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Best city to live for young men? Best city to live for young men?

11-17-2011 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by zomg
Have you been to Atlanta? I think it may have no redeeming qualities. I visited there recently and I asked a friend who lived their her whole life what I could do and she replied "get high and go to the mall, or go to the coke factory"

Of the places I have been that I would live in order New Orleans (amazing place, atmosphere and general vibe as long as you don't go to Bourbon street every night), NY (only second because i've been living here for two years and you need a solid salary - 70k+ - to live comfortably in Manhattan ), SD, Austin, SF, Chicago (may be a little too cold), Nashville (hasn't been mentioned yet don't know about living there but I loved it, great vibe)

I haven't been to Boston, Portland or Seattle so no comments although have heard generally good things wrt to living there.

If you are including Canada I would put Montreal tied for New Orleans as number 1. The largest collections of hot girls anywhere I have ever been.
I've actually heard this quite a bit. I was offered a job opp in Nashville which I turned down because I didn't think it was my type of area. Can anyone expand on the city?
Best city to live for young men? Quote
11-17-2011 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by zomg
Have you been to Atlanta? I think it may have no redeeming qualities. I visited there recently and I asked a friend who lived their her whole life what I could do and she replied "get high and go to the mall, or go to the coke factory"
Yes I've been to Atlanta. I found North Atlanta to be fairly good in terms of ratio and nightlife to be decent.

As an aside, Nashville feels very similar to Austin albeit with less of a college town vibe. you have plenty of cool bars, live music, and people are laid back in general. Nashville is also the healthcare capitol of the US so if you work in that field, that would be a bonus.
Best city to live for young men? Quote
11-17-2011 , 06:33 PM
Maybe where I went in Atlanta wasn't that good but it was boring, the people were not as friendly as other cities in the south and the nightlife was average at best.

Re: Nashville, I don't know what it is specifically. The people are super nice, the girls are cute in a southern sort of way if that's your thing and they have bars playing live music all day every day it's just a fun place to be. I was supposed to go for a couple of days and stayed a week, but I'm not 100% sure if I could live there hard to say.

Edit: agree with amoeba, similar to Austin but less collegey which means the nightlife isn't as crazy as say 6th street in Austin so I guess if clubbing and hanging out with college people is more your scene then probably not as good
Best city to live for young men? Quote
11-17-2011 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by zomg
Have you been to Atlanta? I think it may have no redeeming qualities. I visited there recently and I asked a friend who lived their her whole life what I could do and she replied "get high and go to the mall, or go to the coke factory"
Your friend is prob just a boring shut in stoner. Do you really think that opinion could be accurate for a metro area with +5 million people?

If I had to move I'd go to San Diego or Miami, I don't like cold weather.
Best city to live for young men? Quote
11-17-2011 , 06:41 PM
Based on that map, move to Silver Spring, MD and then smash **** every empty vagina within a 30 mile radius.
Best city to live for young men? Quote
11-17-2011 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by lennytheduck
Baltimore is pretty good for girls man. Federal Hill alone is swimming with them on weekends.

Haha, I totally agree!! I live in federal hill and its def swamped with hot chicks. I have my fiancee but still go out with my single buddies for sheer entertainment. If you cant find a girl on a fri/sat nite then you will never find a girl.
Best city to live for young men? Quote
11-17-2011 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by bigpotpoker
Aspiring actress/model/singer obv..but for real, San Diego isn't bad if you want ca. Wouldn't recommend oc unless you are old and retired.
That poster meant "Anywhere, LA" as in "Insert Any Rando Place in Louisiana".

Obvi LA (the city in California) is one of the better choices, as is San Diego.
Best city to live for young men? Quote
11-17-2011 , 06:52 PM
I wouldn't use girl:guy ratio as an end-all metric for where to live.

I live in the NoVA/DC area, and while all the women complain that it's all girls and no guys, it's mostly a myth.

Here's info from city-data (seems to be based on 2009):

Arlington, VA: 50.4% male, 49.6% female
Washington, DC: 47.1% male, 52.9% female
Austin, TX: 51.4% male, 48.6% female
San Diego, CA: 50.4% male, 49.6% female

An extra percent or two hardly makes a difference if the city sucks or the quality of people is low. I would definitely consider cost of living though, as that makes a HUGE difference.
Best city to live for young men? Quote
11-17-2011 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by zomg
Have you been to Atlanta? I think it may have no redeeming qualities. I visited there recently and I asked a friend who lived their her whole life what I could do and she replied "get high and go to the mall, or go to the coke factory"
It's not your fault, but I think you did Atlanta wrong.

Nashville (hasn't been mentioned yet don't know about living there but I loved it, great vibe)
I like Nashville a lot. My brother lives there now for school.
Best city to live for young men? Quote
11-17-2011 , 06:57 PM
My stepbrother is less attractive than I am, has high standards for women, and has slept with 60+ girls since moving to Manhattan. It's probably worth mentioning that he works as a line cook in a restaurant and splits a 500 sq ft apartment with a guy who "is basically a hobo."

