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Do you believe in UFOs? Do you believe in UFOs?

10-28-2008 , 11:29 AM
Indeed some of these questions are difficult to answer because so much time has passed. Strange paintings and carvings - maybe aliens or maybe just some creative artists at the time. Humans did have imaginations and creativity back then as well.

The pyramids are impressive and show that a lot of time, an immense cheap labor source (slaves were not unionized), and some visionary planning can lead to impressive results . Times are different now, can you imagine any proposal that would take a generation or more to build happening?
I don't know if you can dismiss the cave paintings in France and Australia because the artist was being creative. It's not like they were into impressionist interpretation back then; they were mostly only drawing things like bison, people, trees, and in some instances.... aliens and UFOS.

I was way more into this type of topic when I was a teenager, but I don't think we have fully explained how the pyramids were constructed. I understand the whole slave labor population that helped things along, but it's the complication involved in the building of the thing in the first place. If one takes a closer look at the complexity of the pyramids, it will blow your mind.
Do you believe in UFOs? Quote
10-28-2008 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by Taso
my god, this **** pised me off soo much in tehe elction with kuccinich. UNIDETNFYIED FLYING OBJETS NOT A BIG DEAL AND THEY'RE NOT ****ING NECEARLY ALIENS.
Hold on. Aren't you the one that believes the earth is flat?

Please tell me that was a level all along.
Do you believe in UFOs? Quote
10-28-2008 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by Fast Food Knight
Hold on. Aren't you the one that believes the earth is flat?

Please tell me that was a level all along.
Asking if it was a level, must be a level?
Do you believe in UFOs? Quote
10-28-2008 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Tumaterminator
Do I believe that life has assembled itself to travel light years to visit us, only to hover around in the sky at nighttime? No.
So by saying this you have full knowledge of not only all the dimensions in the universe but apparently have a full understand of the exact age of the entire universe, I assume you also know the size of the universe and what fills the space, and the parallel's of time throughout the universe...........just trying to point out how ignorant this sentence is.
Do you believe in UFOs? Quote
10-28-2008 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by mephisto
I don't know if you can dismiss the cave paintings in France and Australia because the artist was being creative. It's not like they were into impressionist interpretation back then; they were mostly only drawing things like bison, people, trees, and in some instances.... aliens and UFOS.
If people with imaginative minds can come up with the idea of aliens today, people thousands of years ago also could.
Do you believe in UFOs? Quote
10-28-2008 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by MYSPACETOM
Asking if it was a level, must be a level?
You be the judge
Do you believe in UFOs? Quote
10-28-2008 , 01:33 PM
N = N* fp ne fl fi fc fL

I believe in the improbability of us being the only living beings in the Universe. As for UFOs, I've never seen one and I find it kind of unlikely. My theory, that I came up with one night after having smoked way too much and then watched Star Wars, is that things like that are really going on in the Universe, those in charge have just decided that as a planet we are just way too ******ed to be let in on the secret of interstellar travel and whatnot.
Do you believe in UFOs? Quote
10-28-2008 , 02:27 PM
Monteroy exactly would you consider verifiable evidence of the existence of UFOs? It seems like every piece of current data (eye-witnesses, videos, photos, governmental reports, etc.) is easily cast aside, by you, as not being sufficient.

Would you need to actually interview an alien? Would you just assume it was someone in a suit? What if they flew you to their home planet? Would you just assume it was all an elaborate set?
Do you believe in UFOs? Quote
10-28-2008 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by Mordan
So by saying this you have full knowledge of not only all the dimensions in the universe but apparently have a full understand of the exact age of the entire universe, I assume you also know the size of the universe and what fills the space, and the parallel's of time throughout the universe...........just trying to point out how ignorant this sentence is.
Ok. What exactly is your point? and why is having an opinion based on assumptions/lack of major pieces of information/a little bit of logic, ignorant?
Do you believe in UFOs? Quote
10-28-2008 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Sandwich Artist
Monteroy exactly would you consider verifiable evidence of the existence of UFOs? It seems like every piece of current data (eye-witnesses, videos, photos, governmental reports, etc.) is easily cast aside, by you, as not being sufficient.

Would you need to actually interview an alien? Would you just assume it was someone in a suit? What if they flew you to their home planet? Would you just assume it was all an elaborate set?

DNA tests that can be verified as to being completely alien would be an example. An autopsy of an alien that is on film that cannot be verified in terms of where and how it was made does not count.

If they find ice on Mars and in that ice are examples of very primitive forms of life frozen in time that would count, and would easily be the leading story of all networks even with that life being long dead and primitive. A guy saying aliens put him on a slab of ice to experiment does not count.

An alien message from space that can be verified as coming from space (use the movie Contact as a guide) would count. Grainy videos of tiny lights in the sky do not.

I appreciate your attempting to use massive exaggeration (ie: do I need to be flown to a planet by aliens), but proof can be had in many ways. Thus far all the proof has been speculation, wild theories, and unverifiable second hand testimonies.

