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Comcast workers cause wrecks, but are following protocol Comcast workers cause wrecks, but are following protocol
View Poll Results: Should the Comcast guys done anything differently
Yes, as soon as a couple cars went off the road
46 73.02%
Nope, not their problem
11 17.46%
6 9.52%

12-18-2016 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by 2/325Falcon
- School bus stopped dropping off kids
- Dude stopped trying to turn into his driveway
- Dude backing out of his driveway
- Mailman stop and go from house to house while delivering

None of those drivers who slid off the road could have stopped for any of these folks. Would they be 90% responsible for the accidents too?
There's not much any of those people can do to make the situation safer. Comcast assclowns could, with a minimal effort, make the road safer for the assclowns who are going too fast.
Comcast workers cause wrecks, but are following protocol Quote
12-18-2016 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by Cranberry Tea
Grunch: everyone is being an assclown. Workers should obv put cones up before the blind hill, phone guy should just shut up and call the cops, pickup guy is going way too ****ing fast. Assclowns all around.
Agree with this. Though I think comcast guy's behavior has more to do with corporate policy than him being a jerk. I assume Comcast cares about not getting sued, fixing problem as quickly as possible, and not getting worker hurt. And pretty much nothing else. Worker taking extra time to walk up and down hill or call in for a flagger or sign, is probably seen as poor work performance.

Phone guy is jerk too. If he really cared about people crashing he could make a sign and walk up to top of hill. But he wanted to make a viral video shaming one of the world's most hated companies.

If you want to blame someone I think it's the people who dont know how to drive on ice being on the road. I doubt many of them were out there for extremely important reasons. But most of them probably didnt know they were bad ice drivers so idk.

I also assume most people itt are choosing 1 hour wait (with stdrd safety protocols) over 2 hour wait (with "enhanced" protocols) when their cable and internet goes out.

Last edited by Rusemandingo; 12-18-2016 at 08:05 PM.
Comcast workers cause wrecks, but are following protocol Quote
12-18-2016 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by 2/325Falcon
Some people just need maybe a couple more cones.
Lol i wish there was a like button for posts
Comcast workers cause wrecks, but are following protocol Quote
12-18-2016 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo

I also assume most people itt are choosing 1 hour wait (with stdrd safety protocols) over 2 hour wait (with "enhanced" protocols) when their cable and internet goes out.
Because it takes an hour to put out a few extra cones?
Comcast workers cause wrecks, but are following protocol Quote
12-18-2016 , 08:26 PM
Think about it, just try
Comcast workers cause wrecks, but are following protocol Quote
12-18-2016 , 08:38 PM
I did and nope, doesn't take an hour.
Comcast workers cause wrecks, but are following protocol Quote
12-18-2016 , 10:44 PM
He sounds like the guy out off southpark lol Comcast workers have **** for brains and incredible arrogance
Comcast workers cause wrecks, but are following protocol Quote
12-18-2016 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by Dr. Meh
Because it takes an hour to put out a few extra cones?
Putting out a few extra cones isnt solving anything. They either need a sign or someone flagging traffic at the top of the hill. A few cones at top of hill might help but walking there and back twice by himself is taking more than a few minutes and endangering his safety. Then there's making sure trucks have extra equipment, workers getting briefed about snow procedures before they go out, etc.

Maybe not an hour but my main point was that it's easy for ppl to give comcast **** about this until it actually comes to them having to be unselfish.
Comcast workers cause wrecks, but are following protocol Quote
12-18-2016 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
Putting out a few extra cones isnt solving anything. They either need a sign or someone flagging traffic at the top of the hill. A few cones at top of hill might help but walking there and back twice by himself is taking more than a few minutes and endangering his safety. Then there's making sure trucks have extra equipment, workers getting briefed about snow procedures before they go out, etc.
Agree 100%. They should have had a crew with flags out there or else postponed the repair until road conditions cleared.

Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
Maybe not an hour but my main point was that it's easy for ppl to give comcast **** about this until it actually comes to them having to be unselfish.
Someone at Comcast deserves to receive **** for this. Maybe it's the middle managers who didn't the crew the resources they needed. Maybe it's the crew for not applying common sense. My guess is it's both. I'm not saying the unsafe drivers aren't assclowns, tho. They are def assclowns.
Comcast workers cause wrecks, but are following protocol Quote
12-18-2016 , 11:23 PM
lol cone truthers. imagine: 4 cones, 40 mph.

*car drives off the road*

puts out more cones, goes back to work. (repeat)

its just not happening.
Comcast workers cause wrecks, but are following protocol Quote
12-18-2016 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by Dr. Meh
I did and nope, doesn't take an hour.
If they have to waste time every stop they make to add cones it adds up. Especially if they have to assess anything extra "common sense" and make sure it works/is safe/etc.

It's not hard, you can do it.
Comcast workers cause wrecks, but are following protocol Quote
12-18-2016 , 11:38 PM
LOL @ postponing the repairs.

GL explaining to the people without cable/internet that they won't have it again until the roads clear b/c idiots don't know how to drive in snow/ice.
Comcast workers cause wrecks, but are following protocol Quote
12-18-2016 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin
If they have to waste time every stop they make to add cones it adds up. Especially if they have to assess anything extra "common sense" and make sure it works/is safe/etc.

It's not hard, you can do it.
I find your attempt at condescension congruent with the latter part of your avatar subtitle. Nonetheless, you are still mistaken if you believe the sum of time to put out 3-4 additional cones will add to a total of an hour of lost time in a given day. Even if we liberally assumed 3-4 cones per stop added an extra minute to their job, they would need 60 stops in the course of the day to make it an hour delay. This, of course, is an absurd number of stops for a crew in a single day.

