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Charlie Sheen Charlie Sheen

11-21-2015 , 06:55 PM
Ya people like to hop on band wagons, just look at the gluten fad. A small percentage of people are allergic to gluten and then everyone went nuts thinking that gluten was ****ing with them. I know a ton of people who fell into that trap and only 1 person had celiac disease.

Originally Posted by Anarchist
it wasn't annoying that somebody posted it here. what's annoying is someone pawning it off as an original joke and people giving him accolades for it
People do it in real life all the time.....
Charlie Sheen Quote
11-21-2015 , 07:20 PM
Sheengzz got Sheen'd
Charlie Sheen Quote
11-21-2015 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by Bighurt52235
I've never in my life been present with even a stranger that I've known to be HIV positive. No friend of a friend or friend's cousin. Nothing. Is that unlikely?
Closest I've ever been is a guy next to my grandma in the hospital who was dying of AIDS.
Charlie Sheen Quote
11-22-2015 , 12:19 AM
I've tugged a bunch off, but nothing more.
Charlie Sheen Quote
11-22-2015 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by uradoodooface
Ya people like to hop on band wagons, just look at the gluten fad. A small percentage of people are allergic to gluten and then everyone went nuts thinking that gluten was ****ing with them. I know a ton of people who fell into that trap and only 1 person had celiac disease
Absolutely, most people don't even know wtf gluten even is. They just see foods making a big deal out of advertising loudly that they are "gluten free" and they assume gluten therefore is this bad thing, and they should try to avoid it.
Charlie Sheen Quote
11-22-2015 , 01:47 AM
Unless your social circle is really tiny, the odds that you know someone with HIV are pretty decent. I have something like 800+ contacts in my phone and although I'm not personally aware of the HIV status of every single one of them I'm pretty sure at least *someone* has it (odds for me knowing someone with it are higher than average because I know a decent number of former IV drug users).
Charlie Sheen Quote
11-22-2015 , 02:21 AM
I don't know what would annoy me more, actually getting AIDS, or seeing another person call it "AIDs". Like, what?
Charlie Sheen Quote
11-22-2015 , 06:26 AM
Some of the stuff on here about the public perception of AIDS back in the 80s is an eye opener. I was born in 82 so I probably didn't become aware of AIDS until the 90s. I'm assuming things must have calmed down by this point as I don't remember any of the hysteria that people are posting about here.
Charlie Sheen Quote
11-22-2015 , 07:12 AM
Originally Posted by Csaba
Some of the stuff on here about the public perception of AIDS back in the 80s is an eye opener. I was born in 82 so I probably didn't become aware of AIDS until the 90s. I'm assuming things must have calmed down by this point as I don't remember any of the hysteria that people are posting about here.

Doctors said he posed no risk to other students, but AIDS was poorly understood at the time. When White tried to return to school, many parents and teachers in Kokomo rallied against his attendance due to concerns of the disease spreading through bodily fluid transfer, as several children recited the claim that White had threatened them with saliva and blood.
Charlie Sheen Quote
11-22-2015 , 08:22 AM
I hit 16 just as ADIS blew up, it's literally all my dad talked about when he gave me the safe sex talk. I mean he was on about it non-stop. He wasn't the only one, teachers, mates, girls at the time, trying to get some bareback was impossible! I think there were about 4 people in Ireland with HIV at the point! It was huge news and so very misunderstood.

Funny thing is a girl on my road died of AIDS in about '95. IV drug user though.

Extra thought, I date girls about 5 years younger than me and it's hardly on their radar.
I still freaks me out a little if I have unprotected sex, I get an HIV screen every year as habit.
My doctor says that a lot of people my age have exactly the same issue, all worried about HIV,
not body GAF about other STIs.

