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Danish Zoo euthanizes giraffe to prevent inbreeding Danish Zoo euthanizes giraffe to prevent inbreeding

02-09-2014 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by Morphismus
I can understand that people are upset. You pound these animals into zoos and kill them off if they don't fit into your breeding program? That is weird.

That being said, there are thousands (millions?) of chicks euthanized every year because they have the wrong sex; no-one cares about that.
Is this something to do with male birds being tastier meat for KFC etc?
Danish Zoo euthanizes giraffe to prevent inbreeding Quote
02-09-2014 , 10:04 PM
Danish Zoo euthanizes giraffe to prevent inbreeding Quote
02-09-2014 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
Most of the coverage of this story explains why all of the above were not done. It's not like they didn't think of this stuff. They has reasons. Whether they were good or not is up for debate. However, what is undeniable is that you can't accurately evaluate the validity of their reasoning by reading a short article in a newspaper.

If someone sat down with a zoo official for a couple of hours and questioned them thoroughly about all of the above and then reported that whole conversation in detail, then we could evaluate their reasoning better. I haven't come across an article that has done this yet.
I haven't seen anything that addresses why they didn't just neuter it. That seems to solve the problems they had with it breeding, either at their zoo or at another. And I'm guessing based on the response, they could've funded it being an "extra" at their zoo by donations.

That said, no doubt this was a complicated decision that I can't really properly evaluate. But it does seem like they had options.
Danish Zoo euthanizes giraffe to prevent inbreeding Quote
02-09-2014 , 10:34 PM
Scene of the butchering, interview with zookeeper and lions enjoying dinner.
Watch at your own risk:
Danish Zoo euthanizes giraffe to prevent inbreeding Quote
02-09-2014 , 10:43 PM
tyler, Tuma:

I think it's great that they stuck to their guns with clear, sound reasoning and made this into an educational event rather than try to keep it quiet so people will stop talking about it faster.
Danish Zoo euthanizes giraffe to prevent inbreeding Quote
02-09-2014 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo
tyler, Tuma:

I think it's great that they stuck to their guns with clear, sound reasoning and made this into an educational event rather than try to keep it quiet so people will stop talking about it faster.
I'm fine with them chopping the giraffe up and feeding it to the lions, because of sustainability, and I don't give a **** about their business succeeding.

But, why was killing it better than finding it a new home?
Danish Zoo euthanizes giraffe to prevent inbreeding Quote
02-09-2014 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo
tyler, Tuma:

I think it's great that they stuck to their guns with clear, sound reasoning and made this into an educational event rather than try to keep it quiet so people will stop talking about it faster.
I don't know, even in Colorado, where guns are quite common, shooting a giraffe (I don't know if that was public), a public autopsy and then throwing the meat to the lions in front of kids seems pretty harsh.

I was only commenting on the administrative decision to make it such a public display after all those people signed the petition. That seems like he was looking for trouble. (And again, an international outcry is not really what you should be looking for. I'll bet they made far more controversial decisions before this and didn't make the world news, lol.)

Reporter: tylertwo, what happened to Mike the giraffe?

tylertwo: Oh, we moved him to Africa! My assistant is handing out pictures of him with his friends.

Reporter: All these giraffes look the same, are you sure that's a picture of Mike?

tylertwo: Sure, that's him. He's the one in the middle!
Danish Zoo euthanizes giraffe to prevent inbreeding Quote
02-09-2014 , 11:18 PM
Danish Zoo euthanizes giraffe to prevent inbreeding Quote
02-09-2014 , 11:29 PM

Danish Zoo euthanizes giraffe to prevent inbreeding Quote
02-09-2014 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by tylertwo
I don't know, even in Colorado, where guns are quite common, shooting a giraffe (I don't know if that was public), a public autopsy and then throwing the meat to the lions in front of kids seems pretty harsh.
Why is it harsh? You make it sound like they forced kids to watch when it was voluntary and educational. The kids that were there knew exactly what they were getting themselves into. They also feed lions meat in front of children everyday.
Danish Zoo euthanizes giraffe to prevent inbreeding Quote
02-09-2014 , 11:40 PM
Danish Zoo euthanizes giraffe to prevent inbreeding Quote
02-09-2014 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by El Kabong
Why is it harsh? You make it sound like they forced kids to watch when it was voluntary and educational. The kids that were there knew exactly what they were getting themselves into. They also feed lions meat in front of children everyday.
Even The Guardian had a warning on the pictures. This was the autopsy, I'm not so sure those kids were completely aware of what was about to happen.

