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Common knowledge wayyy too many ppl are proud to know Common knowledge wayyy too many ppl are proud to know

02-14-2009 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by chicken10der
beat metallica for the first metal grammy, the mayan calendar ends in 2012, a bundle of sticks is called a *****, alfred nobel invented dynamite, the correct usage of to and too (guilty as charged)
HAHA, I busted this one out today.
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02-14-2009 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by Landonfan
people actually say this to look smart?
See above poast.
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02-14-2009 , 04:35 PM
That Video Killed the Radio Star was the first video shown on MTV.
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02-14-2009 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by Max H
There are people who watch these channels knowing that they have only a finite amount of time on this planet?
*Asks as he spends time posting a rhetorical question on 2+2*
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02-14-2009 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by Freakin
irregardless, it's still an awful edit to even consider.
zomg thats not a word lolz dont u kno neth1ng?

(that's what you were looking for i assume)

In all seriousness, there are a lot of "common knowledge" things in this thread that arent actually common knowledge.

"Internet forum people" have a lot of weird general knowledge, and we get exposed to a lot more snippy douchebag comments than people who dont browse message boards. A lot of the things written here would be trite on a message board, but wouldnt be in real life. And even though im an internetz veteran, i still didnt know some of the things written.
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02-14-2009 , 04:48 PM
Actually it is a word. And that's something people like to point out to look smart.
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02-14-2009 , 04:52 PM
which is greater,

the number of people who point it isnt a word to look smart?

or the number of people who point out that it is a word to look smart?
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02-14-2009 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Johnson
musically, people that feel the need to educate that The Beach Boys didn't just make songs about surfing and cars and California and that they wrote some of the most sophisticated pop songs ever and listen to 'Pet Sounds' etc..

I believe the genius of Brian WIlson is common knowledge by now.
and sometimes we get a glimpse of the beach boys muse

Last edited by leprous_hand; 02-14-2009 at 05:30 PM. Reason: people who point out beach boys manson connections LDO
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02-14-2009 , 05:36 PM
That actor Hank Azaria is all torn up and built.

Yeah, we've seen him in every single movie without his shirt on. We get it. He's ironically built. It's no longer ironic or funny.
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02-14-2009 , 06:05 PM
Great, I have absolutely nothing to talk about, with anyone, ever, after reading this thread.

Oh, wait! Did you know a peanut is actually a legume? Sweeeet..
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02-14-2009 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by JuntMonkey
Bourne Identity book sucks fwiw, movie is much better.

Re: "Chip and a chair"

This story tilts the **** out of me because it makes no sense. He was all-in and lost, then just as he's standing up he finds an essentially rat-holed chip and is allowed to use it? It's obviously been bastardized from whatever really happened.
A friend of mine that was there said he hid the chip under a napkin and later bet all of his chips leaving the one chip unbet.
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02-14-2009 , 06:57 PM
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02-14-2009 , 06:59 PM
I didn't know that. No wonder I don't like it.
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02-14-2009 , 07:08 PM
So I went to wikipedia to see what white chocolate was all about, and with two clicks I went from white chocolate to cocoa butter to suppository. Behold the wonders of wikipedia.
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02-14-2009 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by Khaos4k
The lottery is a tax on people who are bad at math.
Do you take the same stance on presidential elections? Is voting an unnecessary chore that people bad at math take part in every four years?
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02-14-2009 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by bigmonkey
The difference between jealousy and envy.
You can't see the Great Wall of China from space (or from the Moon?).
Bible Code bull****.
Alleged backward Arabic writing in Coca Cola logo.
The other James Bonds nobody saw or cares about.
Darwin believed in God, and came to doubt evolution by natural selection.
Jesus wasn't actually born on Christmas Day.
Lots of famous singers died at the same age.
Velociraptors were actually the size of chickens.
He never actually said "Play it again Sam".
The story behind "Chip and a chair".
The UK has more tornadoes per square mile than any other country.
i think youre doing this very very wrongly somehow
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02-14-2009 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by Rushmore
It seems you might maybe possibly have missed the point of the "in theory" part.

You see, when these annoying pedants say this sort of boorish thing, they mean "if it weren't for the actual results of human nature..."

Ergo, your point is what we call "begging the question," which is to say that you defined the thing with the thing's own definition, which is not at all germane to anything. Most people, you see, do not know what "begging the question" actually means. I used it properly just then.

So, in summation, your point makes no sense.
Do you know how long it's been since I've seen or heard someone use the term "beg the question" correctly? Thank you.

