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Destination Hotels and Resorts compromised my Credit Card info. My Play? Destination Hotels and Resorts compromised my Credit Card info. My Play?

08-31-2010 , 08:46 PM
Yes, writing a letter is a lot of work to do when a free resort stay might be the result. It's not like he's threatening to ruin them, but some compensation seems reasonable. CC theft is scary **** because it can lead to identity theft, which is a nightmare.
Destination Hotels and Resorts compromised my Credit Card info. My Play? Quote
08-31-2010 , 08:57 PM
Ugh. Let me guess, you're one of those people that regularly writes complaint letters to restaurants, hotels, airlines, etc... just to get free stuff. Scum of the earth.
Destination Hotels and Resorts compromised my Credit Card info. My Play? Quote
08-31-2010 , 09:07 PM
Let me guess you don't have the foggiest idea what customer service is all about.

Lol scum of the earth, no hyperbole there. Yeah I never put the pen down.

Having your CC stolen is scary, the prospect of identity theft is terrifying. It's not about free stuff it's about them making things right.
Destination Hotels and Resorts compromised my Credit Card info. My Play? Quote
08-31-2010 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by Walter White
the fact that it was a 5 star resort doesn't make it any less likely.
You're right, it makes it more likely. Less people target the motel that rents by the hour.

WW is just a really bitter troll, ignore him.
Destination Hotels and Resorts compromised my Credit Card info. My Play? Quote
08-31-2010 , 09:27 PM
Earlier this year I used my Amex to put down deposits on two Hawaii properties. A few weeks later I noticed three Redbox charges for 1.06 in charges and I called Amex. They told me someone had tried to charge 12k at the Limited and got declined. They cancelled my card, took off the 3.18 in charges, and sent me a new card. 10 minutes of hassle because some guy in Hawaii stole my info. My CC # has been stolen 5 time in the last 10 years and I'm not out one dime because of it. Some idiot in Vegas used my card to pay their electric bill DOH!

If you weren't out anything you don't deserve to get anything. If someone prevents you from making a light while driving, do they owe you because you lost 3 minutes of time waiting for the next green?
Destination Hotels and Resorts compromised my Credit Card info. My Play? Quote
08-31-2010 , 09:27 PM
Credit card info gets compromised and numbers have to change, it's unavoidable, I try and set up as many bills for EFT because I got tired of jumping through that hoop.
Destination Hotels and Resorts compromised my Credit Card info. My Play? Quote
08-31-2010 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by RunDownHouse
You're right, it makes it more likely. Less people target the motel that rents by the hour.

WW is just a really bitter troll, ignore him.
Wow, that scum of the earth comment really struck a nerve, huh? Since I can't remember one other post you've ever made, I'm guessing you came out of the shadows because that post hit a little to close to home. Sorry that your a stingy, coupon clipping, letter writing scumbag, better luck in your next life.
Destination Hotels and Resorts compromised my Credit Card info. My Play? Quote
08-31-2010 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
Credit card info gets compromised and numbers have to change, it's unavoidable, I try and set up as many bills for EFT because I got tired of jumping through that hoop.
Thats what I always used to do, and then I realized it's actually pretty significant value I am missing out on by not billing if to the credit card and just setting my credit card to pay in full by EFT each month. Sucks for this particular situation though of course.

To those who don't think I should be asking for anything, you are entitled to your opinion. It's fine and while I can kind of see where you are coming from, perhaps I just feel differentley because it happened to me. Ultimatley this is a pain in the ass, and they are not going to give me anything they dont think is reasonable. I have had to stress a bit and spend annoying time b/c of this, and I'm not going to get emotionally wrapped up in feeling entitled to anything. But if I can get something for time and hassle, I am going to feel good about it and hopefully remember something positive from this expierience. I wouldn't feel bad accepting it, and you can't get anything if you don't ask so I guess there's where I stand on it.
Destination Hotels and Resorts compromised my Credit Card info. My Play? Quote
08-31-2010 , 11:00 PM
Bottom line is the hotel hired some bad apples and should have screened better. It just makes good business sense if they can make you happy for $100 or a couple night stay or something. Not just in terms of your repeat business but if it can keep you from writing a scathing review on Trip Advisor.
Destination Hotels and Resorts compromised my Credit Card info. My Play? Quote
09-01-2010 , 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by El Diablo
What damages did you suffer from this that you feel is deserving of compensation?
Originally Posted by ggbman
Pretty much just hassle and stress of dealing with this...why not make a compelling case to get something back for the hassle and stress?
2p2 doesn't allow people to make posts begging for money from its members, so I don't understand why people think it is acceptable to make threads begging for money from corporations (ie, groups of people).

If they gave you some token gift as a way of saying 'sorry' it'd be nice, but if you didn't lose any money as a result of their mistakes, then it seems a bit rich to seek compensation. The purpose of 'compensation' is to compensate people for what they lost. If you just want some sort of marketing goodwill credit, then that should be what you're asking for.
Destination Hotels and Resorts compromised my Credit Card info. My Play? Quote
09-01-2010 , 11:09 AM
It's kind of an ongoing theme that a large chunk of 2p2ers have never worked in any kind of customer-facing service industry. I have and in my experience when you screw up you make it right, which generally means doing something above and beyond simply refunding the exact dollar amount on any lost money.

