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Is buying a used luxury car a noob move for someone in my situation? Is buying a used luxury car a noob move for someone in my situation?

02-17-2015 , 06:10 AM
Entire post is wtf.

Doesn't need car; wants car

Doesn't care about cars; wants luxury car.

Worried about depreciation; pays cash

Leasing a car is a horrible idea and I would never recommend to almost anyone.

If you want a weekend toy just rent a car for a weekend.
Is buying a used luxury car a noob move for someone in my situation? Quote
02-17-2015 , 06:18 AM
Originally Posted by Abbaddabba
The only part of what you said that doesn't point towards a slightly used economical brand is the dating / fun stuff part. Some women think it's sexy, some would think you're pretentious and most wouldn't care much either way.... rarely will it be the deciding factor on whether you get laid.
Women who look for guys with nice cars KNOW that you are in a 10 year old BMW.

Just like they know the latest fashion and gossip and trends they know how to spot a used/old "luxury" car from a new one.

The status you get from a high end car like Audi/BMW/Benz only lasts for AT MOST 3 years and then the REAL rich guys dump them off and get the new one and the stupid twentysomethings and middle class middle life crisis clowns buy their leftovers from carmax thinking they will get the status but its gone, meanwhile everyone knows the whole thing is smoke and mirrors and your just as broke as everyone else, you might as well buy a fake Rolex to match.
Is buying a used luxury car a noob move for someone in my situation? Quote
02-17-2015 , 06:20 AM
My country is full of old cars like bmw, mercs, audi and vw. Unless you want frequent car problems, don't buy any of them.

If you want something European and old but still reliable, look for volvo.
Is buying a used luxury car a noob move for someone in my situation? Quote
02-17-2015 , 09:32 AM
Back in the day I used to buy old BMW 6 and 7 series - never spent more than a few hundred, drive until something broke, sell for scrap, rinse and repeat. Had some lovely motoring for very little money.

Company picked up the fuel bill though.
Is buying a used luxury car a noob move for someone in my situation? Quote
02-17-2015 , 10:27 AM
zipcars has BMWs, Infinitis, Cadillacs, etc that can be rented when you want to look baller, SUVs when you need them, and standard driving. That and uber will be cheaper, give you a nicer vehicle to drive when you want, and give you more options on the type of vehicle to suit your specific needs.
Is buying a used luxury car a noob move for someone in my situation? Quote
02-17-2015 , 10:29 AM
you look real baller w a zip car logo on the car
Is buying a used luxury car a noob move for someone in my situation? Quote
02-17-2015 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by pig4bill
Man, of all the cars you could have picked, you were unlucky enough to get two of the worst. The Saab rep you know about. The VW, car people refer to it as a POSsat.
Yeah, ugh. If you are naive enough to buy Saab or VW, at least buy new (or just lease) and unload that **** before it hits 50K miles. Repair records on those have been horrible forever.
Is buying a used luxury car a noob move for someone in my situation? Quote
02-17-2015 , 01:06 PM
That's what happens when your CEO decide to say YOLO! and builds a 1,200hp, $2,000,000 car that they'll sell a handful of.

Is buying a used luxury car a noob move for someone in my situation? Quote
02-17-2015 , 01:08 PM
Leasing a new luxury vehicle might make more sense for you.
Is buying a used luxury car a noob move for someone in my situation? Quote
02-17-2015 , 01:10 PM
So would a Vespa
Is buying a used luxury car a noob move for someone in my situation? Quote
02-17-2015 , 06:22 PM

Where do you live?
Is buying a used luxury car a noob move for someone in my situation? Quote
02-17-2015 , 07:18 PM
Just get a used lexus or acura. Still nice but very sensible.
Is buying a used luxury car a noob move for someone in my situation? Quote
02-17-2015 , 07:43 PM
op why not get a high condition classic car? Repairs would be cheap. Something like:

Is buying a used luxury car a noob move for someone in my situation? Quote
02-17-2015 , 10:48 PM
I know a guy that moved back with his parents in his late 20s in order to be able to afford a new BMW 5 series.

I am really not sure if that is more or less ridiculous than buying a 15 year old luxury car. You can at least lie about your living situation if you have the new car.

