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Do people outside US really watch the Superbowl? Do people outside US really watch the Superbowl?

02-06-2012 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by Pasdasuga
I thought Madonna killed this year.
Never really enjoyed her music and didn't think she did anything to change my impression of her. Watching a lip-synched performance of mediocre (imo) songs with clunky choreography just didn't do it for me. Moreover the regulations here require broadcasters to use the Canadian feed of shows that are shown concurrently on US and Canadian channels and thus I was treated to repeated showings of a hair replacement ad during the commercial breaks...Then again I do watch the SB for the game.
Do people outside US really watch the Superbowl? Quote
02-06-2012 , 11:07 AM
Successfully boycotted the NFL again this year. I hope you people supporting it realize it that it is a big part of why we no longer have a major pool of online poker sites to play on here in the U.S.

You're scabs, corporate scabs, for supporting them and their evil ways.
Do people outside US really watch the Superbowl? Quote
02-06-2012 , 11:12 AM
In France:
Population: 65 Millions
Superbowl ratings: ~200 to 300k
World cup Soccer finale ratings: ~20 Millions
World Cup Rugby finale ratings: ~10 to 15 Millions

Last edited by Real Fix; 02-06-2012 at 11:19 AM.
Do people outside US really watch the Superbowl? Quote
02-06-2012 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by einbert
Successfully boycotted the NFL again this year. I hope you people supporting it realize it that it is a big part of why we no longer have a major pool of online poker sites to play on here in the U.S.

You're scabs, corporate scabs, for supporting them and their evil ways.
says the guy with an alabama avatar, which has spent more time on probation than off it over the past decade
Do people outside US really watch the Superbowl? Quote
02-06-2012 , 11:26 AM
the game starts at midnight euro time, assuming people go to work on monday a couple million people is actually higher than I would expect. If it started midnight here I wouldnt even watch
Do people outside US really watch the Superbowl? Quote
02-06-2012 , 11:39 AM
If they wanted a higher international audience, then move the game to Saturday, and start it before 6pm. Football is a day sport, not a night one.
Do people outside US really watch the Superbowl? Quote
02-06-2012 , 11:42 AM
I'm from Holland and don't watch the Superbowl. It sounds typically American: too much advertising, too much show and not enough substance. Sorry.. I do appreciate american football tho.

And no one I know is even remotely interested in it.. we know what it is, but just like someone said, we have our own weird tv events, you can keep yours.

Of course IF I was American, I would def watch it, but that's how it goes!

Last edited by yasmin; 02-06-2012 at 11:48 AM.
Do people outside US really watch the Superbowl? Quote
02-06-2012 , 11:52 AM
I'm in Scotland and went to our Students' Union to watch the game. Was really surprised with the amount of people there watching it - was the most packed I had ever seen it.
Do people outside US really watch the Superbowl? Quote
02-06-2012 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by Pasdasuga
The impression we get over here in the States is that American football is catching on a bit,.
really? My impression is the opposite. That the NFL wants desperately to have it catch on it the European market (the game in london every year, even occasional talks about a london team) but that they want nothing to do with it.

which im grateful for. The last thing I want to see is a bunch of European pussies start playing football and finding a way to ruin it with their soccer bread flopping skills, like they have the NBA.

Tho I guess that wouldnt happen, as it would only be the tough euros who would play it if it somehow actually did catch on, like the guys who play rugby or hockey, the lady boys would stick to the sports where you can act like you get hit waaaay more than you actually do get hit.
Do people outside US really watch the Superbowl? Quote
02-06-2012 , 12:48 PM
I'm from Denmark and have been watching NFL / the Super Bowl since 2005. I don't remember knowing of anyone else watching the regular season back in high school (we did gather for the Super Bowl though), but it seems that at least 50 % of college males watch it.
Do people outside US really watch the Superbowl? Quote
02-06-2012 , 12:57 PM
Not very many.

A frequently misquoted figure from NFL press releases has led to the common perception that the Super Bowl has an annual global audience of around one billion people.[12][13] In reality, the NFL states one billion as the game's potential worldwide audience, or the number of people able to watch the game.[14] The New York-based media research firm Initiative measured the global audience for the 2005 Super Bowl at 93 million people, with 98 percent of that figure being viewers in North America, which meant roughly 2 million people outside North America watched the Super Bowl.[12]
Do people outside US really watch the Superbowl? Quote
02-06-2012 , 12:59 PM
I'm from Canada and I watched it. I don't ever watch football but I always watch the Super Bowl. I like Super Bowl parties. Lots of drinking, gambling and great food.
Do people outside US really watch the Superbowl? Quote
02-06-2012 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
which im grateful for. The last thing I want to see is a bunch of European pussies start playing football and finding a way to ruin it with their soccer bread flopping skills, like they have the NBA.
i mean im all for bashing soccer, but nfl players seem to beg for penalties just as much if not more often
Do people outside US really watch the Superbowl? Quote
02-06-2012 , 01:37 PM
Not from the US but was going to watch the Superbowl. But it would just have been boring as hell after watching United make the comeback of the season earlier in the day. Have a few friends who watch a lot of US football though, but the fact that it's shown in the middle of the night and hardly anyone plays or knows the rules of the sport I don't think many people watch it.
Do people outside US really watch the Superbowl? Quote
02-06-2012 , 01:39 PM
too subtle i guess? damn
Do people outside US really watch the Superbowl? Quote
02-06-2012 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by Melvinvanhorn
The game has changed from a simple football championship into an entertainment phenomenon. You have people watching it for the advertisements, for the halftime show, and for the football. I'm not a huge football fan, and I still watch it, although its mostly cause my friends do, and its a good excuse to hang out.