Last edited by wannabealive; 11-22-2015 at 08:41 AM.
Charlie Sheen Quote
11-22-2015 , 10:19 AM
LOL try having a mother that is a health/sex ed teacher and religious. I remember being paranoid as **** about STIs like crazy when I was younger. When I got to puberty it was all you can catch this and this and this..... Back then in my mind barebacking = instaAIDS LOL

Originally Posted by Csaba
Some of the stuff on here about the public perception of AIDS back in the 80s is an eye opener. I was born in 82 so I probably didn't become aware of AIDS until the 90s. I'm assuming things must have calmed down by this point as I don't remember any of the hysteria that people are posting about here.
Ya I was born the same year and I remember learning about HIV from sex ed which started at like 3rd grade but not sure when they started teaching about stds, it might have been later. I knew the facts they had at the time and later on became aware that people thought this was just a gay people's disease. I remember being confused why they would think that as I was educated on the facts and all the myths that I learned later were so damn silly.

Last edited by uradoodooface; 11-22-2015 at 10:24 AM.
Charlie Sheen Quote
11-23-2015 , 05:13 PM
Good Lord
Charlie Sheen Quote
11-23-2015 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by pokeraz
Cliffs: Allegedly a videotape surfaces of Charlie Sheen blowing some dude.

Add eight paragraphs of breathless hyperbole, and there's your gossip article.
Charlie Sheen Quote
11-23-2015 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by pokeraz

Well the thread just got interesting.
Charlie Sheen Quote
11-23-2015 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by BustoPro
Cliffs: Allegedly a videotape surfaces of Charlie Sheen blowing some dude.

Add eight paragraphs of breathless hyperbole, and there's your gossip article.

"The Tinseltown train-wreck" they use to refer to Sheen. A few paragraphs in. GFY. That's where I stopped reading.
Charlie Sheen Quote
11-23-2015 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by PocketChads
I am a little curious about a couple people's definition of gay or homosexual itt

There are like a half dozen ways you could mean it when you say having sex with men doesn't mean you're gay, or doesn't equate to homosexuality
Just because I once changed a spark plug, it doesn't make me a mechanic.
Charlie Sheen Quote
11-23-2015 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Closest I've ever been is a guy next to my grandma in the hospital who was dying of AIDS.
How did you grandma get AIDS?
Charlie Sheen Quote
11-23-2015 , 09:13 PM
No I think the hospital was dying of AIDS.
Charlie Sheen Quote
11-23-2015 , 09:14 PM
No, the doctors had AIDS but the doctors were women.
Charlie Sheen Quote
11-23-2015 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by Csaba
Some of the stuff on here about the public perception of AIDS back in the 80s is an eye opener. I was born in 82 so I probably didn't become aware of AIDS until the 90s. I'm assuming things must have calmed down by this point as I don't remember any of the hysteria that people are posting about here.
The hysteria was insanely intense w/ TV commercials saying (the gist of it) 'When you have sex w/ someone you are having sex w/ everybody THEY ever had sex w/' and 'Even your grandmother could get AIDS' both of which turned out to be total bs. And it didn't really slow down all that much well into the 90's. I went for an anonymous AIDS test at a NYC run clinic. I couldn't get the test until I had a counseling interview sort of session. I was asked 'How many times have you had sex w/ a man?' 'Never.' 'We can't help you if you're not honest w/ us, it's ok to tell the truth. How many times have you had sex w/ a man?' 'Never.' I had to go back to get the results which were negative.

The point is is that even in the early 90's the public health people were fairly certain the epidemic would likely be confined to the gay male (you'll notice it's not a talked about problem amongst lesbians) and IV using drug addicts.

The politics of the disease was really awful as well.
Charlie Sheen Quote
11-23-2015 , 10:22 PM
Anyone got a link to a copy of the Sheen blowjob clip?

For research purposes only of course
Charlie Sheen Quote
11-24-2015 , 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by AllBlackDan
Anyone got a link to a copy of the Sheen blowjob clip?

For research purposes only of course
If so, you'll get the chance to know Charlie's lawyers...
Charlie Sheen Quote
11-24-2015 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by pokeraz
Radar has viewed video at the center of a lawsuit alleging he gave a lover herpes.

LOL, like if you're gonna hook up with a turbo slut like Sheen you gotta expect the high chance of catching catching some ****. Dude musta skipped health class to many days.
Charlie Sheen Quote
11-24-2015 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
No, the doctors had AIDS but the doctors were women.
This. And my grandma was Einstein.
Charlie Sheen Quote
