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Dealing with Street Beggars Dealing with Street Beggars

01-09-2016 , 02:30 PM
This is something that occurs fairly regularly for me in the Southeast US. The scenario is usually someone hanging around a restaurant or shopping area and asking for money as you walk by - or even coming up to you.

I have given them money before, but mostly don't - part of the reason being I basically never carry cash anymore. I usually just ignore them, but then I read this little blurb from Quora:

A few years back, I had been involved in a study that covered beggars in a mid-size city in India. This was one of the questions we tried to look at from the beggars angle. We got some very interesting feedback. The beggars said that there were three reactions they got (normally)

People gave them money or food.
They were ignored, mostly when beggars approached cars which had halted at traffic signals.
When approached people shooed them away, sometimes with lectures on the evils of begging instead of working.
The beggars, naturally preferred the first set of people who accounted for less than 10% of all the 'potential givers' approached.

The next in preference was being lectured or shooed away. The one treatment that most beggars could not tolerate was being ignored - as quite a few said 'being ignored as if you and your voice does not exist is ghastly. would much prefer the abuse.'
Kind of surprising that ignoring is taken so harshly. So maybe just a no from now on. This was in India though, so a different culture. Curious about thoughts and opinions here.
Dealing with Street Beggars Quote
01-09-2016 , 02:35 PM
IME, offering to buy them food usually shuts them down.
Dealing with Street Beggars Quote
01-09-2016 , 02:38 PM
"Get the **** away from me" usually works
Dealing with Street Beggars Quote
01-09-2016 , 02:39 PM
Quick "nope" or ignoring, don't really care if they are offended. If I feel like trolling I ask if I can borrow a smoke.
Dealing with Street Beggars Quote
01-09-2016 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Mark Watney
IME, offering to buy them food usually shuts them down.
I've actually seen some though ask for that when I say "no cash". Also have seen people buy them food at fast food type places.
Dealing with Street Beggars Quote
01-09-2016 , 02:50 PM
Just say "no" firmly and keep walking.

Whenever I go somewhere during the day I pretty much never have cash on me because I dont need it. So if I used to tell the truth and say "sorry I dont have any cash" id say like 1 out of 3 start accusing me of being full of ****.

Once I said this to a guy and he raised his voice at me and said "IM SO TIRED OF THIS BULL****, IF YOU CANT YOU CANT DONT LIE TO ME." The guy was like a foot shorter than me and fully ready to fight me lol, he continued yelling as I walked away and changed his direction as if to follow me for like 2 blocks. Closest Ive come to beating up a homeless person.
Dealing with Street Beggars Quote
01-09-2016 , 02:52 PM
If only everyone would adopt the beggar mentality, then all you slaves wouldn't have to spend 40 hours a week doing something you hate. I praise their idleness!
Dealing with Street Beggars Quote
01-09-2016 , 02:54 PM
They tend not to approach people in Spain.

The exception being if you're sitting outside eating, they'll leave a piece of paper with a plea for some money. The piece of paper will give their sob story about being out of work for X amount of years while trying to raise 3 children or something like that. After handing out all of the papers, they'll come back and collect the papers along with any money left for them.

Given how ****ty the economy still is, it doesn't surprise me to see plenty of beggars. I was walking home from the pub at about 2 AM and some guy was standing in the middle of an empty multi-lane, two-way street pissing. At least I hope that's what he was doing.
Dealing with Street Beggars Quote
01-09-2016 , 02:57 PM
I can understand why the ignoring thing would become distressing - beggars are already isolated from society because they're begging on the street obv., being treated as if invisible will be unlikely to enhannce what little self esteem they might have left.