Also, Madonna looks pretty for being 54.

I don't think people in other countries are watching it for the advertisements. I would assume in other languages especially they are showing their own ads.
Do people outside US really watch the Superbowl? Quote
02-06-2012 , 01:59 PM
I was in Peru on vacation and visiting GF's family during SB 2006 (Indy/Chicago). Her Dad and other relatives are generally sports fans: Soccer and NBA mostly and maybe some tennis I guess. Nobody there watched the Super Bowl nor even were aware that it was on that evening.

But many of them will certainly catch an eyeful or two of the NBA Finals which is a way more popular sport internationally than I think many of us Americans truly realize. In other words, most guys who have some interest in sports will know who Kobe Bryant and Lebron James are. They will have no idea who Brett Favre or Peyton or Eli Manning are.

When I visited England in 1990 I was surprised at the number of Brits who had some familiarity with the NFL. Knew John Elway, Chicago's team called the Bears, etc. They do get 90k for the NFL game in London each year after all. So over there they have at least some understanding anyway.
Do people outside US really watch the Superbowl? Quote
02-06-2012 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
i mean im all for bashing soccer, but nfl players seem to beg for penalties just as much if not more often
Not by flopping on the ground like they were shot. And then running back onto the field happy as can be a few minutes later.

Is this going to turn into a lolsoccer thread? Because that's always fun.
Do people outside US really watch the Superbowl? Quote
02-06-2012 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
I don't think people in other countries are watching it for the advertisements. I would assume in other languages especially they are showing their own ads.
The CRTC ( Canadian regulator) changed the rules for the feeds a few years back. American channels broadcasting to Canada get local ads, even from the sat feed. The point is moot anyway, youtube has them sometimes before the game starts.
Do people outside US really watch the Superbowl? Quote
02-06-2012 , 02:14 PM
I knew that the game happens this week only because of one random YT video, I still have no clue when exactly was the game
no clue what teams are playing
positive that <5% of my friends know that superbowl is this week
prob <50% of my friends know wtf is super bowl
couldnt care less about handegg
Do people outside US really watch the Superbowl? Quote
02-06-2012 , 02:26 PM
The commercials felt like the same amount as a normal NFL game this year it felt to me. There are always a ton of commercials. When I watch football with chicks I get a window into what watching the NFL as a non-american must be like. There are a lot of rules...kinda like when I tried to watch a cricket match once and didn't understand a god damn thing.
Do people outside US really watch the Superbowl? Quote
02-06-2012 , 02:34 PM
Women really do not like how the final two minutes of a game doesn't actually take two minutes
Do people outside US really watch the Superbowl? Quote
02-06-2012 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by cash773
People that dont watch the game are the people that dont know how the game is played. Other wise, 1/4 tvs would be tuned to football
Plenty of people watch the game without fully understanding the rules. In fact I'd say the majority of people outside the US who watch it probably don't fully understand the rules. The percentage of viewers who understood wtf happened on the first scoring play (the safety) must have been less than 5%.

Originally Posted by Bedreviter
The Super Bowl started 12:30at night, and ended about 4AM Scandinavian time, so that makes it hard for the event to get siginficant viewership. I took today off from work so I could watch it, but naturally most people won't do that. This last week there have been several articles about the Super Bowl in Norwegian newspapers, and it was also mentioned during sports/news broadcasts a few times.

I would say Norwegians interest in the NFL has picked up some over the last few years, but it is still very marginal. Except for the Super Bowl the games air on a TV-station that has limited distribution, and there is little awareness about the sport.
This is probably the deciding factor in determining if people watch the game or not. Late on a Sunday is complete AIDS for all time zones outside the americas. From Europe you're staying up until ~4am with work the next morning. From Asia it's similarly terrible. Get up at 6am for the start of the game and you probably have to be at work by the time it finishes.
Do people outside US really watch the Superbowl? Quote
02-06-2012 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
i mean im all for bashing soccer, but nfl players seem to beg for penalties just as much if not more often
sure they beg for penalties, but they do it while running back to the huddle with no game action going on, not falling to the ground clutching their shin and rolling around screaming with a look of anguish on their face when they weren't even touched while play goes on around them. Soccer is completely unwatchable entirely because of this, because it happens a dozen times a game (Everytime some huge soccer fan tells me this isnt true and its just cuz of "reason X involving world cup" and convinces me to give it another chance, the next time I watch its the exact same thing). If they at least played like men I wouldnt hate the game, I still likely wouldnt watch it, but I wouldnt mock it as a sport.
Do people outside US really watch the Superbowl? Quote
02-06-2012 , 03:09 PM
I watched it for the first time to see if I could get into it. Enjoyed the game except for the stop start bollox. I chose NYG as my favoured victor as New York is cool and has cool gangsters like Al Pacino and Bobby de Niro, so it worked out well for me. I enjoyed seeing Brady 'sacked on the 13' and the NY guy falling backwards into the 'N ZONE' (what does N mean?) for a touchdown but I couldn't work out why that was a 'bad tactic' (?).

I feel it's just an overcomplicated game of rugby but still enjoyed it nevertheless.
Do people outside US really watch the Superbowl? Quote
