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*Dexter* 11/18 *Dexter* 11/18

11-20-2007 , 02:05 AM
This was the greatest episode of anything I have ever seen.
*Dexter* 11/18 Quote
11-20-2007 , 03:44 PM
I think the writers are setting it up for Doakes to be framed because he joked to Laguerta that he could be a butcher like his father.
wow cant believe i didnt catch this.

but yeah this season just took a turn for the awesome
*Dexter* 11/18 Quote
11-20-2007 , 04:49 PM
I think the writers are setting it up for Doakes to be framed because he joked to Laguerta that he could be a butcher like his father.

I remember him saying this and thinking wtf, theres no reason to say that unless it was foreshadowing or setting something up.
*Dexter* 11/18 Quote
11-20-2007 , 10:01 PM

Yes, the previews are almost always reverse tells. The vast majority are full of crap.
Yea. He most definitely wasnt in cuffs. Also the captain saying we need answers and the latex gloves= dexter not caught. They just need a blood expert. Although looks like a lot might go down next week.
My prediction is Doakes gets caught with the blood samples while trying to take them to that guy for testing and Dexter is called in to analyze them.
*Dexter* 11/18 Quote
11-20-2007 , 10:25 PM
My prediction is Doakes gets caught with the blood samples while trying to take them to that guy for testing and Dexter is called in to analyze them.
sounds about right.
*Dexter* 11/18 Quote
11-21-2007 , 12:07 AM
Doakes isn't taking those blood samples to the police. How will he explain he got them? He's already the paranoid guy who hates the normal, geeky Dexter. Now he's going to bring in blood samples of all the victims, and claim that he acquired them in an illegal break-in at Dexter's apartment?

He'll likely use them to try and gain some sort of leverage on Dexter, but Dexter will turn it around to frame him as the BHB.
*Dexter* 11/18 Quote
11-21-2007 , 12:13 AM
Doakes isn't taking those blood samples to the police. How will he explain he got them? He's already the paranoid guy who hates the normal, geeky Dexter. Now he's going to bring in blood samples of all the victims, and claim that he acquired them in an illegal break-in at Dexter's apartment?

He'll likely use them to try and gain some sort of leverage on Dexter, but Dexter will turn it around to frame him as the BHB.
If the season ends by Dexter framing Doakes, I will lose a lot of respect for the show.
*Dexter* 11/18 Quote
11-21-2007 , 12:18 AM
It seems like the most obvious answer. I hope it isn't, because it's so obvious. I'm 95% sure that they aren't going to catch Dexter as the BHB, and it's not like the investigation will just stop without an arrest. I'm struggling with another possible ending, but hopefully they come up with another (plausible) one.

Also wanted to add, I really liked what Keith Carradine was bringing to the show as Lundy, but he's getting worse with each passing show. I think Jennifer Carpenter must be a bad acting vortex, because she's sucking him in. The kitchen scene was painfully bad.
*Dexter* 11/18 Quote
11-21-2007 , 12:28 AM

-dex can't kill doakes, b/c it would violate's harry's code
-doakes has to send in the slides anonymously
-dexter has to analyze the slides to verify the BHB victims' blood
-there will be a confrontation between doakes and dexter, since doakes now knows Dexter is the BHB (perhaps at one of dexters' killings)
-lundy has no idea that it's dexter. we will know if he starts to suspect dexter by if/when lundy starts distancing himself from deb


-doakes will sort of side with dexter (they are both killers) once he understand dex is the BHB and not just some nutty psychopath. they really aren't that different. doakes just can't deal with "not knowing" what Dexter is, but once he finds out we may be surprised at his reaction. if you recall season 1, doakes shot the haitian under the bridge and planted a gun on him
-OR doakes will still hate dex, realize that all the evidence points to doakes, and that he has no choice but to disappear or fake his death, and haunt dexter throughout season 3 (dex becomes the hunted)
-obviously either doakes or dexter has to take the fall for the BHB, and season 3 has been announced so clearly it isn't dexter... so, doakes will go into hiding and possibly take the heat for the BHB, but not get arrested.
-lila's death must be an open/shut case of justifiable homicide (rita will kill lila in total self defense) because the blood trail would be too obvious if she wound up randomly dead/missing by dexter's hands... the whole dept knows they are dating.
-dex and ITK share the same mother, dex and deb share the same father (the affair with the witness, etc)


-deb figures out who dex is, and has to make a choice between family and work - like dex made in season 1 when he killed his brother. she will choose to help dex by setting up doakes.


