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Beat: I'm a fat, lazy slob (tl;dr) Beat: I'm a fat, lazy slob (tl;dr)

10-14-2008 , 01:36 AM
OP -,M1

btw im recommending the book here because i think it could help you. not trying to be a smart ass.
Beat: I'm a fat, lazy slob (tl;dr) Quote
10-14-2008 , 01:37 AM
imo, stop being fat.

or at least switch to an appetite-suppressing recreational drug.
Beat: I'm a fat, lazy slob (tl;dr) Quote
10-14-2008 , 01:43 AM
it really is all motivation
when i graduated college and wasnt running around playing baseball anymore i became a fat ****
i always ate ****, but naturally had a lean frame and was playing a lot of sports
i still played on the weekends but its not the same once all your friends have to work

Finally i said **** it-no more excuses no bull****
Being a fat **** is my fault and it wont change unless i change

I cant even cook at all- my oven isnt even connected
But bewtween a foreman grill, lots of fruits salads etc and no ****ing soda I dropped a ton of weight

I was 6'2 240 with like a 29% body fat, now Im 185 with a 14% body fat and to be honest im still lazy when it comes to working out- this was all a chnage in diet
I realizze you have more to lose than i did but if i didnt start changing last october i would be 300 lbs easily now

I also realized i have good disipline as far as not buying garbage
If i go to the store i wont buy chips and **** like that- but if someone brings them over and leaves them i gorge on them- so now if someone leaves coockies or chips behind i throw down down the encinerator before i have the chance to eat them
I also noticed when i dont eat that **** i dont have the craving for it at all
I can walk buy a bakery or fast food place and not want anything
When i go out to eat i never want soda
However if i do have cake on my birthday for instance i have to fight the urges for more the next day

If you look in the health forum on here i made a post around last christmas when i was about 2 months into this with more details of what i was eating and what im eating now

I also dont think gastric bypass is a good idea
You arent immobile so all it is accomplishing is giving you the lazy way out and
youll just put the weight back on
Beat: I'm a fat, lazy slob (tl;dr) Quote
10-14-2008 , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by Predator314
Also, My Mom keeps hounding me to join Weight Watchers. When I lost all that weight a few years ago, I was on weight watchers. The problem I have with WW though is they treat you like a kindergartener and they push all these pre-packaged foods and dinners which I absolutely hate. The only positive I got out of WW back then was having someone to hold me accountable and weigh me every week. My motivation was not to gain weight while someone else is weighing me.

I need to find a different way to hold myself accountable.
I haven't read a lot of the responses, but I read your OP and this post as well, and just wanted to reply.

I swear by Weight Watchers. I've lost 115 lbs. with WW (like you, I was over 400 lbs., and as of this past Saturday I'm in the 200's now at 299; great feeling to get that first digit down to a 2), and don't buy any of their pre-packaged foods or anything. In fact, I never stick around for the meetings at all either...I think it's worth the money to get the reading material and to have the accountability of the weekly weigh-in.

Lots of freedom with WW, and it really is a lifestyle switch that feels totally sustainable, like something I can keep up forever. That's huge.

However you decide to do it bro, great job of stepping up to the plate and confronting this. At 31, you have a lot of life left, assuming you take care of this weight issue. Good luck, I'm pulling for you.
Beat: I'm a fat, lazy slob (tl;dr) Quote
10-14-2008 , 03:29 AM
Just wanted to say the thread title made me lol. Brutal honesty is the best policy. Good luck OP-- we're all rooting for you!
Beat: I'm a fat, lazy slob (tl;dr) Quote
10-14-2008 , 03:40 AM
Originally Posted by stealthmunk
Am I the only one that really disagrees with this? I think that making a drastic and immediate change is the best way to fix this problem.
The problem is that many people will give up on a wholesale change if they fail at any part of it. What's important is that OP does something. Anything is better than nothing, and as you get the hang of some of it / it becomes habit, it becomes easier to take the next step. Sure, it'd be quicker if he were able to change it all at once, but if he was ready for that, he wouldn't be here...
Beat: I'm a fat, lazy slob (tl;dr) Quote
10-14-2008 , 07:45 AM
Quit your desk job and become a cycle courier, imo.