(not sarcastic)

Last edited by atakdog; 02-14-2009 at 08:56 PM. Reason: And while I'm here: Everyone sign up for the werewolf game!
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02-14-2009 , 09:08 PM
You guys are smart, I'd didn't know at least half of these.
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02-14-2009 , 09:11 PM
My problem with the "no line in Ironic" is ironic is that some of them are ironic, especially if you use a literary definition: from Irony: a manner of organizing a work so as to give full expression to contradictory or complementary impulses, attitudes, etc., esp. as a means of indicating detachment from a subject, theme, or emotion.
An old man turned ninety-eight /He won the lottery and died the next day
ironic b/c he won but didn't get to spend the money

It's a black fly in your Chardonnay - ironic b/c it's a black fly in your white wine

It's a death row pardon two minutes too late - ironic b/c he was spared the death penalty (and technically any punishment at all if it was really a pardon) after he was dead

It's like rain on your wedding day - implicitly ironic b/c most brides probably don't think about their wedding day in terms of it being rainy- they think about it as a perfect sunny day. And they might’ve even picked that day b/c it was the least rainy day.

It's a free ride when you've already paid – not all that ironic.
It's the good advice that you just didn't take – not ironic.
Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly / He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids goodbye / He waited his whole damn life to take that flight /And as the plane crashed down he thought /"Well isn't this nice..."/ And isn't it ironic... don't you think – ironic b/c
A traffic jam when you're already late – not ironic.
A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break – clearly ironic. Smoker wants to smoke on their smoke break but they can’t b/c of a no-smoking sign.
It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife – ironic b/c they have an overabundance of one utensil and, implicitly, no knives
It's meeting the man of my dreams / And then meeting his beautiful wife – ironic b/c she waits her whole life to meet the man of her dreams, meets him, and then finds him unavailable
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02-14-2009 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by Mr.WeakTight
My problem with the "no line in Ironic" is ironic is that some of them are ironic, especially if you use a literary definition: from Irony: a manner of organizing a work so as to give full expression to contradictory or complementary impulses, attitudes, etc., esp. as a means of indicating detachment from a subject, theme, or emotion.
An old man turned ninety-eight /He won the lottery and died the next day
ironic b/c he won but didn't get to spend the money

It's a black fly in your Chardonnay - ironic b/c it's a black fly in your white wine

It's a death row pardon two minutes too late - ironic b/c he was spared the death penalty (and technically any punishment at all if it was really a pardon) after he was dead

It's like rain on your wedding day - implicitly ironic b/c most brides probably don't think about their wedding day in terms of it being rainy- they think about it as a perfect sunny day. And they might’ve even picked that day b/c it was the least rainy day.

It's a free ride when you've already paid – not all that ironic.
It's the good advice that you just didn't take – not ironic.
Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly / He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids goodbye / He waited his whole damn life to take that flight /And as the plane crashed down he thought /"Well isn't this nice..."/ And isn't it ironic... don't you think – ironic b/c
A traffic jam when you're already late – not ironic.
A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break – clearly ironic. Smoker wants to smoke on their smoke break but they can’t b/c of a no-smoking sign.
It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife – ironic b/c they have an overabundance of one utensil and, implicitly, no knives
It's meeting the man of my dreams / And then meeting his beautiful wife – ironic b/c she waits her whole life to meet the man of her dreams, meets him, and then finds him unavailable
This entire post tilts me unbelievably hard. Please never say anything like this ever again.
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02-14-2009 , 09:18 PM
spoons arent really the antithesis to knives. you can actually use the edge on some of them to chisel through softer meats.

10,000 knives when all you need is a spoon would a bit better imo. (try to imagine someone knifing a soup into their mouth)

maybe not ironic, but hilarious.
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02-14-2009 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by Mr.WeakTight
It's meeting the man of my dreams / And then meeting his beautiful wife – ironic b/c she waits her whole life to meet the man of her dreams, meets him, and then finds him unavailable
This is not ironic at all. You would expect the man of her dreams to have a beautiful wife, it would be ironic if he was totally alone since he is so great.
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02-14-2009 , 09:24 PM

Last edited by Abbaddabba; 02-14-2009 at 09:37 PM.
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02-14-2009 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
This is not ironic at all. You would expect the man of her dreams to have a beautiful wife, it would be ironic if he was totally alone since he is so great.
that would be MORE ironic than the line in the song, but the line in the song is still ironic.
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02-14-2009 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by Mr.WeakTight
that would be MORE ironic than the line in the song, but the line in the song is still ironic.
Homer Simpson: So, Mr. Malloy, it seems that the cat has been caught by the very person who was trying to catch him.

Seymour Skinner: How ironic.
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