-lila goes down as the BHB (this would paralell the first season's ending, i.e. a morgan dating a serial killer)

future episode names:

Episode 10: There's something about Harry.
-perhaps Doakes finally gets to the root of Dexter's past through his research and he drops a dramabomb on Dex, like that Harry was evil and let Dex's mom die on purpose

Episode 11: Left Turn ahead
-perhaps Doakes gets framed?

Episode 12: British Invasion
-Lila obviously dies

edit: Harry can't be Dex's dad, but he may have THOUGHT he was Dex's dad because he definitely made a deliberate choice between Dex and Brian at the crime scene - why, we don't know.
*Dexter* 11/18 Quote
11-21-2007 , 01:27 AM

-dex can't kill doakes, b/c it would violate's harry's code
-doakes has to send in the slides anonymously
-dexter has to analyze the slides to verify the BHB victims' blood
-there will be a confrontation between doakes and dexter, since doakes now knows Dexter is the BHB (perhaps at one of dexters' killings)
-lundy has no idea that it's dexter. we will know if he starts to suspect dexter by if/when lundy starts distancing himself from deb


-doakes will sort of side with dexter (they are both killers) once he understand dex is the BHB and not just some nutty psychopath. they really aren't that different. doakes just can't deal with "not knowing" what Dexter is, but once he finds out we may be surprised at his reaction. if you recall season 1, doakes shot the haitian under the bridge and planted a gun on him
-OR doakes will still hate dex, realize that all the evidence points to doakes, and that he has no choice but to disappear or fake his death, and haunt dexter throughout season 3 (dex becomes the hunted)
-obviously either doakes or dexter has to take the fall for the BHB, and season 3 has been announced so clearly it isn't dexter... so, doakes will go into hiding and possibly take the heat for the BHB, but not get arrested.
-lila's death must be an open/shut case of justifiable homicide (rita will kill lila in total self defense) because the blood trail would be too obvious if she wound up randomly dead/missing by dexter's hands... the whole dept knows they are dating.
-dex and ITK share the same mother, dex and deb share the same father (the affair with the witness, etc)


-deb figures out who dex is, and has to make a choice between family and work - like dex made in season 1 when he killed his brother. she will choose to help dex by setting up doakes.


-lila goes down as the BHB (this would paralell the first season's ending, i.e. a morgan dating a serial killer)

future episode names:

Episode 10: There's something about Harry.
-perhaps Doakes finally gets to the root of Dexter's past through his research and he drops a dramabomb on Dex, like that Harry was evil and let Dex's mom die on purpose

Episode 11: Left Turn ahead
-perhaps Doakes gets framed?

Episode 12: British Invasion
-Lila obviously dies

edit: Harry can't be Dex's dad, but he may have THOUGHT he was Dex's dad because he definitely made a deliberate choice between Dex and Brian at the crime scene - why, we don't know.

Wow, great post thanks.

As far as Doakes violating Harry's code, while he is technically not a "bad guy," he has killed multiple people in cold blood (obv not counting special forces [censored]) while on duty.
*Dexter* 11/18 Quote
11-21-2007 , 02:38 AM
Other possible revelations:

-"British Invasion" refers to Lila being pregnant, aka Dexter can't kill her, aka welcome to season 3.

-Lila kills Rita (!!), permanently scarring Cody/Aster -- setting them up to become just like Dexter, after some guidance of course.
*Dexter* 11/18 Quote
11-21-2007 , 03:07 AM
As far as Doakes violating Harry's code, while he is technically not a "bad guy," he has killed multiple people in cold blood (obv not counting special forces [censored]) while on duty.
I seem to recall dexter mentioned that Harry's code allowed killing for self preservation, but I could be mistaken.

On another note does anybody remember Dexter checking a car out of the police dept?
*Dexter* 11/18 Quote
11-21-2007 , 03:33 AM
On another note does anybody remember Dexter checking a car out of the police dept?
he killed before the show. He wasnt a first time killer in episode 1.
*Dexter* 11/18 Quote
11-21-2007 , 04:33 AM
On another note does anybody remember Dexter checking a car out of the police dept?
he killed before the show. He wasnt a first time killer in episode 1.
But you would think if it was it was a big break in the case they would have included it in earlier episodes.
*Dexter* 11/18 Quote
11-21-2007 , 04:35 AM
But you would think if it was it was a big break in the case they would have included it in earlier episodes.
its a big break but at the same time they dont keep records so it doesnt directly lead to anyone.

Everytime I watch the preview it makes me so pumped for the episode. I cant wait for dexter to see the box and be asked to analyze them.
*Dexter* 11/18 Quote
11-21-2007 , 05:42 AM

Good post. However this: "lundy has no idea that it's dexter. we will know if he starts to suspect dexter by if/when lundy starts distancing himself from deb" is wrong IMO. I'm going to rewatch the ep later, but it seemed to me that Lundy is using Deb to some degree.