Serious answer: read 'The Hungry Years: Confessions of a Food Addict" by William Leith. His answer is that compulsive eating is something we learn in childhood to escaspe from unpleasant emotions. Therefore diets don't work. The answer, he concludes, is therapy.
Beat: I'm a fat, lazy slob (tl;dr) Quote
10-14-2008 , 02:40 PM
Just read your blog, and while it looks like you are on a fine track eating wise, if you keep it to just that much food, you will easily lose weight. But soda for breakfast??? Come on. I don't care if it is diet or anything. Don't have soda for breakfast with a bowl of frosted flakes. Yuck.

Good luck.
Beat: I'm a fat, lazy slob (tl;dr) Quote
10-14-2008 , 03:12 PM
You know Dids got laid this weekend, right?
Beat: I'm a fat, lazy slob (tl;dr) Quote
10-14-2008 , 03:25 PM
fwiw, a turkey sub and "some sort of potatoes that were kind of like hashbrowns" is not a very healthy option. Aim for more protein and less carbs.
Beat: I'm a fat, lazy slob (tl;dr) Quote
10-14-2008 , 04:49 PM
I was thinking the same thing.
I read your blog. Your diet is still horrible.

That's like Day 2 though, and the initial effort seems to be there.
Rooting for you...

Last edited by 27offsuit; 10-14-2008 at 04:59 PM.
Beat: I'm a fat, lazy slob (tl;dr) Quote
10-14-2008 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by miajag
fwiw, a turkey sub and "some sort of potatoes that were kind of like hashbrowns" is not a very healthy option. Aim for more protein and less carbs.
Ok, guys ... cut me a break here. I am making a meal plan and hitting the grocery store this evening. That's all I had available to me yesterday and this morning. I got a rough draft of my meal plan for the next few days on the blog now.

I figured any of my options yesterday and today were still better than fast food though.

** Edit **

Also, the meal plan is going to be changing a bit due to some advice I've received. I'll be shooting for less carbs, higher protein.
Beat: I'm a fat, lazy slob (tl;dr) Quote
10-14-2008 , 04:56 PM

Switch to cocaine, you'll lose the weight.
Beat: I'm a fat, lazy slob (tl;dr) Quote
10-14-2008 , 04:58 PM
What worked for me, is I made a prop bet with a couple friends to lose 70 ilbs in 8 months. I was motivated before.. but the money really helps the process. Have currently lost 27 ilbs in 6ish weeks. Most of it came because of changing my diet.

Find some friends who care to bet you on this and get your ass motivated.
Beat: I'm a fat, lazy slob (tl;dr) Quote
10-14-2008 , 05:01 PM
seriously, how many words of your post were about your past? just a blog about what you have done in the past? and how many words were seeking help, seeking advice on change, the future? what can you do to rather than whine about your past? fix this.
Beat: I'm a fat, lazy slob (tl;dr) Quote
10-14-2008 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by Predator314
Ok, guys ... cut me a break here. I am making a meal plan and hitting the grocery store this evening. That's all I had available to me yesterday and this morning. I got a rough draft of my meal plan for the next few days on the blog now.
yes, the advice you were given while ok wasn't really appropriate. Any change you make now is a good change and little changes like that aren't your worry now. But it's not about knowing it, it's about doing it. From now on your job isn't to know, educate, learn it's simply to do the right choice in as many decisions as you can.
Beat: I'm a fat, lazy slob (tl;dr) Quote
10-14-2008 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by Jay.
yes, the advice you were given while ok wasn't really appropriate. Any change you make now is a good change and little changes like that aren't your worry now. But it's not about knowing it, it's about doing it. From now on your job isn't to know, educate, learn it's simply to do the right choice in as many decisions as you can.
I've actually received some sound advice in the PM, from various health and fitness websites, and some other people that have and are going through the same thing as me.

The question isn't about knowing all this stuff. I don't claim to know it all, but I can always learn. It's not rocket surgery or anything. The main thing for me is just doing it.

Off to walk the puppy.
Beat: I'm a fat, lazy slob (tl;dr) Quote
10-14-2008 , 08:21 PM
rocket surgery is so hard!
Beat: I'm a fat, lazy slob (tl;dr) Quote
10-14-2008 , 10:00 PM
I posted some pics on the site. They are not that good and my mirror is nasty. i never perfected the art of Myspace vanity style pics.
Beat: I'm a fat, lazy slob (tl;dr) Quote
10-14-2008 , 10:37 PM
Good luck man. You did it once, you can do it again.
Beat: I'm a fat, lazy slob (tl;dr) Quote
10-14-2008 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by adanthar
your blog is worthless without pics (at least from the neck down)

other than that, step 1 is to quit smoking. don't even bother with the diet until you're off the weed, because you're going to wind up in front of the fridge no matter what.

