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Chiropractor's Office makes me wait while they take a walk in.  What's my play? Chiropractor's Office makes me wait while they take a walk in.  What's my play?

07-14-2016 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by leo doc
1) I'm 60 now and have been practicing medicine for 30+ years. There are two things that you should NEVER tell a patient- under any circumstances.

First, don't tell a cancer patient, or any dying patient, how long they have to live. You'll be wrong most of the time (if only by a small margin) and have to face queries like, "You told us Momma had a month to live and she died in a week. We'd have called her sister in Topeka if we'd known."

Second, don't EVER tell a patient that there's something they'll never do again, especially following an injury. The recouperative powers of the human body are not well understood, especially when augmented by a determined psyche to get better. Hope is a wonderful thing.

And to pig: I suspect your buddy (after six months), would have sustained some improvement following a spinal injury even without the chiropractor. Not sure why five smart docs at Standford would tell him that he'd never walk again... unless maybe that's not exactly what they said. Kudos to the chiropractor; some of them are excellent physical therapists.
This was one of those big meetings where they have interns, students, and specialists all gathering together to discuss a case. I don't think they told him directly, but maybe his parents, or his parents overheard it. Bottom line, after his surgeries and he still wasn't on his feet, they basically concluded there was nothing else they could do.

And let me tell you, nobody was a bigger doubter of chiropractors than me before I hurt my back. But it was 2 weeks after I hurt it before I could even leave my apartment. After a few months my improvement had come to a halt. It was so bad that I would push the button for an elevator but unless the one that came was next to the button, I couldn't make it over in time before the doors closed. When I heard my co-workers story, I was ready to try anything. His chiro definitely helped me. I saw improvement from the first week. I think she's very much an outlier in the industry though.
Chiropractor's Office makes me wait while they take a walk in.  What's my play? Quote
07-14-2016 , 02:53 AM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
Hmm, so you improved with the chiro, but you also (in bold) improved without one. Why, then, do you think it was the chiro that helped you to begin with and not just your body doing its thing?
Read it again. The replacement chiro was the quack.
Chiropractor's Office makes me wait while they take a walk in.  What's my play? Quote
07-14-2016 , 04:10 AM
im asking here so i dont die, and Google hasnt helped me

for months, I'll randomly get a tingling sensation on my spine for a few minutes. It's always on the left side, at the base of the neck. It doesn't really hurt, it just feels... unpleasant. I notice no other symptoms. Like I said, this has been going on for months, since last year for sure.

Closest I can describe the sensation is like when your foot falls asleep and you wake it up, though not nearly as unpleasant as that feels when it's in your knee, and it's only over an area about the size of a fingertip.

wtf is it?
Chiropractor's Office makes me wait while they take a walk in.  What's my play? Quote
07-14-2016 , 08:48 AM
Originally Posted by KPowers
im asking here so i dont die, and Google hasnt helped me
Asking random internet people medical questions is the best way to die. Go see a doctor.
Chiropractor's Office makes me wait while they take a walk in.  What's my play? Quote
07-14-2016 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by JayTeeMe
My dad's oncologist told us he had about 2 months to live and she was almost exactly right.
Sometimes guesses are correct.
Chiropractor's Office makes me wait while they take a walk in.  What's my play? Quote
07-14-2016 , 01:00 PM
When someone is sick (or hurting) they will eventually either die or feel better. If they receive a placebo just before feeling better, the temporal relationship will create a cause and effect in their mind.
Chiropractor's Office makes me wait while they take a walk in.  What's my play? Quote
07-16-2016 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by leo doc
Pro tip: Book the first appointment in the morning or the first appointment after lunch.

However, if you see a ****ing drug rep rushing in with a few boxes of donuts or an armload of take-out lunch stuff, you can consider yourself out-maneuvered.
Chiropractor's Office makes me wait while they take a walk in.  What's my play? Quote
07-16-2016 , 02:55 AM
I would have probed the situation more instead of sitting idly.