It's not about doing the bare minimum of what you're obligate to do. It's about doing whatever you can, within reason, to show the customer you care about their business and are sorry for your screw up. You build your reputation on keeping people happy, even moreso at some nice resort. You have to protect that reputation at all costs because it can wreck your business in a heartbeat if you don't.

IE - Oh there's a band-aid in your soup, well guess what? We're not going to charge you for that soup. Woo hoo.

Last edited by suzzer99; 09-01-2010 at 11:21 AM.
Destination Hotels and Resorts compromised my Credit Card info. My Play? Quote
09-01-2010 , 11:50 AM
Whether or not the OP lost money is irrelevant, we've already gone through that aspect.

Now, there's the inconvenience caused to the OP by the lack of security in the Hotel's systems (There's plenty of confirmation of that out on the web btw).

Making all those phone calls, taking the time to go change everywhere that credit card is registered, all takes time. Time is money.

As others have pointed out, this is also a 'customer service' type scenario. There's a 'minimum' set of things they have to do (by law) to notify their customers of the issue. On top of that they can do a little more (for the folks that complain enough). They should be considering that as either an 'investment' or a 'cost avoidance' line item.
Destination Hotels and Resorts compromised my Credit Card info. My Play? Quote
09-01-2010 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by Josem
2p2 doesn't allow people to make posts begging for money from its members, so I don't understand why people think it is acceptable to make threads begging for money from corporations (ie, groups of people).
I'll preface this by saying that I should be probably be more thick skinned if I am going to start a thread like this, but interpretations like this really annoy me. Not becuase you don't agree with my position, but because you throw out the term begging so loosley as if this was a situation where I am asking for something out of the blue and haven't been wronged at all.

For example (and this hasn't happened to me personally, but it has to be people I know) if you are in a nice resteraunt and your order gets completley butchered, often you'll get a free desert of maybe you'll get an item for free as a comp. Except instead of going to a resteraunt, i spent much more money going to a resort. And instead of waiting 20 minutes for a new meal, I had my credit card information stolen and was a victim of credit card fraud. And instead of it being done and over at the end of the night, this is a situation I will have to continue to monitor going forward to make sure it's just my credit card and not my identity that is compromised. You guys do realize this could be an ongoing thing that I have to monitor for 1-2 years right? So yah, it's easy for everyone to say it's not a big deal to fix it, but I feel wronged. It's stressful, frustrating, and the last type of thing I want to worry about on an ongoing basis.

I am not begging, and I am trying not to feel entitled so I won't get emotionally wrapped in this. But damn, people really seem so quick to get on the moral high ground without actually considering that I would rather this whole thing never happened in the first place. Thinking that I am not entitled to anything and implying that I am "begging for money from a group of people" are seperate things IMO. Pretty much anyone who has ever met me knows I am the furthest thing from a beggar. I understand that identities/credit cards get stolen all the time, but usually people don't know how they got stolen. I happen to know it got stolen because a merchant didn't take the steps neccesary to protect it. If I can get them to compensate me for time and stress, I am going to do it and feel good about.
Destination Hotels and Resorts compromised my Credit Card info. My Play? Quote
09-01-2010 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
It's kind of an ongoing theme that a large chunk of 2p2ers have never worked in any kind of customer-facing service industry. I have and in my experience when you screw up you make it right, which generally means doing something above and beyond simply refunding the exact dollar amount on any lost money.

It's not about doing the bare minimum of what you're obligate to do. It's about doing whatever you can, within reason, to show the customer you care about their business and are sorry for your screw up. You build your reputation on keeping people happy, even moreso at some nice resort. You have to protect that reputation at all costs because it can wreck your business in a heartbeat if you don't.

IE - Oh there's a band-aid in your soup, well guess what? We're not going to charge you for that soup. Woo hoo.
I didn't see this post before my last reply, but I am glad you used the resteraunt analogy too. Just because they didn't want to have their security breached doesn't mean they still don't have a responsibility to protect my information. They are keeping all the money from people who paid $300-$500/night or whatever the range is during this time where they compromised the credit cards and possibly identities were stolen from their customers. Money wasn't stole from them, it was stolen from their customers whose information they have to protect. They get to keep all the money paid to them even though they screwed up, why shouldn't there be some kind of some compensation? I feel people are desensitized to credit card/identity theft because it happens so often nowaways but that doesn't mean it's not a big deal. If you accept credit cards as a form of payment, you are responsible for protecting people's information IMO.
Destination Hotels and Resorts compromised my Credit Card info. My Play? Quote
09-01-2010 , 04:37 PM
Don't expect money, but I think you'll probably be able to get 1-2 nights of stay out of them (marginal cost for adding another guest to an empty room is almost nothing) if you write a decent letter to corporate about the problem. If you needed your card and were unable to use it because you were waiting for a new one, bring that up. Also obviously bring up future monitoring you'll have to do to make sure you are safe.

Say something about how you enjoyed the stay at the resort and the service and accommodations lived up to their name, but the identity theft left a sour taste in your mouth that leaves you unable to recommend any of their properties to your friends, family or coworkers.
Destination Hotels and Resorts compromised my Credit Card info. My Play? Quote