good luck.
i would imagine quitting weed would help but cmon, just bc he smokes doesnt mean he has to eat a ton and cant exercise.
Beat: I'm a fat, lazy slob (tl;dr) Quote
10-14-2008 , 11:21 PM
You mentioned that your admit that your original diet plan is bad and it is really bad. You really should not be eating any of this "Toast, Some sort of Fruit, Milk, Baked Chips or Crackers, Baked Potato" Pretty much the only thing you listed that i would eat if i was trying to lose weight was the eggs, steak, and fruit. While i would rarely even eat those as they all pretty high in calories. Fruit is probably worse than the steak and eggs.


What to eat?

Do eat:

Meat (and fat, fish, eggs)
Vegetables (and berries)
Fruit (and nuts)

Do not eat:

Dairy (milk, cheese, butter, etc) (*)
Grains or corn (maize, wheat, barley, rice, etc.)
Starchy vegetables (potatoes, yams, jerusalem artichokes, etc.)
Sugar (refined)
Legumes (beans, soy products, peanuts, cashew, lentils, etc.)
Chemical food additives

Go easy on:

Salt (can cause overeating and hypertension and dull the senses)
Processing of foods (nut flours/butters, pork rind flour, etc.) Eat simple foods instead
Artificial sweeteners (don't dull your senses, and they cause insulin responses simply by being sweet on the tastebuds)

Menu examples (no dairy)


Eggs, bacon and fried tomatoes (or raw carrots)
Pork chop/chicken breast and whole, raw carrots
Carrot salad with grated apple and meat leftovers
Beef tomato stew over steamed broccoli
An additional morning snack is the Paleo Punch (smoothie): frozen berries thawed in microwave, put in blender with a little water or orange (juice) and puré until smooth. Eat with a teaspoon or drink it depending on texture.


A piece of meat (any meat will do) and a large salad
Mackerel or sardines (canned), eggs, and whatever veggies and salad there is
Salmon steak and steamed veggies
Chicken/tuna salad
Cold omelet with fresh tomatoes on top
Hamburger salad with ketchup & mustard dressing


Red steak, oven baked veggies and steamed broccoli
Pork roast, steamed cauliflower, broccoli and tomato salad.
Steamed/microwaved salmon steak, asparagus and leeks
Puffy oven baked omelet with vegetables and meat leftovers
Red steak and a large salad with nuts, olive oil and tomatoes.
Whole chicken stuffed with herbs under the skin, tomato salad and steamed broccoli
Boiled, blended vegetable soup with chicken stock and coconut cream

I would start here. (you should be able to find the book for next to nothing)


Site for scaled back workouts for all fitness levels
Beat: I'm a fat, lazy slob (tl;dr) Quote
10-15-2008 , 12:01 AM

If you need any help PM me

My info:

Dec 2006 428

Today 297

Im not there yet, but I am on my way and will help anyway I can.
Beat: I'm a fat, lazy slob (tl;dr) Quote
10-15-2008 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
i would imagine quitting weed would help but cmon, just bc he smokes doesnt mean he has to eat a ton and cant exercise.
true. adanthar lived with me this summer, so he knows it's possible.

in this case it may be better for op to quit b/c it sounds like mj has become part of the routine he uses to escape. even so, quitting mj isn't the answer if he just finds other ways to avoid dealing w/his health and related issues.
Beat: I'm a fat, lazy slob (tl;dr) Quote
10-15-2008 , 01:13 AM
I console with OP. I am 28, and a lazy slob. But I'm not fat, .. I'm very thin. 6"0 160lbs. I, too, smoke weed daily,... However, I don't work at all, and am verifiably broke. I also yearn to work out, eat right, and socialize more. My relationships with my friends are deteriorating rapidly. They all have gf's/wives and jobs and are thinking about kids. I rarely hang out with them, ever. I go out once a week if I'm lucky. I just sit around, smoke weed and cigarettes, and look for interesting things on the internet, lol. My worldview is one of a conspiracy theorist, although I don't think I go overboard on it. It affects how I interpret everything, though, and has also had a negative impact on virtually every aspect of my life. I don't need to lose 200 pounds, but I definately need to gain atleast 15. I hope OP can get better, I'm going to try also... GL OP, I'll check back in in a while
Beat: I'm a fat, lazy slob (tl;dr) Quote
