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Best Potato Chips (brand/flavors) Best Potato Chips (brand/flavors)

06-20-2010 , 03:13 AM
I live in NC and whenever I visit family in Pennsylvania, I always snack on these (and bring some home) the entire time I'm there:

Their Salt & Vinegar is also outstanding.
Best Potato Chips (brand/flavors) Quote
06-20-2010 , 04:38 AM
I feel my gums shredding just reading this.

Rufflle's Sour Cream and Cheddar paired with an onion dip is very strong.

I hated Caped Cod as a kid but have grown to appreciate them more lately.

Sun Chips really dominate the chip category AFAIK
Best Potato Chips (brand/flavors) Quote
06-20-2010 , 06:31 AM
has anyone had:

they're regional to the south apparently. have heard they kick ass.

might just order a box online.
Best Potato Chips (brand/flavors) Quote
06-20-2010 , 07:24 AM
Originally Posted by Ineedaride2
I think this thread needs a vote tally, followed by a couple of polls to narrow down the winner.

I actually like the regular version better, but the internet doesn't seem to have a picture of that.

I don't expect this to win, I just want to know how many other people have fallen in love with them.
i thought these were called "Tater Skins" back in the day

Originally Posted by dcm91
has anyone had:

they're regional to the south apparently. have heard they kick ass.

might just order a box online.
the zapp's Cajun Dill are ****ing delicious. i've never seen the "spicy creole tomato w/tabasco" but those have to rock.

also, in canada, they have ketchup flavored chips that i like.
Best Potato Chips (brand/flavors) Quote
06-20-2010 , 07:47 AM
I bought a box of Popchips off Amazon recently. The black pepper, BBQ, and sour cream varieties were all great. And the vinegar, if you're into that. The plain was too bland, though.

They're a little pricey, but they're supposed to be relatively healthy, not fried. And convenient, getting them delivered.
Best Potato Chips (brand/flavors) Quote
06-20-2010 , 07:56 AM
obv munchos

Best Potato Chips (brand/flavors) Quote
06-20-2010 , 08:15 AM
Wow you guys know your chips. Here are my picks, same as the others.

Zapps Cajun Crawtators
Kettle Salt and Black Pepper
Cape Cod orginal flavor

*I also enjoy a good old Ruffle
Best Potato Chips (brand/flavors) Quote
06-20-2010 , 08:59 AM
Cape Cod Sea Salt and Cracked pepper are absolutely amazing.

Better Made, which are a local thing in Michigan are delicious as well. Regular or Hot BBQ FTW
Best Potato Chips (brand/flavors) Quote
06-20-2010 , 10:15 AM
Plain old Lay's are the best, though I haven't had a snack food in years.

Also, what's better than a lay?
Best Potato Chips (brand/flavors) Quote
06-20-2010 , 10:59 AM
All-Dressed Ruffles are native to Canada. Very good. I've had quite a few American friends try them over the past year and some have joked about bringing them home to show their friends.

Best Potato Chips (brand/flavors) Quote
06-20-2010 , 11:20 AM
Best Potato Chips (brand/flavors) Quote
06-20-2010 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by DrOldSchool

Utz BBQ (non-ruffled version) >>>>>>> anything else
even better imo

Best Potato Chips (brand/flavors) Quote
06-20-2010 , 11:58 AM
Easily the best chips ever:

And here is why:

Best Potato Chips (brand/flavors) Quote
06-20-2010 , 12:57 PM
I enjoyed Zapp's while living in New Orleans, they did a limited edition 'Voodoo' flavour that was pretty good.

Over here, yeah the Kettle chips are good - the sea salt and malt vinegar or the spicy mesquite flavour. Or with a pint, can't really beat a packed of Walkers ready salted.

I remember a brand I think it might have been Smith's, when I was younger. They came with a little blue packet of salt that you could add yourself... They were great!

Last edited by axioma; 06-20-2010 at 01:00 PM. Reason: Yup, Smiths...
Best Potato Chips (brand/flavors) Quote
06-20-2010 , 01:29 PM
Potato chips is one place where Canada>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>USA!
Best Potato Chips (brand/flavors) Quote
06-20-2010 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by hollywood_dizon

only some are lucky enough to live in a place that has these
Best Potato Chips (brand/flavors) Quote
06-20-2010 , 02:13 PM
I hate kettle cooked chips now. My all time favorite:

Best Potato Chips (brand/flavors) Quote
06-20-2010 , 02:25 PM
Some of my favs;

Best Potato Chips (brand/flavors) Quote
06-20-2010 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by Xaston

Originally Posted by dukemagic
I have only tried the original, but Kettle brand chips are confirmed awesome. I'll have to try these.
Best Potato Chips (brand/flavors) Quote
06-20-2010 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Big, beefy lumberjack women is one place where Canada>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>USA!
Excuse me, we're having a polite discussion about crisps ITT.
Best Potato Chips (brand/flavors) Quote
06-20-2010 , 02:36 PM
When I was in Australia last year, one of their major potato chip companies had a contest to come up with the next great potato chip flavor. If you won, you would get something like 1% of the sales dollars for the next year. Pretty cool contest imo.

It sounds really weird, but I think there could have been a ton of potential for a peanut butter and honey flavored chip. I should have entered.
Best Potato Chips (brand/flavors) Quote
06-20-2010 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Some of my favs;

This is only good in small quantities. I find I can never finish a single-portion-sized bag of these.
Best Potato Chips (brand/flavors) Quote
06-20-2010 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by neuroman
Excuse me, we're having a polite discussion about crisps ITT.
Good point Canadian women are pretty ugly

Best Potato Chips (brand/flavors) Quote
06-20-2010 , 03:19 PM
I remain intrigued by all the specialized flavors of our neighbor to the north.

Is Cape Cod still a Proud Sponsor of the Tall Ships Competition?
Best Potato Chips (brand/flavors) Quote
