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Bald Men - Just How Bad Is It? Bald Men - Just How Bad Is It?

11-18-2012 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by MikeSki
fwiw tony scott was bald
FWIW Junior Seau wasnt.
Bald Men - Just How Bad Is It? Quote
11-18-2012 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by CrazyESP
Lmao!.... hell yea bud. Hat in the summer needed as well, the sun cooks the top of your pale dome like the middle of a hot pocket.
Lol yeah the first or second day after I shaved it I burned it a bit, I'll have to remember that for the next time the sun comes out here in England (July 2016 prob )
Bald Men - Just How Bad Is It? Quote
11-18-2012 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by CrazyESP
I like it though because if it gets windy, I can save $$ on gas as I can just simply fly to whatever destination I have.
Gonna have to pay to get em pinned back soon tho as I've been running a while and I think I could slash my PB by just cutting down the wind resistance
Bald Men - Just How Bad Is It? Quote
11-18-2012 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by giraffeboy
Gonna have to pay to get em pinned back soon tho as I've been running a while and I think I could slash my PB by just cutting down the wind resistance
Lol! Dude when I take a shower, its loud as hell....water pounding against the large surface area that I call my ears. I couldve helped Tom Hanks get off that island and back to work at FedEx without any paddles. Built in sails biotch! Lol!
Bald Men - Just How Bad Is It? Quote
11-18-2012 , 03:07 PM
Baldness is a plague. You can say it's no big deal. But your youth is gone.
Bald Men - Just How Bad Is It? Quote
11-18-2012 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by EvilSteve
Baldness is a plague. You can say it's no big deal. But your youth is gone.
More like the childhood.
Bald Men - Just How Bad Is It? Quote
11-18-2012 , 03:29 PM
So shave your head bald. Wear a wig or take rogaine. It's plague management.
Bald Men - Just How Bad Is It? Quote
11-18-2012 , 03:39 PM
going bald is like finding out you have terminal cancer. You'll immediately regret not taking advantage of the very short youth you had. Everyday waking to realize that your youth is gone, you have wasted it. I'm 28, short, and going bald, and it's very depressing. I have a weird head shape and being bald looks terrible on me. I was once a somewhat attractive young man, any confidence I did have is now completely gone. Every time I look at myself I see the image of a withering flower with petals falling out, waiting for the inevitable.
Bald Men - Just How Bad Is It? Quote
11-18-2012 , 03:47 PM
You do what you can. In the end we're all the same. More food for the worms.
Bald Men - Just How Bad Is It? Quote
11-18-2012 , 04:02 PM
Its pretty well comparable to being short, right? In that yeah, some girls do care, theres no debate that being tall/having hair is seen as a good thing, but its much more about you and how you deal with it?
Bald Men - Just How Bad Is It? Quote
11-18-2012 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by EvilSteve
You do what you can. In the end we're all the same. More food for the worms.
Not even that if cremated.
Bald Men - Just How Bad Is It? Quote
11-18-2012 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by shredhead84
going bald is like finding out you have terminal cancer. You'll immediately regret not taking advantage of the very short youth you had. Everyday waking to realize that your youth is gone, you have wasted it. I'm 28, short, and going bald, and it's very depressing. I have a weird head shape and being bald looks terrible on me. I was once a somewhat attractive young man, any confidence I did have is now completely gone. Every time I look at myself I see the image of a withering flower with petals falling out, waiting for the inevitable.

I think this is a troll...but I'm not positive. That's how much some of the posts in this thread about how terrible it is have confused me.
Bald Men - Just How Bad Is It? Quote
11-18-2012 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
I think this is a troll...but I'm not positive. That's how much some of the posts in this thread about how terrible it is have confused me.
It's definitely possible to lose most of your confidence when you lose your hair, but as many people ITT have said it's really important to accept it and move forward with your life.

I can completely understand how some people will feel like life will never be the same with no hair, I've had these thoughts myself.

It's really important for you guys to keep a positive attitude going forward though, when you're feeling depressed about losing your hair.