NYC ainec!
Best city to live for young men? Quote
11-17-2011 , 06:57 PM
Austin is awesome

Also, New Orleans:

A 2009 Travel + Leisure poll of "America's Favorite Cities" ranked New Orleans first in ten categories, the most first-place rankings of the 30 cities included. According to the poll, New Orleans is the best U.S. city as a spring break destination and for "wild weekends," stylish boutique hotels, cocktail hours, singles/bar scenes, live music/conerts and bands, antique and vintage shops, cafés/coffee bars, neighborhood restaurants, and people watching.
It's awesome living here as a young, unmarried guy.
Best city to live for young men? Quote
11-17-2011 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by mmbt0ne
It's not your fault, but I think you did Atlanta wrong.
Not doubting this although I did go out and see the nightlife. The hostel I stayed in was average and had no atmosphere and the places I went were not great. I only ended up staying for 2 nights because I didn't love it.

I found the hostel maybe it was in a bad area?
Best city to live for young men? Quote
11-17-2011 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by neuroman
Based on that map, move to Silver Spring, MD and then smash **** every empty vagina within a 30 mile radius.
I have some friends that live there. From what ive gathered its a cookie cutter type town with not a whole lot to do. Probably hot chicks and a relatively easy commute to wasington,dc via the metro for work/nightlife. Ive heard cost of living is high, but if you get a job in dc it will more than make up for that increase.
Best city to live for young men? Quote
11-17-2011 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
Big downside with Austin is there are a lot more men than women. But having UT here at least keeps it in some balance.

The dot for Austin is huge especially knowing the size of the city is not very big.

San Diego looks especially bad with this trend too.
that includes a lot of old spinsters, take them out and it's pretty even all over
Best city to live for young men? Quote
11-17-2011 , 08:37 PM
Grunching, but you answered your own question. SD is always the answer.
Best city to live for young men? Quote
11-17-2011 , 08:52 PM
Hello there Mr. Sandusky out on bail and looking for new areas I c . . .
Best city to live for young men? Quote
11-18-2011 , 01:27 AM
As one who has been cursed in life to live in cities where the odds are atrocious, I'd be curious to see more guys chime in on the more medium-sized hunting grounds. I understand the OP is looking for more than just chicks but it would be interesting to hear about where the "promised land" is located. (Not that I have the energy to bother doing anything about it, but at least I can die happy knowing what I missed out on!)

Anecdotal personal experience suggests that the Memphis area is full of hot chicks, and also features weak competition in the form of an inordinate amount of rolly-polly guys. I ain't exactly Brad Pitt, but I was definitely liking the attention I got there. (Tunica specifically, but I assume that was just the Memphis overflow, and have heard similar sentiments echoed by others.)

Tampa is loaded with hot women. The numbers seem pretty good at a glance, but kind of a douchey scene. Across the bay, a decidedly friendlier downtown St. Petersburg has some pretty legit MILF hunting opportunities for those so inclined. Lotsa thirty and forty-somethings in both locales that can mop the floor with with the average twenty-something. Beach is more miss-than-hit off-season, though. (Leatherbags, yo.)

I've heard Lexington, KY, is full of fast horses and even faster women. DFTW always gets good reviews.
Best city to live for young men? Quote
11-18-2011 , 01:37 AM
Best city to live for young men? Quote
11-18-2011 , 01:38 AM
austin. biased though but great for young people
Best city to live for young men? Quote
11-18-2011 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by ut2010
austin. biased though but great for young people
I'll never forget a conversation I had years ago with an older mild-manned gentleman from Austin. He was talking about all the great things the area had to offer, and then ultimately stated, "If you ever get the chance, you need to spend an afternoon at the airport in August...".

Before he finished his thoughts I, in a split-second, assumed he was going to tell me about some airshow or something. Not quite, as he concluded by stating...

"... just to watch all the girls returning from summer break. It's quite a sight to see!"
Best city to live for young men? Quote
11-18-2011 , 01:47 AM
Best city to live for young men? Quote
11-18-2011 , 02:05 AM
You guys dont seem to be aware, so I will break the bad news to you.

Austin is in Texas
Best city to live for young men? Quote
11-18-2011 , 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by z28dreams
I wouldn't use girl:guy ratio as an end-all metric for where to live.

I live in the NoVA/DC area, and while all the women complain that it's all girls and no guys, it's mostly a myth.

Here's info from city-data (seems to be based on 2009):

Arlington, VA: 50.4% male, 49.6% female
Washington, DC: 47.1% male, 52.9% female
Austin, TX: 51.4% male, 48.6% female
San Diego, CA: 50.4% male, 49.6% female

An extra percent or two hardly makes a difference if the city sucks or the quality of people is low. I would definitely consider cost of living though, as that makes a HUGE difference.
Stats for unmarried, or just in general?
Best city to live for young men? Quote
11-18-2011 , 02:17 AM
Isn't this the biggest YMMV thread ever?
Best city to live for young men? Quote
11-18-2011 , 02:21 AM
Austin is great because while there are more guys than girls there, most of the guys there are computer nerds who just stay in and play WoW or Dota all night, so if you are actually a normal guy who goes out and can hold a conversation and stuff, you are amongst the top of the crop.
Best city to live for young men? Quote
