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01-21-2015 , 06:13 AM
Fresh herbs and seasonings, higher quality cooking oils. Not always needed or noticeable depending on what you're doing but nice more often than not.

Have used fresh seasonings in food made for my dogs when making them the occasional stew. Which itself is a luxury I guess. They really, really like it.

I've made pots of coffee with Fiji water. It's ridiculous and I don't know that it really tastes better but it definitely makes coffee an occasion. Try it some weekend when you're snowed in with the wife. You will think about the coffee you're drinking more than usual.

Whenever I build a guitar I have a custom decal with my name made to put on it somewhere. $12. It serves no purpose obviously and is typically on the rear side of the headstock.

We use a mobile dog groomer that comes out to the house and they do everything in the truck, right in the driveway. It's a little more expensive than going to a B&M place.

Anytime I pay sales tax for something that I could have avoided with online retailers. OR, anytime I make a purchase at Best Buy.
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01-21-2015 , 08:55 AM
Best buy price matches now
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01-21-2015 , 09:13 AM
Good soap, if it hasn't been mentioned.

If you are a guy that never moisturizes and uses cheap soap or body wash.

Just something simple like Dove is a step above usual crap, but you can also buy all kinds of really nice soaps, at very little cost, and you can have smoother, softer skin, and smell nice, at very little cost per shower.
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01-21-2015 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by afwoods
Good soap, if it hasn't been mentioned.

If you are a guy that never moisturizes and uses cheap soap or body wash.

Just something simple like Dove is a step above usual crap, but you can also buy all kinds of really nice soaps, at very little cost, and you can have smoother, softer skin, and smell nice, at very little cost per shower.
Originally Posted by Empire Man
LOL at the antibar bloc. Around six months ago I realized that I had never thought about soap ever. I knew the whole axe phylum was lame, but I'd been using the same bar soap for my whole life and wondered if I could do better. Results:


I have strep right now and am not cleaning the tiles. Also I know the pattern is dumb and the shower is antique but I just scored a good apartment in SF and it's not getting upgraded.

--gum thingy, unused just like everybody else's gum thingy
--toothbrush, toothpaste. Different topic.
--standard Dove: what I've used my whole life, neutral, sturdy
--Agg-Tval Eggwhite Soap: smells like a mcmuffin but cleaner, and I wanted a face soap for girl guests.
--Coco CHANEL body soap: luxury item, smells simultaneously like victory and the opposite of napalm

--background minibottle, DR BRONNER'S peppermint: certainly tingly
--foreground minibottle, Bath & Body Works Oak Signature: This soap had super high reviews but was discontinued, and every available 10oz bottle sells for $40 to $100 online. But I found one overmatched private seller in the backwaters of Amazon who, on account of the five typos in his listing, had fourteen bottles left for $6.50 each. I bought all fourteen, soap unseen. Results? Eh, it's just above average. But it's a hot market and I am the last tycoon.

--Sappo Hill Oatmeal: underdog champion of the oatmeal bracket, it's an honest oatmeal smell, reminds me of spilling maypo on the box scores before 5th grade, but, critically, it also works as a soap.
--L'OCCITANE VERBENA: I could use this everyday for eight years and it would still be the same brave brick. Indestructable and lemony.

--Caswell-Massey Sandalwood Woodgrain Soap: looks like a pinewood derby car & smells like bubblegum, but is also masculine and is also exotic. "The palm tree at the end of the mind / Beyond the last thought / Rises in the bronze decor," in soap form.

--Tanner Goods WILDWOOD It took me a goddamn long time to find a good forest soap. BOOM.

In the end I tried fifty soaps and those were the survivors. Please don't insult them by asking if they make good suds or if they leave a film. They make incredible suds. They don't leave any film. I tried fifty ****ing soaps and made a spreadsheet and trust me guys these are all phenomenal soaps.

not shown
If you like coconut, the most evocative coconut out there is The Body Shop Coconut Soap. I would use it all the time but it leaves a clammy cobweb on my balls.

By far the most interesting soap I tried was Caswell-Massey Number Six. This is a soap designed in 1780 and was the favorite soap of President George Washington. It's interesting because it has five pungent smells that not only overwhelm you but are all 100% unidentifiable. It got to the point where I was taking this soap around to dinner parties trying to get help in figuring out the smells, but nobody ever solved it. Washington the inscrutable! I liked it a ton but it got banned from the showcase rack because it overpowers every noun in the room and anything it touches turns orange. RECOMMENDED.

I know way more about soap than I did six months ago. I am a straight single guy, but I'm gonna smell how I want, and it turns out that what I want depends on my changing moods. Note that before the soap project I'm not even sure I knew I had moods. And btw, once guests get over the initial shock, they are completely gung-ho. The project was a success. If your favorite bar soap was not shown, feel free to mention it and I'll check my spreadsheet and see if I rated it.
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01-21-2015 , 11:37 PM
Which luxury item is least decipherable from its $30 equivalent: $100 wine, or $100 cologne/perfume?
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01-21-2015 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
Which luxury item is least decipherable from its $30 equivalent: $100 wine, or $100 cologne/perfume?
very good question...and i have no answer.
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01-22-2015 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
Which luxury item is least decipherable from its $30 equivalent: $100 wine, or $100 cologne/perfume?
Gotta be the wine. All cologne sucks. And when was the last time you noticed a girl's perfume and thought "wow that's really nice".

But then again if it's working subconsciously and triggering your pheromones all bets are off.
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01-22-2015 , 12:26 AM

All the time. My gf has multiple perfumes I love. My last gf didn't so I bought her one that I liked. You really don't notice when someone smells good?
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01-22-2015 , 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by scrolls
You really don't notice when someone smells good?
I notice. IMO women smell best when they don't smell like perfume.
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01-22-2015 , 02:15 AM

A man of your financial and social elevation, on your feet all day doing your web developing, could use an incredible pair of shoes for your likely overworked feet. Imaging taking your poor soles to a foot massage...every single day, all day long. Nice thought, huh?

