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Cooking A Good Steak Cooking A Good Steak

03-14-2012 , 10:32 PM
yeah its pi day, not steak day.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
03-15-2012 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by RosieTheGreat
yeah its pi day, not steak day.
Wrong. It's steak and bj day
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
03-16-2012 , 03:06 AM
Good luck me tomorrow!
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
03-16-2012 , 03:21 AM
don't forget the red potatoes. Today I read in a cookbook that you can stick some vegetables in a pan while cooking steak, and the steak will take on some of the flavor from the veg. Anyone try this? What vegetables would work?
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
03-16-2012 , 03:49 AM
Originally Posted by bobhalford
don't forget the red potatoes. Today I read in a cookbook that you can stick some vegetables in a pan while cooking steak, and the steak will take on some of the flavor from the veg. Anyone try this? What vegetables would work?
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
03-16-2012 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by bobhalford
don't forget the red potatoes. Today I read in a cookbook that you can stick some vegetables in a pan while cooking steak, and the steak will take on some of the flavor from the veg. Anyone try this? What vegetables would work?
This is called "braising" or "stir fry" depending on heat level and amount of liquid and any veg will work but you won't get a crust on your steak.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
03-16-2012 , 04:03 PM
Got sent some Omaha steaks as a gift, came with 2 filets, which I've never cooked before. They're both 6oz an don't appear to be as thick as some I've seen on here.

Thinking of doing one in typical sear fashion, and one reverse sear. I just have one cast iron skillet, which might make it a bit more difficult.

What temp/time should I cook the reverse-sear filet in the oven if I'm looking for a medium-rare finished product? They'll be room temperature before going in.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
03-16-2012 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by Spenda
Got sent some Omaha steaks as a gift, came with 2 filets, which I've never cooked before. They're both 6oz an don't appear to be as thick as some I've seen on here.

Thinking of doing one in typical sear fashion, and one reverse sear. I just have one cast iron skillet, which might make it a bit more difficult.

What temp/time should I cook the reverse-sear filet in the oven if I'm looking for a medium-rare finished product? They'll be room temperature before going in.
I'd cook it at 200F till ~126-128 internal, depending on how much of a sear you're planning on doing. 6oz isn't very forgiving, and I'd rather undershoot than overshoot. I often keep tabs on internal temp during my sear as well, so I can get a good crust without overcooking. After the sear, temp is probably gonna jump 3-5F so keep it under 130 during sear for med-rare.

oh, and get a digital thermometer if you don't have one. If you're doing reverse sear without one, touch test should be pretty reliable for a filet at low temp in the oven. When you poke the filet with your finger, it shouldn't leave an impression. you can also google touch test steak and see how to use your own thumb meat for comparison.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
03-16-2012 , 05:06 PM
Excellent heads up charder.

Picked up 5 nice looking strips. It's actually my favorite cut right now.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
03-16-2012 , 07:08 PM
got 5lbs of peeled garlic for $1 today. It's on the verge of turning bad but none is rotten yet. Anyone have thoughts/tips on what to do with it to keep it usable?

I saw gobbo posted about making a puree, I also thought of mincing it. My dad told me to freezer it whole.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
03-16-2012 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by OnlyCardINeed
got 5lbs of peeled garlic for $1 today. It's on the verge of turning bad but none is rotten yet. Anyone have thoughts/tips on what to do with it to keep it usable?
Use what you need, trash the rest, and buy another 5 pounds next week.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
03-16-2012 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by OnlyCardINeed
got 5lbs of peeled garlic for $1 today. It's on the verge of turning bad but none is rotten yet. Anyone have thoughts/tips on what to do with it to keep it usable?

I saw gobbo posted about making a puree, I also thought of mincing it. My dad told me to freezer it whole.
You could...ward off the throng of vampires trolling down your street.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
03-17-2012 , 01:23 AM
Make a **** ton of marinara sauce. Use said sauce to make home made pizza and chicken parmigiana. Freeze the rest of the sauce and thaw as needed. Here's a link for the sauce recipe I use, note I only use the sauce part of it, the chicken part is okay, but can be done much better:
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
03-17-2012 , 01:49 AM
Originally Posted by OnlyCardINeed
got 5lbs of peeled garlic for $1 today. It's on the verge of turning bad but none is rotten yet. Anyone have thoughts/tips on what to do with it to keep it usable?

I saw gobbo posted about making a puree, I also thought of mincing it. My dad told me to freezer it whole.
Are you DoubleDown's dad?
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
03-17-2012 , 06:37 AM
Originally Posted by Heyokha
Make a **** ton of marinara sauce. Use said sauce to make home made pizza and chicken parmigiana. Freeze the rest of the sauce and thaw as needed. Here's a link for the sauce recipe I use, note I only use the sauce part of it, the chicken part is okay, but can be done much better:
thats a good idea you could also make a bunch of pesto. but the biggest part of the garlic i would pickle or just throw in some olive oil.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
03-17-2012 , 10:35 AM
Garlic confit IMO
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
03-17-2012 , 02:21 PM

Steak thread, mother****ers! Take this **** to the cooking thread!
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
03-17-2012 , 04:54 PM
so if I'm going to reverse sear in the oven then to the stove-top

Do I season before or after going in the oven?
How long should I wait between taking out of the oven and throwing in the skillet? Just enough to bring the skillet up to searing temp?
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
03-17-2012 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by Spenda
so if I'm going to reverse sear in the oven then to the stove-top

Do I season before or after going in the oven?
How long should I wait between taking out of the oven and throwing in the skillet? Just enough to bring the skillet up to searing temp?
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
03-17-2012 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by Spenda
so if I'm going to reverse sear in the oven then to the stove-top

Do I season before or after going in the oven?
How long should I wait between taking out of the oven and throwing in the skillet? Just enough to bring the skillet up to searing temp?
i do ~10-15min, cause I like it to cool a little so I can get a better crust on it without overcooking
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
03-17-2012 , 08:30 PM
I can confirm that the braised cabbage Feeding Frenzy posted a page or so back is indeed delicious.

Good thing, 'cause I 2/6'd my steak tonight big time. Ran out of propane. Oh well, it was an inferior grocery store cut anyway.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
03-17-2012 , 08:55 PM
sear vs. reverse sear battle has commenced

filets are 2.5" thick, so we'll see how this works out
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
03-17-2012 , 09:21 PM
reverse sear wins, although in the sear's defense, reverse sear piece of meat was slightly better
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
03-17-2012 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by Spenda
reverse sear wins, although in the sear's defense, reverse sear piece of meat was slightly better
Damn, I tried this with rip eyes and got opposite results, but in my case the sear piece was the better cut.
Cooking A Good Steak Quote
03-17-2012 , 10:47 PM
Since my roommate and I saw this thread and learned about reverse searing, we have made some awesome steaks. Here are some of the better ones.

Some 2 inch thick steaks bought from a butcher-very good, but probably not worth $14 a pound.

Some costco steaks, pretty much our go to for now on. The first steak's cap was so big it almost fell apart.

Cooking A Good Steak Quote
