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Dentist Office - Nitrous? Dentist Office - Nitrous?

03-19-2010 , 10:30 PM
I recently had a root canal and then a crown. For both procedures I was offered free nitrous. I, of course, accepted the nitrous and got awesomely FUBAR while my dentist went to town on my mouth.

Is there any earthly reason why someone would decline the nitrous?
Dentist Office - Nitrous? Quote
03-19-2010 , 11:11 PM
Nitrous oxide is used to calm patients who are or possibly could be afraid of getting shots of local anesthesia. Frankly, I like to be aware of what's going on whenever possible and the shots never hurt me, so I just get the anesthesia without NO2.
Dentist Office - Nitrous? Quote
03-19-2010 , 11:18 PM
i got this a couple years ago when i had some cavities drilled, it was great, should be standard in all dentist offices imo.

i had to get a tooth pulled in some bum-ass NYC clinic last week and they did not give me nitrous or adequate local anesthesia, just some 19 year old cuban chick digging in my face with a pair of pliers. which sounds like it belongs in that bdsm thread.
Dentist Office - Nitrous? Quote
03-19-2010 , 11:58 PM
I had it when I got my wisdom teeth removed. I got high.
Dentist Office - Nitrous? Quote
03-20-2010 , 12:02 AM
I got it when they pulled a broken tooth out and then months later when they screwed the titatium rod into my jaw for the fake tooth. I only got it for the shot part because the doc said the tube makes it more difficult for him to work which means I'm in the chair longer.
Dentist Office - Nitrous? Quote
03-20-2010 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by AquaSwing
I got it when they pulled a broken tooth out and then months later when they screwed the titatium rod into my jaw for the fake tooth. I only got it for the shot part because the doc said the tube makes it more difficult for him to work which means I'm in the chair longer.
where was the tooth that got cracked? i cracked a molar and got it pulled but wasn't sure if i should be bothering with putting a fake in there since you can't see it.
Dentist Office - Nitrous? Quote
03-20-2010 , 12:09 AM
there's really no reason to decline it if it's offered unless you just prefer to be aware, but there is really no reason to get it in the first place. a root canal and crown should not cause you any pain. if you get a tooth pulled and feel pain, they're doing it wrong, tell them. you should just feel pressure.

there are dental places that will give you nitrous for everything, i think they have a name they go by but forget it, sedation dentistry maybe, and they charge you more for it ldo.
Dentist Office - Nitrous? Quote
03-20-2010 , 12:31 AM
i told this chick that she was hurting the **** out of me and she basically called me a pussy.

to be fair she did give me like four shots in the gums so i dunno

i don't know what they charge for N02 but i would love to have that **** even for a regular cleaning. who the **** would want to be awake for the dentist.
Dentist Office - Nitrous? Quote
03-20-2010 , 12:32 AM
I can't stand nitrous at the dentist. I tried it once and had a very bad paranoia experience. I already don't like going to the dentist, and the nitrous just made it that much worse. It was awful.
Dentist Office - Nitrous? Quote
03-20-2010 , 12:49 AM
My position is simple: Take advantage of every opportunity to get high legally and for free/no extra charge.
Dentist Office - Nitrous? Quote
03-20-2010 , 01:16 AM
I've had cavities drilled before where 6 shots did not numb the tooth. Thank goodness for nitrous. It's wonderful.
Dentist Office - Nitrous? Quote
03-20-2010 , 01:37 AM
Had a couple teeth out under anaesthetic when i was 16 to free up room for a brace. One of them broke when trying to get it out, so there was a nice few crunch noises coming from my jaw as the dude tried to lever what was left of my tooth out of my jaw.

Never had nitrous, never will, stuff like that you gotta experience in your life imo.

But yeah, nitrous is more dangerous and means you cant do stuff right after like drive. My dentist doesnt even like using it, there are way more complications and its a chew on for them to work around you (because you exhale this gas the dentist working on you will get high too if they dont ventilate the place properly. Short of doing some really long work just take the needle and be a man about it when they do anything simple like take out a tooth or drill a cavity or whatever else.
Dentist Office - Nitrous? Quote
03-20-2010 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by wahoo3
there's really no reason to decline it if it's offered unless you just prefer to be aware, but there is really no reason to get it in the first place. a root canal and crown should not cause you any pain. if you get a tooth pulled and feel pain, they're doing it wrong, tell them. you should just feel pressure.