I present to you the Hoka Hoka One Evo Stinson Trail. At 10.4 oz it's not the lightest shoe out there but the cushioning ratio is fantastic. These magnificent trail shoes can have you attack any terrain without fear.

Buy immediately.

Cheap luxuries Quote
01-22-2015 , 02:43 AM
Holy ****, this feels like one of those times where you see a guy badly fumble his keys as he leaves a party and insist he's good to drive.

Originally Posted by suzzer99
I don't see the point of few grand sitting in my account doing nothing except maybe giving me peace of mind, if I was a life nit.

I have no kids. My chances of getting fired any time soon are < 1%. I am a web developer with 15 years experience, so I'd get a job the next day if I wanted. And even if some kind of life black swan event did happen, I have several sources I could borrow against.

I make a decent amount, spend a lot, and stress about money basically never. It's worked for me for 20 years I see no reason to change things now. Me needing a cushion is up there with "trust your defense" and "take the sure points" imo.
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Ha ha you know I don't have one of those. My finances are a very liquid situation.
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I have a 401k. I also have a bunch in CCs I could borrow. And there's always mom or dad. I also get about 20% of my salary as a bonus in Feb.
Cheap luxuries Quote
01-22-2015 , 02:49 AM
Put down the credit card Suzzer! One day at a time. Although, I might get a pair of those shoes (not the pictured ones, maybe something more subtle) .
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01-22-2015 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by Brock Landers
(not the pictured ones, maybe something more subtle) .
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01-22-2015 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by jaydub
Holy ****, this feels like one of those times where you see a guy badly fumble his keys as he leaves a party and insist he's good to drive.
Yep I've been living like this for 20 years, but disaster is definitely coming, right around the corner. Any day now…

Please lay out exactly what horrible fate I am risking by not having a few grand in extra cash sitting around at all times.
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01-22-2015 , 09:36 AM
You'll never be able to help a Nigerian prince get their millions out of the country.
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01-22-2015 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Yep I've been living like this for 20 years, but disaster is definitely coming, right around the corner. Any day now…

Please lay out exactly what horrible fate I am risking by not having a few grand in extra cash sitting around at all times.
you end up with a hospital bill
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01-22-2015 , 04:56 PM
I have health insurance.
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01-22-2015 , 04:57 PM
which will not pay even close to 100% of your bill
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01-22-2015 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by jaydub
Holy ****, this feels like one of those times where you see a guy badly fumble his keys as he leaves a party and insist he's good to drive.
perfect. suzzer, you sound like a pretty enormous idiot about this stuff. not to mention that living this way just seems like an interminable juggling act which can't be any fun whatsoever.

empire man - what's the rationale between owning 50 different soaps but still using a $2 walmart toothbrush?
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01-22-2015 , 05:57 PM
Yeti, the key is to not stress about money. The only time I stressed about money was when I played poker, for obvious reasons.

Let's break it down:

I make decent money. I'm a web developer with 15+ years of experience living in LA at the top end of the pay scale. Look it up. Despite my apparently reckless lifestyle of not having a ****load of cash sitting around for (unclear other than hospital) life emergencies, I still was able to buy a condo in LA. My credit rating is like 800 - they love me. I have a 401k and about $75k in available credit card funds I could tap. I could also also borrow $10k or more from my parents and a few other people if I got into a real pinch.

Now, what exactly does a healthy 45-year-old need to be so scared of in this spot to clutch a bunch of cash at all times? Let's do a risk-reward on me not buying a back-massager that's going to potentially help me out with pain vs. some <.1% doomsday scenario. Keep in mind for some reason this (unclear) doomsday scenario is enough to tap out my $100k or so in available emergency funds and completely destroy me, yet I would be spared if I only had another $5k or so of cash sitting in my bank.

It's like the doomsday prepper thinking a few guns are going to keep him safe from the roving bands of road warriors come armageddon. If I get in $100k+ worth of trouble I'm screwed either way.
Cheap luxuries Quote
01-22-2015 , 06:13 PM

That's a reasonable question, but I fear we won't likely hear from Empire Man, because that quote was pulled from a different thread&forum. I'm guessing he just hadn't gotten around to making a toothbrush spreadsheet.
Cheap luxuries Quote
01-22-2015 , 06:25 PM

It's nothing like a doomsday prepper, because unlike nuclear winter, old age is inevitable and for you it's right around the corner. That's why rational people save for things like retirement and health care, and irrational people spend money on junk. Like MREs and ugly sandals.
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01-22-2015 , 06:36 PM
I for one appreciate suzzer's devil-may-care attitude.
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01-22-2015 , 06:38 PM
Well I needed a pair of flip-flops as mine broke. And I do have a 401k for retirement.

I guess from this thread people are assuming I'm some kind of shop-a-holic. I actually hate shopping and often go long periods without buying stuff I really need, where I kick myself for not getting it sooner. My car is paid off. I don't go out to eat much and live pretty simply except for travel, which I will never regret.
Cheap luxuries Quote
01-22-2015 , 07:01 PM
This tangent is pretty weird. I didn't get the impression that suzzer is forgoing retirement savings to buy a massager, or think he's in trouble because he keeps a low balance in his checking account.

I also don't have my bills on autopay fwiw. I get paid once a month and almost immediately sweep out all of my checking account elsewhere.

Back to the thread, my newest cheap luxury is a large Sam Adams perfect pint glass that I bought today. I think it's 22 ounces and it cost $2.99. Using it right now and give it
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