I once was waiting in line at a liquor store. The clerk was talking on his cell. A dude walks into the store, picks up a 12-pack, and walks right out as the clerk watchs him. I guess I should have tracked down the owner of the store to inform him of what was going on.
I once saw two teenagers run out of a City Market with gallons of milk, one of the cartons busted open, they jumped in the back of a truck which sped off and they left a trail of milk behind them. I was laughing so hard when the store employee came chasing after them.
You shouldn't have to turn him in. Management should know how much money he starts with in the register each day and should have a record or every transaction processed. How f#^%ing hard is it to give correct change?! Dude shows up a little short one time...hey everyone makes mistakes. Constantly comes up short...he is either a thief or a moron and either way should be shown the door, or at a minimum should have their paycheck docked accordingly. (This is assuming that each cashier has their own cash drawer--which is a pretty basic internal control)
Originally Posted by Cardfish1
If they write it off, that means it doesn't cost them anything. Win/win.