Last edited by tylertwo; 02-10-2014 at 12:01 AM. Reason: Perhaps I should have hidden the pic in spoilers?
Danish Zoo euthanizes giraffe to prevent inbreeding Quote
02-10-2014 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by El Kabong
Why is it harsh? You make it sound like they forced kids to watch when it was voluntary and educational. The kids that were there knew exactly what they were getting themselves into. They also feed lions meat in front of children everyday.
No one looked horrified by the autopsy, from what I saw in the video. They looked like they thought it was cool. Just my opinion.
Danish Zoo euthanizes giraffe to prevent inbreeding Quote
02-10-2014 , 12:03 AM
lol jfc
Danish Zoo euthanizes giraffe to prevent inbreeding Quote
02-10-2014 , 12:07 AM
Am I the only 1 that's wondering what a giraffe burger would taste like after seeing the video?
Danish Zoo euthanizes giraffe to prevent inbreeding Quote
02-10-2014 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by I_AM_EVIL
Am I the only 1 that's wondering what a giraffe burger would taste like after seeing the video?
The first thing that came into my mind after they cut the neck off was that it looks like beautiful steaks inside.
Danish Zoo euthanizes giraffe to prevent inbreeding Quote
02-10-2014 , 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by chabibi
The first thing that came into my mind after they cut the neck off was that it looks like beautiful steaks inside.
I also thought that the giraffe hide would make a damn nice jacket.
Danish Zoo euthanizes giraffe to prevent inbreeding Quote
02-10-2014 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by tylertwo
Even The Guardian had a warning on the pictures. This was the autopsy, I'm not so sure those kids were completely aware of what was about to happen.
Based on the coverage I've seen, all of the parents accompanying the kids were told what was going to happen, so if you think this is inappropriate for all kids to see(I don't), then the parents are the ones who should get most of the blame.
Danish Zoo euthanizes giraffe to prevent inbreeding Quote
02-10-2014 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by Your Boss
I haven't seen anything that addresses why they didn't just neuter it.
I saw a couple of articles that address this point. Here's the first one I found. I read another that addressed it in slightly more depth, but I couldn't find it easily and don't want to spend more time looking.

CNN anchor Jonathan Mann asked Holst if it would have been possible to sterilize Marius or move him to another zoo to avoid killing him.
"If we just sterilize him, he will take up space for more genetically valuable giraffes," Holst answered.
Danish Zoo euthanizes giraffe to prevent inbreeding Quote
02-10-2014 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by tylertwo
Even The Guardian had a warning on the pictures. This was the autopsy, I'm not so sure those kids were completely aware of what was about to happen.

you are worse than cnn
Danish Zoo euthanizes giraffe to prevent inbreeding Quote
02-10-2014 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by El Diablo
tyler, Tuma:

I think it's great that they stuck to their guns with clear, sound reasoning and made this into an educational event rather than try to keep it quiet so people will stop talking about it faster.
Originally Posted by Melkerson
I saw a couple of articles that address this point. Here's the first one I found. I read another that addressed it in slightly more depth, but I couldn't find it easily and don't want to spend more time looking.
CNN anchor Jonathan Mann asked Holst if it would have been possible to sterilize Marius or move him to another zoo to avoid killing him.
"If we just sterilize him, he will take up space for more genetically valuable giraffes," Holst answered.
El Diablo,

Danish Zoo euthanizes giraffe to prevent inbreeding Quote
02-10-2014 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by tylertwo
Even The Guardian had a warning on the pictures. This was the autopsy, I'm not so sure those kids were completely aware of what was about to happen.

That guy is Han Solo imo.
Danish Zoo euthanizes giraffe to prevent inbreeding Quote
02-10-2014 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by tylertwo
Even The Guardian had a warning on the pictures. This was the autopsy, I'm not so sure those kids were completely aware of what was about to happen.
If those kids didn't know what an autopsy was before agreeing to watch then that's the fault of the parents and not the zoo. It's not like it was some impromptu show. I personally wouldn't want to watch something like that live but I still think it's beneficial that they allow the public to view it.

Maybe it will result in one of those kids becoming someone who dedicates their lives to studying and caring for animals. Like those evil murdering zoologists.
Danish Zoo euthanizes giraffe to prevent inbreeding Quote
02-10-2014 , 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by MrAdvantage
you are worse than cnn
Since I haven't watched television news for more than twenty-five years, I have no idea what you mean. I don't think this is appropriate for preschoolers, but most ITT seem to disagree and I'm not experienced with the age.

My problem is with the PR of this event and the fact that the world's press agrees, bears at least that much out. There are multiple critical articles in newspapers throughout the world.
Danish Zoo euthanizes giraffe to prevent inbreeding Quote
02-10-2014 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy

After having been away from this forum for a few years, I'm am pleased to see that this meme is still around.

Originally Posted by Dudd
Would have been better to just let it loose in the lions enclosure imo, more bang for the children's entertainment buck
I thought this at first, but they probably didn't want to risk this:

Originally Posted by DrChesspain
OMG, how will we ever get kids to continue believing that zoo lions eat PB&J sandwiches?
Danish Zoo euthanizes giraffe to prevent inbreeding Quote
