shouldnt be listened to about anything involving science
Do you think drug use can be a net positive if used responsibly? ? Quote
01-26-2015 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
anyone who says this is scientifically illiterate and shouldnt be listened to about anything involving science
Do you happen to have a link handy that expounds on this?
Do you think drug use can be a net positive if used responsibly? ? Quote
01-26-2015 , 01:01 PM
I've always believed in better living through chemistry.
Do you think drug use can be a net positive if used responsibly? ? Quote
01-26-2015 , 01:07 PM
I'm sure it varies by person, but I will say I feel much better without them. I used to use drugs very regularly especially in my younger years. I still smoke a little MJ every now and again, and while I do enjoy it while I'm under the influence I notice the after effects for days where I'm slow and sluggish and don't want to do much of anything. I've noticed it more and more with alcohol too. I have a genetic predisposition to being alcoholic so I truly have to be careful, and I have a pretty high tolerance. But when I tie one on, aside from standard dehydration and hangover symptoms, I have been finding feelings of guilt and low self esteem are almost overwhelming. Yesterday was a perfect example. I drank very heavily Saturday and really didn't want to do much of anything Sunday. I lounged on the couch all day, slumbering, feeling lightly depressed, just watching TV and eating chips until finally Colombiana got me out of the house. As soon as I hit the sunshine I immediately felt better, clearer and more energetic.

I believe that mental health and physical health are very closely tied together. When one suffers so does the other. Keep your body clean and your mind will respond very well. Keep feeding your body crap and your mind will suffer.
Do you think drug use can be a net positive if used responsibly? ? Quote
01-26-2015 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by jokerthief
Do you happen to have a link handy that expounds on this?
Do you think drug use can be a net positive if used responsibly? ? Quote
01-26-2015 , 01:14 PM
Everything in moderation. Every once in a blue moon. Depending on a drug is not the way to go.
Do you think drug use can be a net positive if used responsibly? ? Quote
01-26-2015 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by mackeleven
Everything in moderation. Every once in a blue moon. Depending on a drug is not the way to go.
Generally true and I think there are a lot of drug users (especially pot) who delude themselves quite a lot.

OTOH, every person is a special snowflake and there's no universal rule here. Some people may experience little to no adverse effects even with heavy use and some people may be legitimately self-medicating and the alternative of no drugs would be worse for them.
Do you think drug use can be a net positive if used responsibly? ? Quote
01-26-2015 , 01:25 PM
Wait, is this thread about recreational drugs or "nootropics"? Totally different subjects imo.
Do you think drug use can be a net positive if used responsibly? ? Quote
01-26-2015 , 01:26 PM
Depends on the drug, obv

I'm on Levothyroxin, multivitamins, krill oil, and weed. Bit different than what Amy Winehouse was on, I'd imagine.

Am interested in Modafinil.
Do you think drug use can be a net positive if used responsibly? ? Quote
01-26-2015 , 01:29 PM
I've got a prescription for Ritalin. I don't think it makes me any smarter, but it sure helps me focus on stuff I don't want to do - like documentation, or cleaning out my closet. While I'm not nuts about being dependent on anything - I think in the long run it's better that I get more done. Life is short.

However if I was 18 instead of 45 I'd probably advise me to just nut up and learn to self-motivate better.
Do you think drug use can be a net positive if used responsibly? ? Quote
01-26-2015 , 02:08 PM
I wonder if the people using nootropics or whatever wouldn't just benefit a hell of a lot more by employing better studying strategies, more sleep, etc.

Also, multi-vitamins are a scam.
Do you think drug use can be a net positive if used responsibly? ? Quote
01-26-2015 , 02:10 PM
nootropics, isn't that the stuff Joe Rogan has been peddling? enjoy the placebo effect i guess.

of course drugs can be a net positive. alcohol and party drugs generally make going out infinitely more fun than sober.
Do you think drug use can be a net positive if used responsibly? ? Quote
01-26-2015 , 02:13 PM
Joe Rogan believes that bigfoot is possible and thought mountain lions were extinct in California. Super smart guy otherwise but not where you want to get your science from.
Do you think drug use can be a net positive if used responsibly? ? Quote
01-26-2015 , 02:24 PM
This kind of story comes up once in a while and Mountain Lions are very elusive.
Do you think drug use can be a net positive if used responsibly? ? Quote
01-26-2015 , 02:30 PM
Mushrooms and acid have been known to change lives in a positive manner. Although not necessarily long term use.
Do you think drug use can be a net positive if used responsibly? ? Quote
01-26-2015 , 02:30 PM
He was probably mixing up mountain lions with grizzly bears. He was also mixing up Yellowstone and Yosemite in the same breath. Dude is not a naturalist.
Do you think drug use can be a net positive if used responsibly? ? Quote
01-26-2015 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by loK2thabrain
Mushrooms and acid have been known to change lives in a positive manner. Although not necessarily long term use.

I've tried just about every kind of drug and I can say almost for certain hallucinogenics changed me for the better. Or at least made me see the world in different ways.

But stay off the stimulants kids. Never ends well.
Do you think drug use can be a net positive if used responsibly? ? Quote
01-26-2015 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by FeralCreature
I wonder if the people using nootropics or whatever wouldn't just benefit a hell of a lot more by employing better studying strategies, more sleep, etc.
Many people do both in order to get even better results.
Do you think drug use can be a net positive if used responsibly? ? Quote
01-26-2015 , 02:43 PM
Btw OP, what else besides modafinil are you using?

I do use modafinil once in a while. If you don't get sides I think it's fine as long as you use it to achieve something of big importance rather than getting a better grade or w/e.
Do you think drug use can be a net positive if used responsibly? ? Quote
01-26-2015 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I've tried just about every kind of drug and I can say almost for certain hallucinogenics changed me for the better. Or at least made me see the world in different ways.
Definitely agree with this. Worth doing every once in a while to get a different perspective on things.

XTC is a nice drug that everyone should try once.

Weed I'm really not a fan of, but it might not have the same on effect on me as it does with others. But generally long term heavy weed smokers are not fun people as much as they like to think they have great insights and are super creative. I'll still occasionally smoke when it's around, but usually kind of regret it the next day.

Cocaine is just a ridiculous waste of money.
Do you think drug use can be a net positive if used responsibly? ? Quote
01-26-2015 , 02:50 PM
I'm glad a took LSD a few times and XTC a couple times. I think they help you fully realize the true nature of things, even if that nature is completely nihilistic and things like love, religious feelings and even the feeling of being right are just chemical reactions and not profound truths. Especially LSD can show you how really disconnected you are from reality and just experiencing internally generated perceptions.
Do you think drug use can be a net positive if used responsibly? ? Quote
