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The Deep Web The Deep Web

06-11-2011 , 05:27 AM
can't screencap this one because all the avatars are pretty ****ed up, so some quotes will have to do

"Wow man what an interesting story, I would dearly love to see that lovely vid. Nothing gets me harder than thinking of a shy virgin getting raped and humilated. I hope that vid has sound, so when I hear her screaming in agony I can fap myself madly. Maybe someone here will try a similar thing with another stupid ****, preferably a bitch half her age.
These stupid whores will believe anything. If you own a small shop and a preteen you like the look of is browsing there you could easily accuse her of stealing then take her into a back room and give her what she deserves. Might even try it myself, sounds like a lot of fun."

"I really hope others here can be persuaded and inspired to do a similar thing with other stupid ****s. I've started a thread in the -18 Planning section for us to dissect what worked and what could be done better in the scam the guys used so we can plan how to recreate this with other girls. The fact is that this worked. They did pull this off and she was so destroyed by this that she never went to the cops and still doesn't think she ever will. I dream that 10 years from now, even as early as 3 years from now, more girls will be joining online support groups crying about how one day they got strip searched and it escalated into them getting raped by the searchers. Whatever your preferred age, 8 years old or 16 years old, hell, even college age, I want others to do this and pull it off and make more videos like this one.
I also really really want someone to troll this video from UBchan. Whatever it takes, however someone gets her to do it, I am desperate to see this vid."

"Yes I agree we need as many people as possible to do a similar thing. There are hundreds of stupid virgin ****s who deserve to be humiliated and raped. Get out your cameras and use your power of persuasion to make it happen. Thanks GrimRaper for starting another thread for us to discuss how to recreate this with other stupid bitches."

and a couple of these people's signatures----------

"punish the lil **** for hours - their pain our pleasure"

"Torture a tiny **** today!"
The Deep Web Quote
06-11-2011 , 05:30 AM
Originally Posted by Hardball47
OK, wtf man? Seriously. Why would you even LOOK that up?
this is just from clicking a couple links from the hidden wiki..didnt wanna go farther..think ill be deleting tor after this lol
The Deep Web Quote
06-11-2011 , 05:31 AM
Like Murphy MacManus said, "it's like a scumbag yard sale," and you've found the scum pit.
The Deep Web Quote
06-11-2011 , 05:48 AM
We are Anonymous, and we do not forgive. Forgiveness requires humility, humility requires dignity. We have neither.

We are void of human restraints, such as self respect and common sense.

All those who break this pact will be eliminated without hesitation. And by elimination we will put their name on an icky photo and **** in each others' mouths.

Those who perform reckless actions or wish to harm the Anonymous will be eliminated without hesitation. Again, elimination is our word for doing very little about it.

Failure is the basis of our existence.

Enemies of the Anonymous include anyone who can point out how many times we contradict ourselves in a single sentence.

Our enemies are to be flaccidly made fun of, using the same tired photoshopped stuff stolen from someone else.

Anonymous must "work" as one. No Anonymous knows anything.

Betrayal of Anonymous is both ironic and appropriate.

Manipulation of the weak and innocent is something that the truly weak believe indicates power, as such we do it alot. Not well but, often. Once a victim is no longer commodious, they are to be eliminated. Also, the cow was slaughtered in the abattoir.

REPRODUCE. REPRODUCE. REPRODUCE. Like cockroaches and Catholics we need to make sure our stupidity is at least backed by numbers. Quantity over quality. Loud = Funny.

No man-made or natural occurance can harm the Anonymous. Except when Mom and Dad ground us from the computer. That's pouting time.

Under no circumstances are Anonymous human. We are beneath humans and mortality.

Anonymous are not to partake in meaningless tasks....pffft Ahhh dude I'm totally ****ting ya, that's all we do.

You are legion, for we are many. That makes it easier to defend ourselves when smart people tell us to stop acting like idiots.

Anonymous is everywhere at all times, we like to loiter. we really have nothing better to do than hang out. Yet, singular Anonymous are not permitted to know everything. Which is good, because we know very little.

All have the potential to be Anonymous until they choose to drop a bag of fertilizer on their nutsack and grow a pair. Those who are not Anonymous are to be eliminated....or photoshopped into a nasty photo which ever one requires less standing and walking. Or hack a paypal account and charge PS3's, send massive amounts of cowardly and empty death threats or, whatever weak ass "criminal" act we think will make us appear powerful.

Anonymous has no weakness or flaw. Well, except maybe getting laid. That ain't happening. And a whole bunch of others. But besides crippling personality flaws, body odor, lack of humor, not getting laid and relying on shock value and memes to speak for us...we have only a few more flaws and weaknesses.

Laws of Nature and Man cannot restrain the Anonymous. However, an IP ban, power outage or, a light punch to the solar plexus can drop us like a bag of bad habits.

Anonymous is Zero. Feuding and argument amongst the Anonymous is both constant and unavoidable.

Anonymous is in control at all times. We just choose to waste all of it.

Anonymous has no identity. Those who are not Anonymous yet know our presence must be eliminated. Again and, I can not stress this enough people, "eliminate" means sitting on our asses all day pretending to jerk off to Goatse, while our mothers yell at us to get jobs.

Anonymous cannot be contained by mere restraints. We are far too fat to fit any normal conveyance, handcuffs or standard size airline seats.

Anonymous are all equally stupid. No one is more ******ed then Anonymous.

Anonymous must obey the Code. Those who do not are to be raped with our mighty e-peens, until supper time and homework, then an hour of Gameboy before bedtime.

Anonymous worships nothing because anonymous is nothing.

Anonymous cares for nothing, but Anonymous. Our existence is vapid, myopic and limited.

Humanity is the virus; Anonymous is the open wound that invites it in.