But yeah, whatever Larry said.
Chiropractor's Office makes me wait while they take a walk in.  What's my play? Quote
07-17-2016 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by pig4bill
Read it again. The replacement chiro was the quack.
I honestly don't know why you think I didn't read that properly the first time. My previous post is still my response, and I don't know how to phrase it more clearly.
Chiropractor's Office makes me wait while they take a walk in.  What's my play? Quote
07-19-2016 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by Emily G
I'm not a big doctor person but if my ****ing lower back popped out every once in a while rendering me unable to walk I'd probably consider GOING TO A ****ING ACTUAL REAL DOCTOR AT SOME POINT ARE YOU ****ING KIDDING ME?
Why? When the chiro can pop it back in place in 30 seconds and you are perfectly fine? I actually went to a real doctor first and they said they can't see anything wrong and prescribed me some muscle relaxers and sent me home to die of endless pain. I didn't believe in chiros back then, but after 2 more days of agony my old man finally convinced me to go to his guy and yeah, miracle worker for my problem.
Originally Posted by leo doc
Out of curiousity, I'd like to know if any of the chiropractor crowd has scheduled a single appointment, showed for it and not been scheduled a follow-up or multiple follow-ups. Iow, the chiropractor does his thing, then says, "Well, that should do it. Call us if you need us again."
Yep. The one I go to has never scheduled me for any follow up. He has just said to come back if I feel any more pain, but don't wait for it to become unbearable. My GF went to one that used some weird machine on her back and told her she needs to come back twice a week. I didn't let her go back ever again. She went to my guy and felt better instantly. Never needed to go see him again either. One and done.
Originally Posted by Alobar
I regularly saw 2 chiros back in the day when I thought they were legitimate doctors.

First took a bunch of xrays and said my spine was all out of alignment, and then I did adjustments 3x a week for a few months, never once did he retake xrays to see if there was improvement, never varied what he did during my appointments. I dont remember why but I eventually just quit going.

A couple years later I went to another one, this time his abundance of xrays showed that I had one leg shorter than the other. I got some expensive orthodics and he laid out this long plan for how we were gong to get me to where I needed to be. 2x a week for a couple months, never varying what he did, never taking more xrays to see if anything was changes. I asked him one day, how long I was going to keep needing to do this for and if I was progressing. He seemed genuinely surprised by the question and said somethig to the effect of "dont you feel better when you leave here?".

I went to a real doctor, they took a bunch of xrays, said no your one leg isnt shorter than the other to a nonnormal about, and then referred me to a physical therapist who went about correcting a muscle imbalance that was causing my pelvis to be misaligned. After a few sessions I was instructed to do my exercises on my own at home, and then had a couple follow ups to check my progression and that was it.

Both chrios I got to know a little bit cuz we always chatted, and they were both quality people who I would have hung out with IRL and who genuinely believed what they were doing was important and werent taking advantage of me and that just ging forever once you sign up is just how its done. I think the vast majority are normal average people who think what they are doing is real science and medicine and arent taking advantage of people, for the same reasons I thought going to a chiro made sense, because theyve been presented to soceity as a legitimate medical profession. Im sure they even directly help lots of people, and given the bodys natural ability to heal itself many more people attribute their getting better to their chiro visits. I know a little about cars, and can fix quite a few things, and think I can fix quite a few more. Youd be a fool to go to me over a real mechanic tho. Chiro is the same kinda thing. Except in the case of chiro vs doctor, the crooks and charlatans are part of the lesser group, which isnt true of mechanics.
This explains your position. You went to a couple chiros and they were both quacks. Unfortunately there are a lot more quacks out there than good ones that actually help ppl. I'm sure there are many problems they can't fix, that require surgery or whatever, but there are many that they can help and save you a ton of money. Mine bills my insurance and I pay $25 cash each visit. IDK what he gets from my insurance because I don't care to look.
Chiropractor's Office makes me wait while they take a walk in.  What's my play? Quote
07-19-2016 , 11:34 PM
no, actually the ones I went to weren't quacks, they were your standard issue chiropractor. That was the whole point of my long rambling post. That's chiropractic in a nutshell. The quacks are the ones who tout anti vax and organics and think subluxation will cure everything from ulcers to depression.
Chiropractor's Office makes me wait while they take a walk in.  What's my play? Quote
07-19-2016 , 11:49 PM
they do adjustment work as well, i mean he didn't hand make my orthotics, but he figured out where I had underdeveloped muscles and misaligned hips/back w/e.

I was pigeon-toed as a kid, ended up throwing off my hip and back, less than a year and a few visits and 3? sets of orthotics everything was perfect, actually owe alot to that guy, I went to a doctor for the same issue, he literally wanted to break both of my legs, turn them and set them straight
Chiropractor's Office makes me wait while they take a walk in.  What's my play? Quote
