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Do you love this s***? Are you high af right now? Do you love this s***? Are you high af right now?

12-18-2019 , 06:31 AM
Robert Englund and Sean Connery
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12-18-2019 , 08:02 AM
Daniel Craig and Stuart Little.
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12-18-2019 , 08:13 AM
I don't think 007 would blame PTSD for being a raging dickhead to El Sapo on the internet.
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12-18-2019 , 09:43 AM
It now being a few days later, El Sapo, what's your take on your experience?
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12-18-2019 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Tuma
I don't think 007 would blame PTSD for being a raging dickhead to El Sapo on the internet.
I actually do, because it’s not a post I would have made unprovoked before I had PTSD.

Edit: oh I thought you meant 007 was me because I’m super suave as my portrait photo gallery glamour shot scrapbook I posted on here proves. Bond is kinda a poofter dressing in those monkey suits, drinking martinis, acting all hoyty-toy speaking in that pretentious accent, and relying on gadgets imo 007 isn’t nearly as legit as me. Do you love this s***? Are you high af right now?

Here’s a video of me wrecking three guys bare-handed in a fight:


Last edited by johankarlss1; 12-18-2019 at 01:55 PM.
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12-18-2019 , 02:40 PM

This really needs to move to the containment thread. This thread is about drugs, not johan.

How about your very own containment thread? Would that be better? I'll even move all your 'baggage' in here over to there.
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12-18-2019 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit

This really needs to move to the containment thread. This thread is about drugs, not johan.

How about your very own containment thread? Would that be better? I'll even move all your 'baggage' in here over to there.


Ok I promise I will stop posting here and looking at this thread for 2 weeks then in 2 weeks time I will respond to any posts addressing me and if I have anything I wish to share about “drugs” or more specifically cannabis.

Your posts attacking me aren’t about drugs at all, whereas the ones I trolled and defended myself in were, one meanly and mockingly suggesting LSD wasn’t the drug for ElSapo and the others “showing and telling” how much I smoke and how it helps medicate my PTSD and like Popeye and spinach, imbues me with super-human trolling abilities.

If this really needs to stop I suggest you and everyone else STOP REPLYING TO ME. It’s like returning to a restaurant you keep getting food poisoning at and complaining to the staff every time. I actually wouldn’t mind a “Matthew Allen / crashwhips / JohanKarlss1 Trolling Containment Thread” but I think it’s unnecessary at this juncture and would probably be a bit annoying for you to do.

Also, I’m going to say I win this troll war by default because I’ve posted a bunch of selfies I look good in and I challenged any of you to do the same and not a single person has.

Happy holidays and happy trails, stay lifted, tell all the bad guys “No No No” so Santa comes with all his Ho Ho Hos,

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12-18-2019 , 04:20 PM
Hey Johan. As much as I dislike Yale (real men attend Princeton and MIT,) I really sympathize with your discomfort and hope you get better.
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12-18-2019 , 04:39 PM

If you have anything else to add, I would add it now.
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12-18-2019 , 04:49 PM
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12-18-2019 , 06:23 PM
Sorry for your troubles and pain Johan, I hope you find some positive outlets to express yourself and maybe a irl friend or a little therapy to help provide balance. Take it easy man
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12-18-2019 , 09:31 PM
I feel like I spend 10% of my life getting these bastards down. Lotta effort!
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12-18-2019 , 11:28 PM
I'll take Johan up on his challenge!
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12-19-2019 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit

If you have anything else to add, I would add it now.

I don’t particularly, but since I broke my promise to not look at this thread I guess I’ll respond to the few posts being kind to me.
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12-19-2019 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by Tuma
Hey Johan. As much as I dislike Yale (real men attend Princeton and MIT,) I really sympathize with your discomfort and hope you get better.

Lol, it’s a very long story and I doubt you care to hear it, but though I live in New Haven where Yale is, I don’t attend the college and hate it and their students and faculty with a passion, and I bought and wear the t-shirt around downtown NH to troll them.

Thanks for the well-wishes.
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12-19-2019 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by Bighurt52235
I'll take Johan up on his challenge!

Respectable / legit Do you love this s***? Are you high af right now?
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12-19-2019 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by Natamus
Sorry for your troubles and pain Johan, I hope you find some positive outlets to express yourself and maybe a irl friend or a little therapy to help provide balance. Take it easy man

Thanks, peace Do you love this s***? Are you high af right now?
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12-19-2019 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by whatthejish

Do you love this s***? Are you high af right now?Do you love this s***? Are you high af right now?Do you love this s***? Are you high af right now?

More like #TrollMoron or #TrollPariah I’m feeling like this afternoon. I decided to deactivate all my social media and stop goofing around trolling and doing nothing of real purpose every day and start focusing on lawsuits and legal issues today, fwiw
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12-19-2019 , 04:32 PM
Who are you gonna sue?
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12-20-2019 , 12:20 AM
Tired of eating gummies we're gonna give this RSO a shot. Unfortunately there aren't measurement lines on it, so having to eyeball. Was aiming for a quarter, roughly 200mgs. Might have overshot though, and gonna be in for a hell of a ride!
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12-20-2019 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by ec_outlaw
I've never used a vaporizer like that. Just a vape pen, and the small handheld ones like a Pax.
I also did not use a vaporizer, I need to try it somehow.
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12-20-2019 , 02:29 PM
Nice recall from early thread!

Tomorrow it will be two years since 9999 got high and sort of wandered off never to be heard from since Do you love this s***? Are you high af right now? and he left just shy of making 9999 post.

I hope he’s doing well, wherever he may be.

Foatie is another great poster on an extended 2+2 hiatus but at least he’s still lurking it seems like.
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12-20-2019 , 03:40 PM
Yeah I was wondering about Foatie. Hope he's high and eating burgers somewhere.
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12-21-2019 , 12:23 AM
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12-21-2019 , 01:17 AM
We called him Foatie...

...But his name was Robert Paulson...
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