We are Anonymous, and we do not realize how little we matter.
The Deep Web Quote
06-11-2011 , 05:53 AM
god damn still shaking from taking these screenshots, this is just to prove that's deep web is fawked

do not read if you don't want your mind incinerated

The Deep Web Quote
06-11-2011 , 05:58 AM
ill just leave this here

brb deleting TOR now
The Deep Web Quote
06-11-2011 , 06:05 AM
Wow, this is heavy... Makes me sick to my stomach just reading this plain text.
The Deep Web Quote
06-11-2011 , 06:09 AM
anticon, wtf was up with that Anonymous wall of text?
The Deep Web Quote
06-11-2011 , 06:13 AM
Originally Posted by anticon217
god damn still shaking from taking these screenshots, this is just to prove that's deep web is fawked

do not read if you don't want your mind incinerated

This is the kind of stuff that would drive good Samaritan citizens past the point of no return and go on a vigilante spree.

I need a drink.....
The Deep Web Quote
06-11-2011 , 06:14 AM
Originally Posted by Hardball47
anticon, wtf was up with that Anonymous wall of text?
anonymous is a group. i believe the feds recently labeled as terrorists i found it on one of the links
The Deep Web Quote
06-11-2011 , 06:16 AM
I know what it is, I wanted to know why you posted that.
The Deep Web Quote
06-11-2011 , 06:34 AM
Originally Posted by Hardball47
I know what it is, I wanted to know why you posted that.
deep web serious business
The Deep Web Quote
06-11-2011 , 08:02 AM
So I'm interested to know what people think about the long term value of the bitcoin and what will happen to it.

It's at 30$ today and was $10 a few weeks ago.

Seems like its value is linked to the number of users who want to buy stuff using bitcoins and silkroad seems to be attracting a lot of new customers every day.

I'm fairly certain that short of the silkroad/bitcoin in general getting shut down by US government that the value will keep rising over next few months at least so could be some good profits to be made.

At the moment there's a few things stopping me like the semi-legality of it and the time and trouble to install all the software etc as I've been really busy lately.
The Deep Web Quote
06-11-2011 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by Jolt
So I'm interested to know what people think about the long term value of the bitcoin and what will happen to it.
The Deep Web Quote
06-11-2011 , 09:54 AM
I wonder if the hire for kill people were FBI, if they'd take offense to you trying to hire them to kill some of these freaks making these sites.
The Deep Web Quote
06-11-2011 , 10:01 AM
that pic anticon posted is ****ed up beyond comprehension. seriously scared to ever have kids now, running the risk one of these animals even gets to look at them in the streets.
The Deep Web Quote
06-11-2011 , 10:09 AM
if that pic was sent to one of the trashy uk tabloid newspapers it seems a certainty it would become front-page news
The Deep Web Quote
06-11-2011 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by runningmarvel
that pic anticon posted is ****ed up beyond comprehension. seriously scared to ever have kids now, running the risk one of these animals even gets to look at them in the streets.
The freak who started the 14-page "My Child love blog" thread gave himself the screen name of "daycare-assistant". Ugh.
The Deep Web Quote
06-11-2011 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by Hopey
The freak who started the 14-page "My Child love blog" thread gave himself the screen name of "daycare-assistant". Ugh.
ya thats the first thing that really made my skin crawl...

like w t f..
The Deep Web Quote
06-11-2011 , 11:48 AM
lol at this thread, the deep web is just content that doesn't show up in search engines, for example if you search a book on amazon, the page now created is part of the deep web, or content you need a pw to see

99% of the stuff in the deep web is just not important enough and gets filtered out by the search engines, however there are also ways to hide your own site from bein found through google and stuff
The Deep Web Quote
06-11-2011 , 11:55 AM
Man that's (anticon's pics) some depressing ****. Very motivational way to start the day. ugh

I'm going to assume 95%+ of that is just fantasy. But still the concern is that you create a space for random sociopaths to connect - whereas in the past they would have been largely isolated and rarely ever run into each other, or at least it would be much harder. There's no telling how that dynamic might change things.
The Deep Web Quote
06-11-2011 , 12:24 PM
I get the distinct impression that these are angry geeks who have mad coding skillz but can't get a date.

So they put up this hate stuff about 'stupid whores' and the like. Seems more pathetic than dangerous to me.

The kind of thing in the link below is what scares me. You are trying to run a business and these punks hack your **** and extort you.

When LulzSec attacks: a survivor's story
The Deep Web Quote
06-11-2011 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by runningmarvel
that pic anticon posted is ****ed up beyond comprehension. seriously scared to ever have kids now, running the risk one of these animals even gets to look at them in the streets.
Yeah you really can't understand what it feels like to have a kid and have to even ponder the unthinkable happening to them - until you go through it first hand.

I've helped raise a girl from 7 to 18 now. Not long after her coming into my life I had to stop reading any kind of crime details against women and particularly kids. I realized I was subconsciously inserting her as the victim. There are a few things I read a decade ago that still pop into my thoughts and haunt me every once in a while.

I still can't reconcile that there are creatures the same species as me who could do something horrible to a kid. Or that it's even possible for a human being to feel as much pain as what the parents of those kids must go through. I have to just try not to think about it.

So on that note I think I need to unsubscribe from this thread.
The Deep Web Quote
06-11-2011 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
So on that note I think I need to unsubscribe from the internet.
I was interested in all of this until page 4.
The Deep Web Quote
06-11-2011 , 02:31 PM
last couple offerings from this deep web are almost unbelievable.

the location of the body is extremely creepy.

i'd love to start poking my head around this place, but my noob hands would probably end up getting locked onto the keyboard and i'd get electrocuted by the evil ewoks that run the place.

moar, pls.
The Deep Web Quote