On the other hand - you started talking to me dude, I didn't want to interact with your skanky looking ass in the first place and I really don't want anything to do with you so I'm not gonna engage.
Dealing with Street Beggars Quote
01-09-2016 , 03:13 PM
I really loathe beggars/panhandlers. Mostly because many of them are really indignant about it.
Dealing with Street Beggars Quote
01-09-2016 , 03:21 PM
I look at them and say, "No, sorry" as I walk by. Half the time they wish me a good day in response and I do the same. Never had any problems, but this is in Canada where even the beggars are polite.
Dealing with Street Beggars Quote
01-09-2016 , 03:25 PM
Makes me feel better about ignoring them
Dealing with Street Beggars Quote
01-09-2016 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
The exception being if you're sitting outside eating, they'll leave a piece of paper with a plea for some money. The piece of paper will give their sob story about being out of work for X amount of years while trying to raise 3 children or something like that. After handing out all of the papers, they'll come back and collect the papers along with any money left for them.
I've had people come into restaurant and leave a paper on everyone's table, and then come back asking for money and their paper back.
Dealing with Street Beggars Quote
01-09-2016 , 03:27 PM
If its some actual haggard homeless guy, ill give them something if I have it on me, otherwise I just say "sorry man, I dont have any change". If its one of those POS lazy 20 somethings, I either just ignore them or up down them and givem a dirty look like "bitch please, aint nothing wrong with you". I know you cant visually see mental illness, so I feel bad for the young guy who actually is schizo, but all the other lazy POS have ****ed it up for him so thats just how it works.
Dealing with Street Beggars Quote
01-09-2016 , 03:32 PM
who cares if they're offended by you ignoring them. i wish they would ignore be and beg someone else.
Dealing with Street Beggars Quote
01-09-2016 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
I've had people come into restaurant and leave a paper on everyone's table, and then come back asking for money and their paper back.
What kind of 'restaurant' are you going to that would allow that.
Dealing with Street Beggars Quote
01-09-2016 , 04:24 PM
I've had it happen in a few Asian restaurants and a couple of pubs
Dealing with Street Beggars Quote
01-09-2016 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
I've had people come into restaurant and leave a paper on everyone's table, and then come back asking for money and their paper back.
Thought doing that was illegal in America.

That's a pretty rare occurrence here given that the majority of people eating at Spanish restaurants or cafes sit outside. Kind of pointless to wander inside for a small handful of people. Plus, I suppose beggars also prefer being outdoors and enjoying the weather here.
Dealing with Street Beggars Quote
01-09-2016 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
If its some actual haggard homeless guy, ill give them something if I have it on me, otherwise I just say "sorry man, I dont have any change". If its one of those POS lazy 20 somethings, I either just ignore them or up down them and givem a dirty look like "bitch please, aint nothing wrong with you". I know you cant visually see mental illness, so I feel bad for the young guy who actually is schizo, but all the other lazy POS have ****ed it up for him so thats just how it works.

The actual haggard homeless guy is just older than the 20 somethings.
Dealing with Street Beggars Quote
01-09-2016 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
I've had people come into restaurant and leave a paper on everyone's table, and then come back asking for money and their paper back.
In America we call those people "waiters"
Dealing with Street Beggars Quote
01-09-2016 , 06:01 PM
I live downtown Toronto and I see a lot of homeless/beggars. I normally just ignore or say "sorry." I think maybe I have given change less than 0.5% of the time (if it is that high).

Also there are a lot of these charities that have people asking for donations on the street. I just give them a hand jesture and shooe them away.
Dealing with Street Beggars Quote
01-09-2016 , 06:48 PM
Best part of increased airport security is no one selling pens in airports
Dealing with Street Beggars Quote
01-09-2016 , 06:55 PM
"Sorry, all I have is hundreds"
Dealing with Street Beggars Quote
01-09-2016 , 06:58 PM
We've all seen a man at the liquor store beggin' for your change
The hair on his face is dirty, dread-locked, and full of mange
He asks a man for what he could spare, with shame in his eyes
"Get a job, you ****ing slob, " is all he replies
Dealing with Street Beggars Quote
01-09-2016 , 08:11 PM
the food store at my place reduces fresh food when it reaches its sell by date & after 9pm I can get 5 sandwiches & 5 small packets of pre packet fruit for $2. Since I stay in city center I will give this food out the next day to the many beggars on my route, usually twice a week.
It makes me feel better,so I do it for me. Is this a bad thing?
Dealing with Street Beggars Quote
