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The Deep Web The Deep Web

06-27-2011 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by Kronen
No doubt there's .onion sites out there too catering for the demand for freedom of news / discussion because of the extra security it would provide. If you lived somewhere like China for example and hated the government you might be pretty paranoid about where you discuss it online. I'm hypothesing now though as I can't say I've researched it too 'deeply'
So Tor can access any part of the web "normal sites" and .onion (whatever that is) though I suspect thats why there was large onion on one of the "homepages" I was at...also something about Vidalia...whatever, too complicated for me. Any other ."vegetable / fruit" sites out there...just a joke...please don't tell
The Deep Web Quote
06-27-2011 , 05:44 PM
cool little blog entry about it...

Hope it doesn't come to like the author states... "One day it may be the only way of getting information in and out of this country".
The Deep Web Quote
06-27-2011 , 05:50 PM
Heh, I probably know no more than you. I used to work in the internet industry a few years ago and still follow a couple of related blogs which have had articles on tor which accounts for the sum total of my knowledge lol
The Deep Web Quote
06-27-2011 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Kronen
Heh, I probably know no more than you. I used to work in the internet industry a few years ago and still follow a couple of related blogs which have had articles on tor which accounts for the sum total of my knowledge lol
I hear ya...seems interesting...but it has to be dangerous, which is why I'm am still shocked it's so easy to access.
The Deep Web Quote
06-27-2011 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by vai777
So Tor can access any part of the web "normal sites" and .onion (whatever that is) ..also something about Vidalia...whatever, too complicated for me.
You obviously have no idea about what you are doing and it is best to stay away. First you should spend a little time to understand it all and educate yourself and do your own web research instead of asking for it spoon-fed to you.

For those of you willing to go exploring make sure your computers are secure. Take screen shots and give us TR's....

Some of these addresses might be dead some might work. Just go to google and search hidden wiki and you can easily find a link here

Last edited by pokerstudAA; 06-27-2011 at 06:08 PM. Reason: oops active links :O
The Deep Web Quote
06-27-2011 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by pokerstudAA
You obviously have no idea about what you are doing and it is best to stay away. First you should spend a little time to understand it all and educate yourself and do your own web research instead of asking for it spoon-fed to you.

For those of you willing to go exploring make sure your computers are secure. Take screen shots and give us TR's....

Some of these addresses might be dead some might work. Just go to google and search hidden wiki and you can easily find a link

pretty sure I admitted that I have no clue around my first post. I also deleted all of the Tor stuff and don't really have any desire to go back. I'm not looking for hand fed info...I was just stating my experience.
The Deep Web Quote
06-27-2011 , 06:10 PM
doubled it up
The Deep Web Quote
06-27-2011 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by vai777
pretty sure I admitted that I have no clue around my first post. I also deleted all of the Tor stuff and don't really have any desire to go back. I'm not looking for hand fed info...I was just stating my experience.
Just a warning to other people without solid computer skills not to mess around. just saying if someone (not you in particular vai) cannot find or understand everything you need to get there then its best to avoid the deep web krampus anal rapage you will receive. If someone has to walk you thru the process you are going to get yourself into trouble.
The Deep Web Quote
06-27-2011 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by pokerstudAA
Just a warning to other people without solid computer skills not to mess around. just saying if someone (not you in particular vai) cannot find or understand everything you need to get there then its best to avoid the deep web krampus anal rapage you will receive. If someone has to walk you thru the process you are going to get yourself into trouble.
I understand that...20 minutes or so was enough for Though I do keep hearing about "you are going to get in trouble" in just about every thread I have read concerning this "deep web" stuff. If it's that easy to get in trouble then why don't the criminals get caught a lot more often? I'm sure there are some crazy viruses and it's probably pretty easy to get hacked on there...but everyone makes it sound like if you go there without knowing whats are doomed.
The Deep Web Quote
06-27-2011 , 06:16 PM
vai are you using a "2nd account"? Kind of weird that you didn't post for 5 years then started up again itt. Just curious
The Deep Web Quote
06-27-2011 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by Kronen
vai are you using a "2nd account"? Kind of weird that you didn't post for 5 years then started up again itt. Just curious
no...I was into poker back in the day...still am kind of but the net killed it for me. This was the only forum I was already a member of that had a thread like this. I wasn't going to sign up at the bodybuilder forums or ATS...not my deal.
The Deep Web Quote
06-27-2011 , 06:44 PM
Cool bro, poker sucks now tbh
The Deep Web Quote
06-27-2011 , 07:31 PM
Actually hidden wiki is down, probably for good (though a replacement will no doubt appear). Don't feel like posting the mirror link but go here and you'll find it easily enough. And for those who are paranoid, you probably should be if you've configured your browser in a unique way. Go here to test your browser fingerprint and see how you can melt into the crowd.
The Deep Web Quote
06-27-2011 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by Kronen
Cool bro, poker sucks now tbh
yeah...I never liked the internet poker. can't just sit there all day and click buttons. I still like the live games but even still, just seems a little different from a few years ago.
The Deep Web Quote
06-28-2011 , 03:54 AM
So anticon is an astroturfer, right? Regged both here and on in April 2010 with very little posts on either site.
The Deep Web Quote
06-28-2011 , 03:55 AM
Originally Posted by Dyenimator
So anticon is an astroturfer, right? Regged both here and on in April 2010 with very little posts on either site.
ask suzzer
The Deep Web Quote
06-28-2011 , 03:59 AM
Which is why I made that post...
The Deep Web Quote
06-28-2011 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by RigMeARiver
Go here to test your browser fingerprint and see how you can melt into the crowd.
safe link?

