This is a pretty big thing people seem to like talking about except for you guys. Do you think the climate is changing? Is it human caused or just natural variations in earths weather patterns? Liberal hysteria to gain government control? Whatever you think I'd love to know and also since there is a good deal of info on the subject what is your opinion based upon.
back in the 70s they were worried about global cooling, recently it has been global warming, and now very recently they changed the goal posts yet again to "climate change". I voted for natural causes btw.
"Believe" sounds either like 100% sure, or just deciding to take it on faith. Doesn't leave room for:
I didn't research and don't understand the details myself, but I think the vast majority of the people who are in the best position to say think the evidence indicates mankind is significantly affecting the global climate.
I propose we rename it 'climate restoration' - we're just restoring the CO2 to the level that it was before all those annoying trees locked it up and buried it deep in the Earth's crust.
I think I'm gonna start a campaign to free the CO2.