Originally Posted by de4df1sh
The status you get from a high end car like Audi/BMW/Benz only lasts for AT MOST 3 years and then the REAL rich guys dump them off and get the new one and the stupid twentysomethings and middle class middle life crisis clowns buy their leftovers from carmax thinking they will get the status but its gone, meanwhile everyone knows the whole thing is smoke and mirrors and your just as broke as everyone else, you might as well buy a fake Rolex to match.
Is buying a used luxury car a noob move for someone in my situation? Quote
02-18-2015 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by Henry17
If you're only driving 2-3k a year why would you even own a car? Uber + the occasional rental is better.

just rent a car for the 10-15 times you are going to use and you are going to have wayyyyyyyyyy less headaches. no monthly insurance premium. no routine maintenance. No parking. No cleaninig and vacuuming.

at $50/day ( $30/day for the rental + $20/day for the insurance ) for 50 days a year, that is only $2500/year. for someone in your situation, you would be hard pressed to need a car more than 50 days a year, so $2500 would be the high end of your expenses.
Is buying a used luxury car a noob move for someone in my situation? Quote
02-18-2015 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by de4df1sh
Entire post is wtf.

Doesn't need car; wants car

Doesn't care about cars; wants luxury car.

Worried about depreciation; pays cash

Leasing a car is a horrible idea and I would never recommend to almost anyone.

If you want a weekend toy just rent a car for a weekend.
Pretty much this.
Is buying a used luxury car a noob move for someone in my situation? Quote
02-18-2015 , 02:16 AM

The correct answer is to buy a second generation Miata and learn how to drive. Goosehinson and Henry will laugh at you but driving enthusiasts know what's up.[/QUOTE]

Depending on where you live, this may be the right answer. I'm on my third Miata and they're a blast to drive, bulletproof mechanically and run forever.

OTOH they're hopeless in snow, and totally impractical in terms of hauling home anything bigger that a 12 pack of beer......

Is buying a used luxury car a noob move for someone in my situation? Quote
02-18-2015 , 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by hobbes9324
Depending on where you live, this may be the right answer. I'm on my third Miata and they're a blast to drive, bulletproof mechanically and run forever.

OTOH they're hopeless in snow, and totally impractical in terms of hauling home anything bigger that a 12 pack of beer......

I say this as someone who views the miata as the answer to almost nothing, did you try putting snow tires on any of your three before dismissing them as hopeless? I'm pretty sure a miata on snows when driven with common sense could handle most situations.

Also, you could easily seatbelt in multiple cases in the passenger seat. Come on, use some imagination here.
Is buying a used luxury car a noob move for someone in my situation? Quote
02-18-2015 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by JHair
There was this kid I knew in like 7th grade that was OBSESSED with Saabs. His dream was to own every Saab. I even knew at 12 that was ******ed. I don't know what he's doing now but it can't be much.
Did he ever have one of these?

A friend of mind had one. Weird little car. V4, fiberglass body.
Is buying a used luxury car a noob move for someone in my situation? Quote
02-18-2015 , 07:28 AM
Any Luxury car is going to cost an arm and a leg to get fixed when the inevitable repairs arise. My advise is buy an older Buick; they're very well made cars that are cheap to fix and are a really nice ride. Just be patient and scope out the classified ad's and craigslist till you find a nice one from an owner not a dealer.

Last edited by benb56721; 02-18-2015 at 07:37 AM.
Is buying a used luxury car a noob move for someone in my situation? Quote
02-18-2015 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by benb56721
Any Luxury car is going to cost an arm and a leg to get fixed when the inevitable repairs arise. My advise is buy an older Buick; they're very well made cars that are cheap to fix and are a really nice ride. Just be patient and scope out the classified ad's and craigslist till you find a nice one from an owner not a dealer.
and you could take your grandkids to church in it
Is buying a used luxury car a noob move for someone in my situation? Quote
02-18-2015 , 09:57 AM
Do Buick owners know how to use Craigslist?
Is buying a used luxury car a noob move for someone in my situation? Quote
02-18-2015 , 10:07 AM
Given that you don't care about features, or about shiny niceness I think you would be much happier purchasing an old Honda or the like and buying 8k in hookers and blow.

2 year old Subaru if you are going semi new.
Is buying a used luxury car a noob move for someone in my situation? Quote
02-18-2015 , 10:11 AM
Buick is not the same grandpa car they used to be.

Disclaimer: 23 and drive a Buick.
Is buying a used luxury car a noob move for someone in my situation? Quote
02-18-2015 , 10:56 AM
Yeah, Buick now is pretty freaking slick. Was just having that conversation with a friend last night. He's currently driving a CTS, loves the car, hates the engine issues. Going to trade it in this spring. Has to stay domestic (lives in Michigan, involved with state level politics).

After the CTS, he's pretty much done with Cadillac. Hates the ATS. Nothing in the Lincoln line calls to him. Doesn't want to go performance with a 'vette or 'stang. Buick, on the other hand, fits perfectly.
Is buying a used luxury car a noob move for someone in my situation? Quote
