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Cooking A Good Steak Cooking A Good Steak

09-26-2012 , 01:38 AM

online classes? how do you handle tasting?
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
09-26-2012 , 01:54 AM

I'm not good enough to really teach people stuff that isn't easily google-able. But I am a walking google soooo it's useful without internet access.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
09-26-2012 , 03:00 AM
Too late Gobbo, I already told my dying grandmother I'm gonna be a chef. Please don't make me let her down. She was a chef.

Last edited by AoO; 09-26-2012 at 03:08 AM.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
09-26-2012 , 03:57 AM
gobbo, please do not renege on your clear promise and committment
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
09-26-2012 , 06:32 AM
steak night at casa del tommyg8

Cooking A Good Steak Quote
09-26-2012 , 07:47 AM
looks pretty perfect to me
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
09-26-2012 , 10:07 AM
Thanks guys. Jesus @ my earlier steaks. What was I doing?


Cooking A Good Steak Quote
09-26-2012 , 12:04 PM
Tommy: strong.

Phresh: you went from Deano to Hero!
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
09-26-2012 , 01:22 PM

was your steak more medium, or medium rare? It looks more medium (which i prefer).
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
09-26-2012 , 03:29 PM
Just wanted to say: **** Outback. Took three tries for rare and the crust was non-existent. I actually showed them a couple thread pics to help after a well-done and a medium well showed up.

I don't know how a cook can argue that a steak with almost zero or almost zero pink is rare when staring at a forkful of it. Fortunately the server and manager had a better attitude and knew what they were doing. lol chains
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
09-26-2012 , 05:39 PM
wtf are you ordering a rare steak at outback for? beyond the lols of ordering a rare steak at a chain that's going to be like 1/2" thick and then also expecting a great crust, you should be full from nachos and bloomin onion and never need a main course.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
09-26-2012 , 06:07 PM
I recall loving the crab at Outback strangely enough. I think it was just because they crack it for you and you could just jump in and go to town.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
09-26-2012 , 06:31 PM
NY Strip on sale this week and they had some super thick ones in the window and I figure the only thing better than having steak for dinner is to also have steak for lunch the next day.

20 minutes in the oven at 230deg, flipping halfway. Then sear on the stove (7 setting) in rendered fat and butter for 15 seconds on each edge, a little over 60 seconds on top and bottom.

Only thing I'd change is to sear the edges more. On a thinner steak a cursory 10-15 seconds is usually enough, but with an extra thick steak like this, I should have just treated the sides like the top and bottom and given it like 30-60 seconds. But it didn't detract too much.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
09-26-2012 , 07:18 PM
Steak looks delicious! Surprised it was cooked after 20 minutes @ 230.

When did you add the butter? Crust looks like it has a decent amount of burnt butter on it.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
09-26-2012 , 07:22 PM
The 20 minutes was an estimate, I was using a thermometer at the end so it may have been longer, but just a little, maybe like 22 minutes.

I added a spoonful of butter right before i seared the edges, so it was probably in the pan for about a minute before i put the steak down on its face. I then added another spoonful right after the flip. It wasn't actually very much butter, not enough to do any spoon basting.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
09-26-2012 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by Bode-ist

was your steak more medium, or medium rare? It looks more medium (which i prefer).
It tasted more medium-rare to me. My camera phone sucks. I definitely feel like it could be a bit more rare, so I'll probably put it in for a bit less next time. I'm still new at this!
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
09-26-2012 , 10:00 PM
Been on a steak binge lately since meat prices are so absurdly low right now. This didn't come out as good as last nights... still tasty. sauteed in garlic and butter along with the mushrooms.

Cooking A Good Steak Quote
09-26-2012 , 10:02 PM
Just moved to NYC earlier this year and hadn't cooked a steak in awhile because didn't have proper cookware. Got a new cast iron skillet and put it to work. Got a nice thick prime strip and put it to work. Considering its been almost a year since I cooked a good strip myself was v happy. Probably my best crust ever.

Payed too much attn to my steak and nuked my asparagus a bit

Cooking A Good Steak Quote
09-26-2012 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
Been on a steak binge lately since meat prices are so absurdly low right now. This didn't come out as good as last nights... still tasty. sauteed in garlic and butter along with the mushrooms.

what is that?
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
09-26-2012 , 10:32 PM
this thread has ruined restaurant steak for me
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
09-26-2012 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by art__vandelay
what is that?
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
09-26-2012 , 10:39 PM
ahh i see, liver doused in balsamic vinaigrette makes sense now
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
09-26-2012 , 11:26 PM

picked up a strip @11.99/lb quite a bit more than i usually pay, but i was hungry and it had good marbling

made some mac n cheese to go with it

turned out pretty good

Cooking A Good Steak Quote
09-26-2012 , 11:36 PM
Are you guys using a basic non-stick skillet or cast iron? I have both but have never used a cast iron and I am not sure what I should do to prep it. Suggestions?
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
09-26-2012 , 11:38 PM
Just to check, with minor variations, the reverse sear method you're all using is:

Preferably 1.5"+ steak, no bone, brought up to room temp.
Either salted, with kosher salt of course, at least an hour before cooking, or immediately before it goes in the pan.
Pat the steak dry.
Initially cook the steak on a moderate heat in rendered steak fat for 1-2 minutes a side.
Rested for 5ish minutes.
Seared on a medium high in more rendered fat, and butter, for a minute a side at most.
Bon Appétit.

When resting, is the steak covered? Elevated to protect crust?
Do you butter baste in either, or both, of in pan phases?

Assuming that's pretty much it, do your steaks not have a slight oily/greasy taste to them? I've been using just rendered fat from the steak, and a small amount of butter, and having the aforementioned issue. Can this be solved if I finish my steak with a hard sear, no fat/oil? Will my crust suffer greatly? Is there another, better solution? I know I could just get some steaks and experiment, but I figured I might as well tap the pooled knowledge ITT first.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
