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Cooking a Good Everything Else Cooking a Good Everything Else

10-30-2017 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by JL514
Last night picked up 4lbs of wings for oven 'fried' wings
(forgot to take this picture until I had eaten probably 1.5+lbs myself)

Buffalo wings are so satisfyingly delicious. I don't know if it's normal or if I just lucked out but when I bought the 'party wings' at whole foods they were 4lbs of 100% flats.
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
10-30-2017 , 07:43 PM
El Diablo,

That char siu preparation sounds good but the sauce sounds a little flat to me. No garlic or bean sauce or fermented tofu or white pepper, how was the depth of flavor compared to your favorite dim sum in SF?

Im thinking you probably have a restaurant in mind less mainstream than Yank Sing or Koi Palace.
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
10-30-2017 , 08:53 PM

Yank Sing is actually great dim sum, just silly overpriced. My favorites are prob Great Eastern and City View, though the tourist trap new China Live place actually has some excellent dim sum.

Flavor turned out great. I mean, char siu flavor is not the most complex of Asian flavors anyway, it's usually on the simpler side. I think adding the gochujang really helped take it up a notch - maybe next time I'll add some chili garlic sauce into the mix as well, but I wanted to keep it predominantly sweet/rich vs overly spicy. Oh, I also made a dipping sauce mixing the reduced sauce with some hot mustard. That came out great.

The texture on this comes out great. It's very tender and juicy, but has just the right amount of bite left to feel like roast meat. And the flavor really permeates the meat. The only way it was lacking was that finishing on the stove it didn't get that grilled on glaze almost crunchy char on it. Next one I'm going to do under the broiler and brush on some reduced sauce as glaze.
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
10-30-2017 , 09:03 PM
Oh right I can see gochujang picking up some of those fermented flavors. Thanks for the recs.
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
10-30-2017 , 10:47 PM

Reheated some, then brushed on some extra sauce and quickly seared on high heat. Turned out great!

Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
11-02-2017 , 11:45 PM
made kenjis scallion pancakes with some leftover scallions and nothing else in the fridge.
came out pretty well, definitely crispy and flaky, but i find them to be lacking flavor a bit. I guess thats the point with such a flavorful dipping sauce, but I still wish the flavor of the pancake was a bit more

Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
11-03-2017 , 11:40 PM
A while back El D posted some delicious looking chicken thighs roasted with tomatoes, which reminded me of an almost identical dish Ive made a bunch of times with the wife. Decided to make it again tonight after coming across his post again.

Im definitely no chef, or even a good cook, so my technique and execution are lacking, but this is simple and always turns out delicious.

Browned some thighs w/ salt and pepper

Sauteed onion and mushrooms in the chicken fat + oil

Added garlic and a couple containers of cherry tomatoes

Poured in cream and chardonnay, and I usually add a little chicken stock as well, but didn't have any so used a good ol Knorr bouillon cube.

At this point it was past time to pour myself a delicious brew

Now that we're properly hydrated, put the thighs back in the pan, simmer on stovetop over lowish heat for ~45 minutes, then under the broiler for a few minutes to re-crisp that skin

Served over spirally pasta that my kid picked out. Like a donk, I forgot to toss the pasta in with some sauce before plating, but still tasted great just spooning the sauce/tomatoes/mushrooms right on top.

The leftovers are even better the next day!

Last edited by cs3; 11-03-2017 at 11:45 PM.
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
11-04-2017 , 12:35 AM

Wow that looks awesome, really kicked up my dish a couple levels! I’ll definitely be making this soon.
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
11-04-2017 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by El Diablo
OOT cooks,


I was amused to note while browsing itt that I'm not the only one who uses a bowl for a bacon and eggs breakfast.

Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
11-04-2017 , 11:06 AM

Weird angle / optical illusion there. That’s a totally regular plate. I’m not a crazy person!
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
11-04-2017 , 11:37 AM
Those chicken thighs look great
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
11-04-2017 , 12:47 PM
Great looking green onion pancakes, JL.
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
11-04-2017 , 01:01 PM
Replace tomatoes with or just add cherry peppers and you'll be delighted.
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
11-04-2017 , 01:06 PM

Originally Posted by txdome
Thumbs up El Diablo.

Some cherry peppers would be a great addition.

Originally Posted by txdome
Replace tomatoes with or just add cherry peppers and you'll be delighted.

Next time I’m adding cherry peppers for sure!
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
11-04-2017 , 01:33 PM
Coincidentally I think it is called chicken Diablo/Diavolo, but I can't immediately find a recipe for what I'm thinking of.
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
11-04-2017 , 02:13 PM

LOL, that's great.

Tons of recipe variations for Chicken Diablo/Diavalo, but a couple that look good:
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
11-04-2017 , 08:33 PM
The baked buffalo wings and scallion pancakes both look delicious.

Mussaman curry:

Crack the coconut cream:

Fry curry paste in cracked coconut oil and then add coconut milk, water, beef chuck, peanuts, potatoes, shallots tamarind, fish sauce, and palm sugar.

Pressure cook 45 minutes on high. With steamed long grain rice:

Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
11-05-2017 , 04:16 PM
Looks great, love massaman curry (and its cousin panang).

Made Kenji's ricotta gnocchi with prosciutto and asparagus last night; was really tasty.

Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
11-05-2017 , 06:41 PM
damn that gnocchi looks was the texture?
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
11-05-2017 , 07:36 PM
gnocchi looks awesome.

wanted to do something low-effort tonight, so went with lamb shoulder chops, asparagus and mashed sweet potatoes.

i've already sung the praises of lamb shoulder as a great low cost ingredient. what other ingredients give a lot of bang for the buck?

Last edited by econophile; 11-05-2017 at 07:43 PM.
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
11-05-2017 , 07:43 PM
that gnocchi is a really excellent recipe hack.
The curry and lamb look awesome too.
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
11-05-2017 , 07:53 PM

Many of the cheaper pork and beef cuts imo, slow roasting or sous vide.

Root vegetables.

Hmmm I guess my answer is mainly anything you can roast!
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
11-05-2017 , 08:45 PM
They seem to be getting harder to find, but sirloin cap steaks are pretty great and usually $6ish a lb. they are my go to for marinated steak (but honestly taste great with just salt and pepper). I like to cook them and toss them on top of a salad. But again. Are great as a stand alone.

Also they are endorsed by grilling legend Durango. Enough said.
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
11-05-2017 , 09:55 PM
I think if you are cooking at home, anything aside from say truffles or caviar is fairly budget tolerable.

I would say from my grocery bill, fruit (berries especially) is probably the biggest expenditure.
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
11-05-2017 , 10:21 PM
I basically agree but my “tolerable” with no children and a paid off house is a lot different than someone fresh out of college or someone with 4 kids.

Certain fish can get pretty damn expensive here in the Midwest. $28lb for halibut is crazy. Rack of lamb seems like another poor value at 14-18$ a lb and lots of bones.
Cooking a Good Everything Else Quote