I'm so paranoid. and chicken****.
The Deep Web Quote
06-28-2011 , 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by NhlNut
safe link?

I'm so paranoid. and chicken****.
Looks safe to me. I use NoScript fwiw. 1 in 1,650 visitors to that site have an identical browser fingerprint to mine.
The Deep Web Quote
06-28-2011 , 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by Heya
Looks safe to me. I use NoScript fwiw. 1 in 1,650 visitors to that site have an identical browser fingerprint to mine.
I also use noscript

one in 275,000
18 bits of information

don't know if this is good or bad

internet safety by being the gazelle in the middle of the pack, and not straying to the edge where the lions can pick you off.
The Deep Web Quote
06-28-2011 , 06:29 AM
Ideally you'd like to bring it down closer to 10 bits. Mine was completely unique due to all the addons I use; I wasn't keen to give those up for regular browsing but I found a nice little hack that allows you to run multiple instances of firefox with different profiles.

Right click on your firefox shortcut, go to properties and type -p -no-run at the end of the target location (leave a space first). Now when you open firefox from the shortcut it will ask you which profile you want to open. You probably only have a default one atm, so click create profile, call it lolsneakywebz or w/e and then set up tor and w/e bare minimum stuff you think you need on that profile. Essentially allows you to cultivate a public web persona while also having a private one.

I've been messing around with proxies a bit as well, but haven't yet figured out how to put a proxy between myself and polipo so that I'm not even flagged up as being on the tor network. Anyone know how to do that?
The Deep Web Quote
06-28-2011 , 06:44 AM
Your browser fingerprint appears to be unique among the 1,652,500 tested so far.

Currently, we estimate that your browser has a fingerprint that conveys at least 7.54 bits of identifying information.
I don't see why mine should be unique, I'm running a vanilla version of Chrome, no mods, afaik.
The Deep Web Quote
06-28-2011 , 06:53 AM
Your browser fingerprint appears to be unique among the 1,652,547 tested so far.

Currently, we estimate that your browser has a fingerprint that conveys at least 20.66 bits of identifying information.

*shrug* all I use is Chrome with a few basic addons like IE Tab and stuff
The Deep Web Quote
06-28-2011 , 06:58 AM
another unique chrome user using nothing fancy, google is obviously plotting something
The Deep Web Quote
06-28-2011 , 07:40 AM
It lists all the things it's picked up and gives bit scores by category. I think one that scores highly for most people is fonts - it can identify all the fonts available on your computer. You have the basic Windows set of fonts, but then you also pick up random extra ones from Flash and so on. Try to turn off or block flash, java etc. Also LSOs - forget what that stands for but they're hidden supercookies that you pick up any time you stream a video or w/e. You need to get rid of all of those because they can be used to identify you in and of themselves. Firefox has an addon called Better Privacy that finds where those have been stashed on your computer and gets rid of them all. Can't help you guys with chrome though I'm afraid.

Kinda thought it didn't need mentioning but clear your regular cookies as well ldo.

Last edited by RigMeARiver; 06-28-2011 at 07:55 AM.
The Deep Web Quote
