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Complete stranger at gym gets in my face Complete stranger at gym gets in my face

07-06-2008 , 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by FortWorthJim
Don't talk to management about it unless he does it again.

And then by talking to management, I mean asking them to call an ambulance for either him or you.

At the gym I used to work out at, there was a guy who flipped out in pretty much the same way. Nobody made a big deal out of it at the time, and he wasn't reported.

But about a week later, the dude all of a sudden just stopped showing up to exercise. We kinda missed him and we all wondered what had happened but didn't try very hard to find out. Well, we found out much later what became of him. He ended up getting a job out of state and had to move. But the crazy thing is that he never officially cancelled his membership! Some people truly are insane.
Complete stranger at gym gets in my face Quote
07-06-2008 , 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by midfielderdave
At the gym I used to work out at, there was a guy who flipped out in pretty much the same way. Nobody made a big deal out of it at the time, and he wasn't reported.

But about a week later, the dude all of a sudden just stopped showing up to exercise. We kinda missed him and we all wondered what had happened but didn't try very hard to find out. Well, we found out much later what became of him. He ended up getting a job out of state and had to move. But the crazy thing is that he never officially cancelled his membership! Some people truly are insane.

Last edited by I Hate the Spurs; 07-06-2008 at 02:38 AM. Reason: roids ftw
Complete stranger at gym gets in my face Quote
07-06-2008 , 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by FortWorthJim
Don't talk to management about it unless he does it again.

And then by talking to management, I mean asking them to call an ambulance for either him or you.
no...i think he should talk to management if not only to have this on record.
Complete stranger at gym gets in my face Quote
07-06-2008 , 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by housenuts
I was at the gym about 3 years ago. I just finished a set of something, and was walking over to chat with my buddy. This dude was on the ground doing crunches or something. As I'm walking towards my buddy, this guy on the ground says
"What the f*ck are you looking at?"
I keep walking and ignore him. Then he says, "you in the blue shirt, what the f*ck are you looking at"

Now I stop and look at him, and say I have no idea what he's on about, and then ask him why I'd be looking at him. This upsets the roid monkey. He gets up and this guy is f'n huge. I'm 6'4 210lbs, and he's probably 6'2 240lbs. We get in a bit of a shouting match and he wants to take it outside. I don't really have a problem, and basically ignore him. I finish working out for another half hour and then leave with my buddy.

Now this juice pig follows us out, and asks if I still want to fight. Told him I never did want to fight, and I wasn't looking at him, and to settle down. My buddy tells him to chill out, and eventually he calms down and leaves.
i think this is a no brainer...demand full refund of gym membership and switch gyms.

I later found out that guy was gunned down and killed about 3 months later.
Complete stranger at gym gets in my face Quote
07-06-2008 , 02:45 AM
Eh, I'd rip the dude's throat out, watch him choke to death, and think up some excuse afterwards.

But I'm short-tempered.
Complete stranger at gym gets in my face Quote
07-06-2008 , 03:38 AM
I later found out that guy was gunned down and killed about 3 months later.
Complete stranger at gym gets in my face Quote
07-06-2008 , 03:41 AM
Going to management was a wuss move. Maybe I'm just old school, but a guy gets in my face I work it out with him. Going to management is like snitching to the teacher. Remember, snitches get stitches.
Complete stranger at gym gets in my face Quote
07-06-2008 , 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by dragon14
I'm 38 years old
I'm about the same age, and I don't claim to have everything figured out--but I can't imagine not having THIS one figured out by the age of 38.
Complete stranger at gym gets in my face Quote
07-06-2008 , 05:12 AM
this is easy...

"get the **** outta my face" i think is the proper response.
Complete stranger at gym gets in my face Quote
07-06-2008 , 05:44 AM
Originally Posted by midfielderdave
At the gym I used to work out at, there was a guy who flipped out in pretty much the same way. Nobody made a big deal out of it at the time, and he wasn't reported.

