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Cooking A Good Steak Cooking A Good Steak

02-03-2011 , 10:12 AM
A little constructive criticism, the steak looks like it got a quick steam instead of a sear, and imo taters >>> rice when eating steak, especially mashed taters w/ lots of salted butter.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
02-03-2011 , 12:34 PM
steak is well cooked on the inside though, the sear is pretty weak though. did you use pepper in the rub? like others said, cranking the heat up for the initial sear is clutch to a perfect steak. also maybe a little butter or oil to aid in browning would help.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
02-03-2011 , 01:14 PM
sprinkled blue cheese on my pan seared filet right before it went into the oven last night and it was easily the best steak I have ever cooked for myself....going to be doing that everytime now
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
02-03-2011 , 01:27 PM
im going to guess if he salted the steak for an hour there was quite a bit of moisture built up on the surface that he didn't paper towel away first which resulted in the crappy sear.

Also why would you heat up a pan for 30 minutes in an oven? Just crank the thing on high on the stovetop till it starts smoking

also for those doing blue cheese, I like to mix butter and blue cheese together and slather that on top of the steak before putting it into the oven
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
02-03-2011 , 01:40 PM
mrw I did that with the blue cheese and made a mixture of like 75% blue cheese and 25% butter and I think it could have been better.

the butter was causing the cheese to separate as opposed to get a "crust" of cheese. some of the blue cheese was sliding off the steak but it was still so bomb
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
02-03-2011 , 01:47 PM
Need help from the steak lords right now.

I have a 2 inch thick ribeye here and my oven is broken.
All I have to work with is a steel pan, stove top, and a small toaster oven? that broils up to 450.
What do???

edit; Actually let me clarify, I only know the sear and throw it in the oven method. So will the mini broiler work or should I pan fry it only? and how much extra time/heat adjustments would I add when theres no oven?

Last edited by hos; 02-03-2011 at 01:59 PM.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
02-03-2011 , 01:48 PM
hos, just pwn it
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
02-03-2011 , 02:15 PM
I would avoid the mini broiler, imo. The steak will be too close to the heating elements. If you are going to try it then test it with a piece of white bread first on broil to see how unevenly it scorches the top.

Definitely make sure you let it warm to room temp before cooking. This is especially important because of the thickness.

Personally I'd sear it on high for a good crust (2-3 min/side, probably) and finish in the toaster oven at ~175-200 until it comes up to ~125F. Rest it for 10 mins. Most people in this thread, however, always finish in the oven at high temp.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
02-03-2011 , 02:41 PM
hos, I would just butter roast that steak in the pan.

Medium heat, 6 to 7 minutes a side.

Read this egullet thread posted earlier :

Especially look at the last page on that thread and Pawncracker's post. That is just a ridiculously good looking steak.

Last edited by amoeba; 02-03-2011 at 02:55 PM.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
02-03-2011 , 03:10 PM
Freakin, thanks for the advice, my toaster oven is trash lol

amoeba, definitely going to use that method, great link thanks
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
02-03-2011 , 03:12 PM
Wow didn't see that link earlier. Some incredibly good looking crusts in those posts. I don't think I'd try that on a less fatty cut like a choice filet but next time I get a strip or ribeye I'm definitely doing that.

Hos: That looks perfect for what you have to work with.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
02-03-2011 , 03:14 PM
Yea, I prob didnt let the pan heat up enough, It wasn't smoking, but I def did salt it down and tried to paper towel up everything that I could. I might have left some salt on it.

I did use pepper in my rub.

Im thinking about doing another one today..... Anything else I should add to the rub or buy at the store that I forgot today?

Also, how do you go about cleaning your skillet?
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
02-03-2011 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by Kcannon

Also, how do you go about cleaning your skillet?
Rinse it out, scrape off any crusty bits, use a few paper towels or a towel you don't care about to wipe out the inside and make sure you get it dry.

You can also put a light coat of oil on the cook surface afterward
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
02-03-2011 , 03:30 PM
I rinse it out, grab my box of kosher salt and pour a bunch of it in the pan and just hand rub it around for a while then rinse again
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
02-03-2011 , 04:58 PM
I used that egullet method up above, came out more done than I like. Still good and tender. 2 inch thick weighed 1.25 pounds 7 minutes per side

Cooking A Good Steak Quote
02-03-2011 , 05:18 PM
Wow that looks good

I just picked me up 2 nice Porterhouses from Whole Foods.. I know because of the bone its a little harder to cook. I saw someone say to put it back in the fridge after you season them to make it easier?
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
02-03-2011 , 05:24 PM
i thought one of the keys to cooking a good steak was making sure it was at room temp before you start.

i wouldn't put it back in the fridge but who knows.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
02-03-2011 , 05:26 PM
if i were a true medium rare guy doing ducasse, this thread has taught me that 4 per side, 5 tops at anything close to 2" is the way to go.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
02-03-2011 , 06:05 PM
yeah I like 6 minutes a side for 2" ducasse method. Again it also depends on whether your medium heat is the same as another guy's medium heat and obviously there is a whole spectrum within medium too.

One trick you can try is once the crust is satisfactory on the first side, cook the 2nd side a bit less. The 2nd side will be facedown on the plate anyways and just the continuous contact with a surface during resting will cause the bottom crust to soften a bit. so to preserve rareness inside, cook the 2nd side a minute or 2 less since you don't care as much about the bottom side crust.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
02-03-2011 , 07:05 PM

That looks pretty good, but I always had the same problem w/ ~2in steaks using that method - I could never get as good a crust as I wanted without cooking the steak through to closer to medium than I like. I've found a minute on high on each side to sear followed by 2-3 minutes more on each side at medium gets me a great crust and rare to medium rare inside.

I'm gonna get an extra thick steak soon to try Ducasse method again.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
02-03-2011 , 08:05 PM
I just busted the borgata main and.I'm tilted as ****. So now I'm at Bobby flags and ordered the bone in ribeye. Pics to follliw
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
02-04-2011 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by boobies4me
damn, what kinda camera is that somethingclever.. quality looks great
Replied via PM but in case others were wondering:

It's just a Canon Rebel DSLR with a 50mm lens.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
02-04-2011 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by neuroman
Does cooking on the salt block like this make a big mess? I would think the juices would run down all over the place and onto the stove.
I wondered the same thing. Some juices did end up running down and congealing. It wasn't too bad though. The salt itself was pretty easy to clean up once it cooled down 23984233 hours later.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
02-04-2011 , 04:13 AM
two separate steak sessions

Cooking A Good Steak Quote
