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Cooking A Good Steak Cooking A Good Steak

01-30-2013 , 03:28 AM

not bad for 3/4 inch steak imo
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
01-30-2013 , 03:29 AM
ive got a busy week but will dig though the thread later this week
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
01-30-2013 , 03:29 AM
what cut is that? decent effort to make it look edible
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
01-30-2013 , 03:34 AM
Cool story Roy, I was just messing around a little bit.

it would be fun to get a top 10 best steaks in this thread going with a poll for shi.ts and giggles
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
01-30-2013 , 03:35 AM
Almost looks like a little flank steak?
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
01-30-2013 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by durango155
Cool story Roy, I was just messing around a little bit.
me too! messing around is fun.

it would be fun to get a top 10 best steaks in this thread going with a poll for shi.ts and giggles
this is a cool idea if we can get someone to organize it. maybe everyone can submit 1 steak each (5 photos max) and the list can be whittled down from there, or something.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
01-30-2013 , 03:44 AM

That looks great and prob the best sub-1-inch steak in the thread.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
01-30-2013 , 04:06 AM
Originally Posted by ursine cotcher
Do you guys like eating pure carbon or something? How something that looks as if it's been shat on by a coal miner is an 8 I have no idea.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
01-30-2013 , 04:30 AM
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
01-30-2013 , 05:43 AM

I'm liking the idea about some sort of competition/event where people nominate a steak or two that they think deserves inclusion in Gobbo's visual steak cooking guide. It could be something like we look to add 2 or 4 more steaks to each ranking to wind up with 3 or 5 representative steaks for each level. Depends on how much interest and entries there is.

This way, if some haven't managed to get past a level 6 steak yet they can nominate what they think to be a 6 steak to try to be selected as one of the best of the 6's itt. The same would hold true for all levels of steak. Be pretty damn tough to unseat Dean at the 1 and 2 level, but that doesn't mean that others can't try!

I would be pleased to help with the organization of the competition/event, clarifying the rules, making poles, making judgment calls, if required — in the event that disputes arise, etc. Whatever works for everyone. I'd do this for a couple of reasons. First of all, I've already hit the big time being on Gobbo's list so I wouldn't submit any entries as I would have to show the same degree of impartiality and professionalism that Gobbo did. Secondly, I would offer up some swag for 'Best 10 Steak' and 'Worst 1 Steak' or something to that effect and it would seem kinda silly to me if I won a prize from myself.

The swag I am thinking of is some Urban Dictionary product items, like tee shirts and beer steins, that would feature the Deansteak definition. Now, full disclosure, I offered up the items a while back to Dean for being a good sport about the whole Deansteak thing but he never took me up on it. I'm pretty sure he saw the post and I directed a message his way about it in the sushi thread recently, but I still got no response. If Dean decides he does want the previously offered swag, I will still sponsor the event with more of the swag. I'm just that committed to this idea.

In case some of you never saw the posts about the Urban Dictionary Deansteak definition and swag, I've quoted them below.

I've got to get some sleep now and I've got a work-related event tomorrow evening so I won't be back in the thread for a while, but if enough guys are interested how about if you post your thoughts on how this event should happen so we can get something organized. After seeing if there is sufficient interest, I'll confirm what swag will be up for grabs.

This could be pretty damn interesting, if there is enough interest.

It might also cheer Durango up a bit as his very nice steaks would definitely be in the running.

With no further delay, on to the swag:

Originally Posted by ninetynine99
Don't know about the 'more clever' part but i have given it a shot.

What I did was to go back to 2/6 and 2/8 and piece together the various comments used to describe deansteak – so, the definition is truly a compilation of various posters comments in the steak thread

After I clicked the upload button the following message popped up:


We've sent you an email, but we need to make sure your email works. Click the link in your email and your entry will be reviewed soon.

I received the email, verified the definition, and took a screen capture image for everyone to see while the editors review the new deansteak definition.

Pretty damn exciting imo!

Someone post when this thing has gone live – kay, tx!
Originally Posted by ninetynine99
That didn't take long – it's gone live – with 3 thumbs up already!

Here is a link to the brand spanking new deansteak urban dictionary definition:

Coolest of all, deansteak merchandise is now available!

To thank Dean for inventing deansteak and providing us all with much amusement, as well as coming up with a way to quickly and succinctly describe an alchemical method/result for cooking steak – not to mention that he has been an incredible good sport about the whole deansteak thing – I would be honoured to have two deansteak items shipped to him – with the small proviso that one has to be the tee-shirt and the other has to be one of the three drink containers, i.e. mug or stein (personally, I'm hoping that he chooses the stein!) and that he agrees to upload a pic in this thread of him wearing the shirt and sipping from the drink container while he is doing some magic with a steak early in the New Year – be it deansteak or not... hopefully not imo!



Unfortunately, it appears that the complete definition is too long so there would only be a partial, but it looks like that should be more than enough to get the point across.

So Dean, when you see this, send me a PM with your tee-shirt size, preferred drink container selection, name and address and I will put the order in immediately.

Thank you again for having given us all so much this year and being such a good sport about it!

Dean, just in case you have any concerns, I pretty much guarantee that you will experience no adverse issues by sending me your name and address – if all personal info on 2+2 were to be made publicly available due to some error at their end, well there is nothing that I can do about that.

I'm a 52 year old architect with professional discretion and you can be confident that I won't go bat**** crazy with any personal info you send.