there are dental places that will give you nitrous for everything, i think they have a name they go by but forget it, sedation dentistry maybe, and they charge you more for it ldo.
This man knows something about dentistry! If you feel pain at any time from when they administer the anesthesia to when you get out of the chair, find a new dentist.
Dentist Office - Nitrous? Quote
03-20-2010 , 03:57 AM
I'm 26 and I have had nitrous everytime except the last time.....because ummm I had a cleaning and they like were like zomg need a filling and I ****in like forgot about the whole nitrous ****. Was so ****in nervous.......and then BAM.....didn't feel a thing with just the shot and I saved $35 for once in my life.
Dentist Office - Nitrous? Quote
03-20-2010 , 05:59 AM
Hmmm seems like there was a bunch of root canals going on at some of the high school parties I went to.
Dentist Office - Nitrous? Quote
03-20-2010 , 06:27 AM
Originally Posted by PayTheSnucka
Is there any earthly reason why someone would decline the nitrous?
B12 deficiency, can make it dangerous,
Dentist Office - Nitrous? Quote
03-20-2010 , 11:18 AM
My dentist calls its practice "Oral Sedation" but the NO2 doesen't put me out - just makes me high as **** while stuff is happening in my mouth. They have been advertising free nitrous around the local area so all the nitrous I've had there has been free.

No issues driving whatsoever. I just wondered if there were issues with having a continuous hookup for the 45 minutes. My guess is that a dentist would give you heroin if they were allowed to and it helped them do their job better.
Dentist Office - Nitrous? Quote
03-20-2010 , 12:06 PM
I'm going to get a third molar extraction done soon, and i have both impacted teeth on my lower jaw, and i need my upper jaw done. They included general anesthesia in the mix. They said that they wanted me completely sedated while the procedure went fourth. Is this right for them? it's gonna cost me almost 800 bucks that I have to pay upforth and I'm wondering if this is going to be a good way, or can I not go wrong with getting nitrous gas pumped into me? I heard a million success stories with just regular sedation, and I'm curious to know which is better to choose.

P.S, they have to cut into the jawbone to get my bottom wisdom teeth done.
Dentist Office - Nitrous? Quote
03-20-2010 , 12:13 PM
Listening to a CD is excellent on NO2. I suggest something dramatic like Steve Vai. My dentist also has Phantom of the Opera and some classical music that trips me out when I'm in lala land.
Dentist Office - Nitrous? Quote
03-20-2010 , 12:16 PM
I had a buddy in high school that broke into a dentist office to steal a can of N02. But before taking it out of the office he decided to take a hit first. He fell and smashed his head into something and layed there and bled all night.

he got arrested the next morning.
Dentist Office - Nitrous? Quote
03-20-2010 , 12:22 PM
Nitrous makes me really sick to my stomach.

Anyways, while you don't "need" it the gas does wonders to calm anxious dental patients.
Dentist Office - Nitrous? Quote
03-20-2010 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by ham on rye
i told this chick that she was hurting the **** out of me and she basically called me a pussy.

to be fair she did give me like four shots in the gums so i dunno

i don't know what they charge for N02 but i would love to have that **** even for a regular cleaning. who the **** would want to be awake for the dentist.
When I was a kid the dentist gave me a shot and must have hit a nerve cause on whole side of my face felt like it was on fire. I had plenty of other shots in the mouth before and I knew this one wasn't hurt like a SOB. Anyways next visit I told the dentist that I didn't want the shot so he didn't give it to me. Having a tooth drilled without any novacaine hurts but certainly not the worst pain I have ever experienced.
Dentist Office - Nitrous? Quote
03-20-2010 , 12:30 PM
this wasn't a drilling it was an extraction.
Dentist Office - Nitrous? Quote
03-20-2010 , 02:26 PM
I got nitrous once when I was little because I needed Novocain and was freaked out by the thought of getting an injection in my gums. I started seeing kaleidoscope vision and time started moving really slow, and it freaked me out a little bit. I couldn't talk.

Nurse reaches into my mouth and I think she's giving me the shot and I feel the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. Then I see her lift up the needle and realize that the pain I'm feeling is just the pain from her pulling my lip up to make way for the shot. Then I feel the new worst pain I've ever felt in my life.

Cliffs: Some people freak out on NO2.
Dentist Office - Nitrous? Quote
03-20-2010 , 02:32 PM
I always get the nitrous. It's a good buzz, only good thing about going to the dentist. I only wish my dentist didn't play Phil Collins songs nonstop.
Dentist Office - Nitrous? Quote