After seeing Dex's previous move (the manifesto) backfire horribly, I suspect that Lundy will figure that Doakes being so obviously suspicious while Dexter tries to be seemingly helpful makes the latter look more guilty.

One possibility is that he will attempt to use Deb to get more info on Dexter somehow, and Deb will have to make a call between the two (obv choosing Dexter). Not sure if this means Lundy dies or what, this is obviously a long shot anyway.

Another possibility is that, to make the Doakes/Dex team seem more realistic, Doakes somehow gets suspected of the murders but Dexter clears him in some fashion.

Not sure how Lila is going to play into things, but the Lila/Rita saga is clearly not over.

This show rules.
*Dexter* 11/18 Quote
11-21-2007 , 01:25 PM

Lundy stated that it's okay to kill to protect innocent lives. This makes killing Lila (and possibly Doakes) fair game.


Having Lundy "use" Deb to get closer to Dexter/further his investigation seems like too much of a retread of season 1. I hope it's not the case.
*Dexter* 11/18 Quote
11-21-2007 , 01:59 PM
the thing that makes it so hard to know what is going to happen is that this is a relatively moral sort of show, which is necessary because the subject matter is so dark.

so it's really hard for them to have dexter kill lundy or even frame doakes, because that would cast him in too bad a light.

but on the other hand they can't exactly put dexter away and end the show when it's just getting popular.
*Dexter* 11/18 Quote
11-21-2007 , 02:45 PM

-dex can't kill doakes, b/c it would violate's harry's code

At this point I don't think it's a given that Dex won't violate Harry's code.
*Dexter* 11/18 Quote
11-21-2007 , 03:08 PM

-dex can't kill doakes, b/c it would violate's harry's code

At this point I don't think it's a given that Dex won't violate Harry's code.
The ONLY way Dex can violate Harry's code is if Doakes convinces Dex that Harry was an evil lunatic who killed Dex's mom to prevent his wife from learning about their affair, thus invalidating the code.

Self defense doesn't violate the code though, but I'm 95% sure Doakes isn't going to try to kill Dexter.
*Dexter* 11/18 Quote
11-21-2007 , 03:10 PM

Good post. However this: "lundy has no idea that it's dexter. we will know if he starts to suspect dexter by if/when lundy starts distancing himself from deb" is wrong IMO. I'm going to rewatch the ep later, but it seemed to me that Lundy is using Deb to some degree.

After seeing Dex's previous move (the manifesto) backfire horribly, I suspect that Lundy will figure that Doakes being so obviously suspicious while Dexter tries to be seemingly helpful makes the latter look more guilty.

One possibility is that he will attempt to use Deb to get more info on Dexter somehow, and Deb will have to make a call between the two (obv choosing Dexter). Not sure if this means Lundy dies or what, this is obviously a long shot anyway.

Another possibility is that, to make the Doakes/Dex team seem more realistic, Doakes somehow gets suspected of the murders but Dexter clears him in some fashion.

Not sure how Lila is going to play into things, but the Lila/Rita saga is clearly not over.

This show rules.
I think if anything, Lundy will suspect Dex of being forced by Doakes (the BHB) to cover for him. I really don't think he'd use Deb though, he likes her too much.
*Dexter* 11/18 Quote
11-21-2007 , 03:20 PM
come on, you guys can't see the scene where deb finds out he is using her and confronts him, telling him horrible he is for doing this when he knew what had happened to her before?

he of course responds that he is so sorry, that he really truly cares for her/loves her and he wasn't trying to use her, but when the opportunity came up he couldn't let his feelings for her interfere with the investigation of a serial killer
*Dexter* 11/18 Quote
11-21-2007 , 04:49 PM
some trivia - the actor who plays Lundy is the brother of the guy from Kung Fu (David Carradine), both the son of actor/poet John Carradine, who apparently my father met a few decades ago?
*Dexter* 11/18 Quote
11-21-2007 , 04:54 PM
I think lila is going into a black widow type role, who knows where the doakes/lundy direction is going though, its going to be fun finding out anyway
*Dexter* 11/18 Quote
11-21-2007 , 05:58 PM

-dex can't kill doakes, b/c it would violate's harry's code

At this point I don't think it's a given that Dex won't violate Harry's code.
The ONLY way Dex can violate Harry's code is if Doakes convinces Dex that Harry was an evil lunatic who killed Dex's mom to prevent his wife from learning about their affair, thus invalidating the code.
He's been questioning Harry and his code for like the last four episodes or so.
*Dexter* 11/18 Quote