Look at the whole area of people who believe that mind over matter exists or that they can see the future or predict events. Do I need them to predict all the lottery numbers to prove it? No, simply predicting the order of a randomly shuffled deck in a controlled environment will suffice. No one has passed this simple test yet many believe people have the ability, that is a common trait in the human condition with UFOs being an offshoot of the same principle.
Do you believe in UFOs? Quote
10-28-2008 , 04:34 PM
i want to believe cuz its pretty sweet to have weird alien dudes flying around around watching us.
Do you believe in UFOs? Quote
10-28-2008 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by plano
level? The second example is widely known to be a hoax.
No the final conclusion of the 1997 mexico city flap was unexplainable, and it was tested every way to sunday.
Do you believe in UFOs? Quote
10-28-2008 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
The difference is there exists TONS of evidence of aliens visiting earth, and ive yet to see anyone gather any evidence on "invisible termites secretly control the world via telepathy through left handed people as they eat super sized value meals". Now you might not find any of the evidence of visitation convincing, but that doesn't change the fact there is mountains of it.
True, but mostly because there is little inclination to start creating that evidence. Now that you've challenged us, I will get to work. Exhibit A:

I saw some of these invisible termites in my backyard yesterday.

Thats pretty crappy evidence but it is certainly evidence.
Do you believe in UFOs? Quote
10-28-2008 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
ahhh that explains it then, you actually have no idea of what evidence is out there. Carry on then
Why pretend to be agnostic when you are just going to dismiss everyone who disagrees with you as uneducated?

The evidence is very terrible and very flimsy, and worse yet, extremely predictable and explainable with a 5-minute sociology primer.
Do you believe in UFOs? Quote
10-28-2008 , 06:51 PM
Also, to the people who say "The universe is so big so its likely that there is life out there," can you explain why this is a logical statement? Seems completely irrational to me. Can I replace "life" with literally any concept imaginable and still have it be true?

Last edited by vhawk01; 10-28-2008 at 06:52 PM. Reason: disclaimer: there may very well be life elsewhere I just dont think its a rational belief that there is/likely is
Do you believe in UFOs? Quote
10-28-2008 , 06:56 PM
aliens of would be foolish to believe otherwise. UFO'

unless they found a way to travel at thousands of times lightspeed, which i assume wouldnt be all taht difficult if you found a way to travel faster than light in the first place, they wouldnt come here to fly around for a few minutes and leave.

They would own our ****.
Do you believe in UFOs? Quote
10-28-2008 , 07:03 PM
My idiot roommate believes in both UFOs and "the truth about 9/11." I figure both are just projections of his own desires.

UFOs: The moral and political order of our world is not only arbitrary but merely a stage on the way to a higher, more advanced, more rational order. Which, of course, the aliens possess and are trying to teach us. Through Dennis Kucinich.

9/11 Conspiracy: There is no other. There are no evil forces who wish to destroy us just for being other than them. Thus all evil is within.

I think beliefs like these are just projections and thus it is more interesting in productive to explore the motives for these beliefs than to entertain the crazies on all their "facts" and "evidence."
Do you believe in UFOs? Quote
10-28-2008 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by AthenianStranger
My idiot roommate believes in both UFOs and "the truth about 9/11." I figure both are just projections of his own desires.

UFOs: The moral and political order of our world is not only arbitrary but merely a stage on the way to a higher, more advanced, more rational order. Which, of course, the aliens possess and are trying to teach us. Through Dennis Kucinich.

9/11 Conspiracy: There is no other. There are no evil forces who wish to destroy us just for being other than them. Thus all evil is within.

I think beliefs like these are just projections and thus it is more interesting in productive to explore the motives for these beliefs than to entertain the crazies on all their "facts" and "evidence."
very profound but you ruin it with your accusations of 'idiot' and 'crazies'
Do you believe in UFOs? Quote
10-28-2008 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by vhawk01
True, but mostly because there is little inclination to start creating that evidence. Now that you've challenged us, I will get to work. Exhibit A:

I saw some of these invisible termites in my backyard yesterday.

Thats pretty crappy evidence but it is certainly evidence.
I can verify that he saw those invisible termites, so we have corroboration as well. All we need now is a youtube video with some really bad 90s style music.
Do you believe in UFOs? Quote
10-28-2008 , 10:25 PM
I saw invisible termites too.
Do you believe in UFOs? Quote
10-28-2008 , 11:19 PM
This thread is one big sigh, let's just agree to disagree and move on and lock this thread.
Do you believe in UFOs? Quote
10-29-2008 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by mephisto
This thread is one big sigh, let's just agree to disagree and move on and lock this thread.
Thread was doomed from the title. Do I believe in UFOs? Do you believe in undiagnosed medical conditions? Do you believe in undiscovered species?

Obviously being facetious, as I know he means 'do I believe in alien spacecraft?' Using 'belief' in the question is so horrible. Something in the scientific realm doesn't require 'belief'.

Carry on...
Do you believe in UFOs? Quote
10-30-2008 , 06:31 AM
I just read the "How intelligent are you" thread, where everyone is going on about how smart they are and how OOT is the smartest forum on the internet... and then I read this thread...

Do you believe in UFOs? Quote
10-30-2008 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by mephisto
This thread is one big sigh, let's just agree to disagree and move on and lock this thread.
actually this thread has been one of the best discussions in OOT ive ever seen. except for the occasional name calling its been civil and informative, a pleasant change of pace.
Do you believe in UFOs? Quote
10-30-2008 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by 108
Thread was doomed from the title. Do I believe in UFOs? Do you believe in undiagnosed medical conditions? Do you believe in undiscovered species?

Obviously being facetious, as I know he means 'do I believe in alien spacecraft?' Using 'belief' in the question is so horrible. Something in the scientific realm doesn't require 'belief'.

Carry on...
your just too sharp to sneak one by. next time ill name it "do you have scientific fact supporting the existance of extraterrestrial existance" so as not to offend such an educated individual as yourself. ya that title should spark a lot of interesting discussion.
Do you believe in UFOs? Quote