Last edited by ninetynine99; 01-30-2013 at 05:49 AM.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
01-30-2013 , 06:31 AM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit
I'd eat this.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
01-30-2013 , 06:54 AM
This might be too off topic but I thought it was close enough, I made beef tataki tonight using this recipe.

Wasn't super happy with the actual beef (less time in oven, or maybe just pan sear only) but the sauce/toppings were pretty good. It's also really hard to slice super thin.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
01-30-2013 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by TomW

not bad for 3/4 inch steak imo
If the first two pics are of the same steak, this is absolute proof you should not use flash. The first looks horrendously overdone, while the second looks good.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
01-30-2013 , 09:34 AM

I use a Canon Powershot ELPH 300HS. Great little point-and-click that also does HD video. Highly recommend.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
01-30-2013 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by punkass
If the first two pics are of the same steak, this is absolute proof you should not use flash. The first looks horrendously overdone, while the second looks good.
*** Quoting so people don't miss this. ***

Cooking A Good Steak Quote
01-30-2013 , 09:43 AM
Got to say the seven looks by far the best to me. Rare stakes ITT
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
01-30-2013 , 09:46 AM
Yeah 8,9,10 seem in some sort of wrong order, but i can't figure out what the correct order should be. Prob down to personal preference.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
01-30-2013 , 09:49 AM
I agree. I would say the 8 is my 10. Move the 9 and 10 down a spot. All still look great and I would take any of those any day.

It's restaurant week in the Baltimore area, and every year a bunch of coworkers and I go to Ruth's Chris. First, their restaurant week menu sucks. Basic salad or soup (no apps), filet is the only steak entree (scallops or chicken lol are the others), then small cake. No sides. Lame. Second, it sucks when I get the ribeye, and I probably rate it a 6 on this thread's scale.

I know it's been said before, but this thread has ruined Ruth's Chris for me.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
01-30-2013 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
Got to say the seven looks by far the best to me. Rare stakes ITT
Subjective portions need to be left out of the rankings. It should be easy to recognize a perfectly cooked rare steak as being objectively superior to a near perfectly cooked medium rare steak even if you prefer your steaks medium rare.

Its easy to set aside personal preference and recognize objective beauty. Its like how you should be able to recognize that a brunette or a black girl could be a 10, even if you would personally rather bang a white blonde girl ranked as an 8.

Doesn't apply to blue rare, or well done, which I'm confident will be interpreted as flaws, and not a matter of subjective opinion. But rare, medium rare, and medium should all be acceptable, and as long as the cook level is reasonable, its really just a matter of factors like uniformity, sear, gray band, etc.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
01-30-2013 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by RollWave
It should be easy to recognize a perfectly cooked rare steak as being objectively superior to a near perfectly cooked medium rare steak even if you prefer your steaks medium rare.
For what it's worth, this probably isn't true. I remember reading (but can't find the article despite quite a bit of searching) an article where they blind taste tested rare and medium rare steaks to a group of people who professed a preference for rare steaks. And the medium rare steaks a large margin. Here's an article I posted earlier ITT on the reasons for medium rare superiority.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
01-30-2013 , 10:30 AM
That's exactly what I would have written if I were that articulate.

Durango and Freakin et all, sorry for not being included. I took pictures from the first 30 or so pages and I don't think you guys had posted your gems yet at all. Freakin does have the honor of having the first picture posted but I didn't think it was a good enough example of a number to use.

I'm all for more submissions. More activities would be super fun in this thread.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
01-30-2013 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by asdfasdf32
For what it's worth, this probably isn't true. I remember reading (but can't find the article despite quite a bit of searching) an article where they blind taste tested rare and medium rare steaks to a group of people who professed a preference for rare steaks. And the medium rare steaks a large margin. Here's an article I posted earlier ITT on the reasons for medium rare superiority.
This is somewhat irrelevant to my point and would be like saying that guys who say they prefer blondes actually prefer brunette in a blind bang test - which has nothing to do with being able to objectively identify which is prettier in both your preferred and less preferred group.

if you are just trying to argue that rare should be viewed the same as blue rare or well done as an actual cooking flaw - I disagree but won't really fight about it.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
01-30-2013 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by RollWave
This is somewhat irrelevant to my point and would be like saying that guys who say they prefer blondes actually prefer brunette in a blind bang test - which has nothing to do with being able to objectively identify which is prettier in both your preferred and less preferred group.
Fair enough. However, I don't think gobbo was ranking the steaks in order of how pleasing they are to the eye, but to how pleasing he perceives they would be to the palate.

if you are just trying to argue that rare should be viewed the same as blue rare or well done as an actual cooking flaw - I disagree but won't really fight about it.
It's a flaw, to be sure; it's just an order of magnitude less than that of blue rare or well done (as in, I'd still devour a rare steak, happily).
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
01-30-2013 , 11:09 AM
Maybe categorize by doneness.

Rare | Med Rare | Dean
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
01-30-2013 , 01:10 PM
99, I think the easiest way to do it would just be to somehow gather a top 10 best steaks in the thread's probably way too hard to decide exactly where each steak belongs on the list so just a top 10 best steaks of the thread in no particular order? that wouldn't be too tough at all imo. perhaps everyone nominates a steak that ISN'T theirs and maybe we will start seeing a few of the same steaks and add them to the list?

Just a suggestion to keep the idea rolling
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
