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Court summons for urinating in public Court summons for urinating in public

03-31-2010 , 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by i2icky Bobby
So it seems the consensus is it was totally OK for him to search me. Alright, no big deal, I was just wondering about that, as I consider myself pretty uninformed on laws/rights, blah blah.

I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that because it was in WA state, I won't get the sexual offender thing, but I'm not positive. Anyone think it's worth it to pay for a lawyer? I'm totally fine w/ paying a few hundred for a fine as long as it doesn't go on my record, but I don't feel like shelling out a few thousand for a lawyer to say 2-3 lines on my behalf.
Dont pay for a lawyer, Ive been in this kind of situation before. Depending on the fine, I would just pay it and be on your way. If for some reason it is outlandish (sexual offenders list) then Id hire a lawyer. Or you could go the route I decided to once and take the public defender. I found this to be a mistake though because they dont give a **** and will get a plea bargain of basically the max you would have gotten anyway and it will be pointless. If they take it to court and the judge is aware of a plea bargain and you're obviously guilty (the cops word versus yours) then he might punish you with greater authority because you're wasting their time.
Court summons for urinating in public Quote
03-31-2010 , 04:07 AM
Originally Posted by DCJ311
i was once hammered out of my mind driving to some girl's house and had to whiz real badly at around 6 AM, so I pull over to an auto repair shop in broad daylight and just start whizzing until I see this guy run out of the repair room yelling at me to GTFO. I was mid-stream and wanted no piece of this guy so I ended up electing to piss myself and hauling ass out of there. Then after that I went over to the girl's house with soaked pants and she asked me if I pissed myself. I just said yes and took the liberty of using her shower. I did not get any, fwiw.
girls dont like pissed pants?
Court summons for urinating in public Quote
03-31-2010 , 04:37 AM
Originally Posted by atakdog
OP never said he was arrested (which is what that link is about); the implication is that he got a citation, but was not arrested. And the guy claiming that illegal conduct means you can be searched never said anything about arrest either. But don't let facts get in your way.
It is all the same in terms of a search of your person. You can be searched even when getting a traffic citation (GUSTAFSON v. FLORIDA). There are limits (they couldn't toss your entire car, for example), but in general if you get charged, you can be legally searched.

Originally Posted by skindog
Ohhh... I get it. It's the law, so it must be right!
Well, no. But you were talking about if the cop had the "right" to search you and bemoaning the decline of civil liberties, which implies an interest in the legal question. The real erosion of civil liberties comes from the thousands of people every day who consent to searches that would never be allowed without their permission. If everyone would (1) refuse to consent to search and (2) refuse to talk to officers there would be a whole lot less people in jail right now.
Court summons for urinating in public Quote
03-31-2010 , 07:19 PM
another story about the searching issue.

Yes he can search you for any reason really. Of course, when it goes to court you can say he didnt have probable cause and it would get thrown out if he did not. I once pulled out of a bar and had been drinking to move my car across the street to avoid getting towed. Of course a cop was waiting in the parking lot behind the bar waiting to get somebody. Fortunately for me, I did not commit any traffic violations on my way to parking. The cop put his lights on as I parked and arrested me for DUI of course. After a few court appearances it was ruled that the cop did not have probably cause to pull me over, so therefore my DUI was dismissed and I got in no trouble at all.

Long story short, there are ways around these things, but with you getting caught red handed he had absolutely every right to search you. If you could somehow find a way in court to call whether you were actually peeing in public into question, then you might have a shot.

Last edited by VincentVega; 03-31-2010 at 07:20 PM. Reason: typo
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