So again, your attempts at condescension based on this premise is idiotic at best. The original poster I responded to made a much more coherent and thoughtful response without resorting to such childish tactics. I suggest you either try to keep your ego in check and not respond to posts not directed to you or you try taking a bit of your own response and think out what you're trying to say. Otherwise, you run the risk of sounding like a moron. You wouldn't want that, would you?
Comcast workers cause wrecks, but are following protocol Quote
12-18-2016 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin
If they have to waste time every stop they make to add cones it adds up. Especially if they have to assess anything extra "common sense" and make sure it works/is safe/etc.
Its almost like Comcast should have a different safety protocol in place for poor visibility/bad road conditions.
But then someone in upper management would have apply that "common sense" thing to make sure it works/is safe/etc that you seem to think is a waste of time
Comcast workers cause wrecks, but are following protocol Quote
12-18-2016 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by I_AM_EVIL
LOL @ postponing the repairs.

GL explaining to the people without cable/internet that they won't have it again until the roads clear b/c idiots don't know how to drive in snow/ice.
It's obvious you've never had to deal with Comcast because a huge LOL at thinking they actually care or explain to any customer why their cable/internet has gone out yet again
Comcast workers cause wrecks, but are following protocol Quote
12-18-2016 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by Cranberry Tea
I'm not saying the unsafe drivers aren't assclowns, tho. They are def assclowns.
^ This

The fact that icy roads highlights how bad some drivers are is almost a different issue entirely. Whatever Comcast does doesn't vindicate bad drivers of anything.

Still Comcast crew clearly in the wrong here and needed to adjust given the situation. The truck is obviously causing a traffic problem given the conditions and someone could get hurt (even if some of those conditions are incompetent drivers). Sorry if it's time-consuming and inconvenient, tough ****. Bad weather and tough roads tend to do that to everybody. Safety takes priority to anyone with common sense.
Comcast workers cause wrecks, but are following protocol Quote
12-19-2016 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
Anyone who believes the Comcast guys were in the right here is an idiot. It's equivalent to "let's follow the rules even though people are getting hurt as a result of it."

Rules are typically designed for normal circumstances, not edge cases like this. If I were running Comcast, I'd fire these pricks and circulate this video to every one of my employees as an example of what NOT to do.
Comcast workers cause wrecks, but are following protocol Quote
12-19-2016 , 04:11 AM
Originally Posted by Dr. Meh
I find your attempt at condescension congruent with the latter part of your avatar subtitle. Nonetheless, you are still mistaken if you believe the sum of time to put out 3-4 additional cones will add to a total of an hour of lost time in a given day. Even if we liberally assumed 3-4 cones per stop added an extra minute to their job, they would need 60 stops in the course of the day to make it an hour delay. This, of course, is an absurd number of stops for a crew in a single day.

So again, your attempts at condescension based on this premise is idiotic at best. The original poster I responded to made a much more coherent and thoughtful response without resorting to such childish tactics. I suggest you either try to keep your ego in check and not respond to posts not directed to you or you try taking a bit of your own response and think out what you're trying to say. Otherwise, you run the risk of sounding like a moron. You wouldn't want that, would you?

Just keep trying man you'll get it
Comcast workers cause wrecks, but are following protocol Quote
12-19-2016 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by cs3
Its almost like Comcast should have a different safety protocol in place for poor visibility/bad road conditions.
But then someone in upper management would have apply that "common sense" thing to make sure it works/is safe/etc that you seem to think is a waste of time
No, I don't think it's a waste of time, but it's definitely not the drivers fault at all that that stuff is not in place
Comcast workers cause wrecks, but are following protocol Quote
12-19-2016 , 04:20 AM
So you feel like they should blindly follow the flawed protocol that puts themselves and others in serious danger? They shouldn't make a call to a supervisor, or a union rep, to tell them how dangerous the situation is, or change anything at all that they are doing?
Comcast workers cause wrecks, but are following protocol Quote
12-19-2016 , 04:29 AM
Grunch: speed too fast for conditions. Unsafe drivers causing wrecks.
Comcast workers cause wrecks, but are following protocol Quote
12-19-2016 , 06:17 AM
I'm trying to think of this kind of maintenance stuff on a 'major' road round where I live but can't recall ever seeing it (blocking a road that is).
Maybe not legal to block a road for it in first place. Let's say they cut down trees and bushes for the sake of the argument, they are pretty likely to have a gigantic sign on an extra truck that goes along as they need, or even temporary traffic lights.

So the bunch of cones seem a bit soft to be legal, right?
Comcast workers cause wrecks, but are following protocol Quote
12-19-2016 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by cs3
So you feel like they should blindly follow the flawed protocol that puts themselves and others in serious danger? They shouldn't make a call to a supervisor, or a union rep, to tell them how dangerous the situation is, or change anything at all that they are doing?
Like has been said itt, they call a supervisor and the supervisor will say get it done or they will replace them with someone who will. I've worked for a top 5 cable company. This is how it works at all of them. They do not care about the safety of anyone. All they care about is uptime
Comcast workers cause wrecks, but are following protocol Quote
12-19-2016 , 01:35 PM
And their union would have nothing to say about bei g forced to work in (and/or contributing to) unsafe conditions?

I mean obv Comcast corporate shares a very large % of the blame, but the workers themselves are clearly idiots to disregard both their own safety and the safety of others.
Comcast workers cause wrecks, but are following protocol Quote
12-19-2016 , 02:42 PM
Comcast workers cause wrecks, but are following protocol Quote