But about a week later, the dude all of a sudden just stopped showing up to exercise. We kinda missed him and we all wondered what had happened but didn't try very hard to find out. Well, we found out much later what became of him. He ended up getting a job out of state and had to move. But the crazy thing is that he never officially cancelled his membership! Some people truly are insane.
So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on them. ‘Give me five bees for a quarter,’ you’d say.
Complete stranger at gym gets in my face Quote
07-06-2008 , 06:14 AM
Lol at getting in the face of a roid raging monster for laughing. I don't think you prove that you're a man by fighting him, you just prove that you get bruises like everyone else. Relax, not a big deal, people are going to intimidate you but you didn't really lose anything, so let it go. If you had something to lose you would have stood up to him so don't get tangled up over this.
Complete stranger at gym gets in my face Quote
07-06-2008 , 11:06 AM
I'm not sure how I'd deal with it, but there's no ****ing way I'm engaging in any dumb symbolic shaking of hands.
Complete stranger at gym gets in my face Quote
07-06-2008 , 11:32 AM
Now that you have a target on your back, you might want to avoid bending over in the shower.
Complete stranger at gym gets in my face Quote
07-06-2008 , 11:40 AM
It never ceases to amaze me how people get so hung up on thinking everyone around them is thinking about them/talking about them.

This is why there is so much social anxiety out there. We portray characteristis and behaviors on other people that most of us ourselves never do. When I am at the gym I don't go around judging every person I see. I see all sorts of people and I rarely think twice about any of them or form any kind of opinion. Essentially in and out. Only when you realize this is how almost EVERYONE acts and reacts do you understand it is silly to think others are standing around judging / commenting on you.

For this guy to flip out about that means his self-esteem and confidence is absolute zero. 100 out of 100 times the person is not laughing at him.

The way you get people to judge you and form an opinion on you is to make a spectacle of himself. Before this happened I am sure nobody knew or cared who or what he is. Afterwards lots of people had opinions on him, most all of them negative.
Complete stranger at gym gets in my face Quote
07-06-2008 , 11:52 AM
I'm rounding the corner thinking of something which amuses me.
OP - just cause it needs to be said... i dont believe you. why were you really laughing at him?
Complete stranger at gym gets in my face Quote
07-06-2008 , 12:18 PM
Yeah I'm kind of thinking the same thing. Did the dude have a hairlip or something like that - where you'd feel like an ass for admitting you laughed about it?
Complete stranger at gym gets in my face Quote
07-06-2008 , 02:04 PM
I just can't believe that the employee made you two shake hands. I would feel completely belittled by that. OP, how do you now know how to handle a situation like this?
Complete stranger at gym gets in my face Quote
07-06-2008 , 03:26 PM
OP used to use bar soap, till he found out it took longer to pick up soap flakes.
Complete stranger at gym gets in my face Quote
07-06-2008 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by szw
Not what I expected from your username
i know right?!
Complete stranger at gym gets in my face Quote
07-06-2008 , 05:10 PM
don't go to ghetto gyms imo.

mine just has MILFs and old people and a few young'uns.
Complete stranger at gym gets in my face Quote
07-06-2008 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by Golden_Rhino
Going to management was a wuss move. Maybe I'm just old school, but a guy gets in my face I work it out with him. Going to management is like snitching to the teacher. Remember, snitches get stitches.
Complete stranger at gym gets in my face Quote
07-06-2008 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by housenuts

I later found out that guy was gunned down and killed about 3 months later.
You found out this happened when your friend was like "Hey remember when you went on a meth binge and gunned that dude down?" And you were all, "No way, that dude's dead now?" And he was all, "Yeah, how do you not remember? You forced me to drive you to him so you could slay the dragon." And you were all, "I'm shocked to hear somebody whacked that guy..." Then he was all quiet, and just sort of ignored you for a few moments before saying "Yeah, me too. Me too. Let's go to Sonic."
Complete stranger at gym gets in my face Quote
07-06-2008 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by cowboy2579
When someone gets up in your face, especially all aggro, sometimes your mind just freezes - flight or fight response I think.
I didn't see a fight or a flight in this story. If you were in the jungle a lion would have eated you up.
Complete stranger at gym gets in my face Quote
07-06-2008 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by Golden_Rhino
Going to management was a wuss move. Maybe I'm just old school, but a guy gets in my face I work it out with him. Going to management is like snitching to the teacher. Remember, snitches get stitches.
Ya cuz IM from the streets and thats how we deal with people who act responsibly!!
Complete stranger at gym gets in my face Quote
07-06-2008 , 09:22 PM
so many idiots living what they hear in rap songs
Complete stranger at gym gets in my face Quote