It gets easier and easier to deal with, eventually you won't even care.
Bald Men - Just How Bad Is It? Quote
11-18-2012 , 09:30 PM
24, and rock the (for now) light brown (not blonde) Glen Sather if I don't keep it short:

Including sharing the potato head.

Saving grace: I'm 6'3.
Bald Men - Just How Bad Is It? Quote
11-18-2012 , 09:41 PM
I can't agree that it ever gets easier. I never had a problem with it in the first place. Wtf is wrong with you people?

Like terminal cancer? what?

Some of you guys have real issues but I don't think it has anything to do with your hair.
Bald Men - Just How Bad Is It? Quote
11-18-2012 , 10:17 PM
Right haha. I legit vastly prefer it to having to style my hair all the time, having it blow everywhere in the wind, looking like **** if you take a nap or when you wake up.
Bald Men - Just How Bad Is It? Quote
11-18-2012 , 10:29 PM
I don't prefer it at all. Not even close. I would definitely look better and younger if I had hair. But it doesn't ****ing depress me or make me feel like it is comparable to terminal cancer or anything crazy like that. and I would seriously consider the implant thing for myself because I do think I would look better. Having hair again would be totally fine with me...but not having it doesn't depress me it anything.

I was losing my hair in my 20s. There was absolutely nothing at all tragic about it. Nor was there anything tragic about putting on some additional pounds or not being able to run as fast. I am really bald up top now at 42 and it is equally untragic. I also have way more other hair issues that I have to address that were never really problems before...nose, ear, eyebrows. Lol. Oh well. I'm a hairy guy overall...except in the one place where some extra hair would be nice to have.

This thread is a real eye-opener for me. I didn't really think people cared that much about it to the point if depession.
Bald Men - Just How Bad Is It? Quote
11-18-2012 , 10:32 PM
I prefer it because I shave my head. That's important IMO. Another factor is that I used to get psoriasis on my head and would have to apply ointment sometimes. Awful with hair. Another bonus is that psoriasis is helped by sun. So now that I shave my head it has actually gone away on its own for the most part.
Bald Men - Just How Bad Is It? Quote
11-18-2012 , 11:39 PM
MicroBob how did you lose your hair?

Meaning, did you keep density and just start receding?

Diffuse thinning all across the top is far worse when it comes to the actual "balding" part then any other form of "normal" hair loss.
Bald Men - Just How Bad Is It? Quote
11-18-2012 , 11:56 PM
Lmao! I STILL this thread!

I mean obviously most guys probably look a little better with hair....and most guys look better with 0.02% Body Fat, a fresh tan, and driving a Lamborgini too. Lol!
Bald Men - Just How Bad Is It? Quote
11-19-2012 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by EvilSteve
Baldness is a plague. You can say it's no big deal. But your youth is gone.
Dude...lmao! My Youth is gone?

Im in my prime son.
Bald Men - Just How Bad Is It? Quote
11-19-2012 , 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
I think this is a troll...but I'm not positive. That's how much some of the posts in this thread about how terrible it is have confused me.
Def, not a troll. Everyone feels differently about how important their looks are, I'm guessing you never cared that much. I guess that I care way too much. It's like terminal cancer because you are forced to look back at your youth or life and regret not making more out of it. That's the comparison. Will I accept it and feel normal/ not be depressed about it? Sure, but I'm judging that will be around when I'm 40 and every other guy is going bald and the women accept it.
Until then I'm pretty much screwed, I guess I'll start a hat collection.
Bald Men - Just How Bad Is It? Quote
11-19-2012 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by shredhead84
It's like terminal cancer because you are forced to look back at your youth or life and regret not making more out of it.
This has nothing to do with your haircut man. Sorry
Bald Men - Just How Bad Is It? Quote
11-19-2012 , 12:42 AM
shred - If you can't deal with it now I don't know how or why you would be able to deal with it better at 40.

I look back at youth or past and have some regrets on certain things. I think most people do. But it still doesn't make me compare my hair loss to ****ing terminal cancer which is just completely ridiculous.

I know that depression is real. And so is anxiety...and self-loathing. And I suspect you have a fair amount of all of the above going on. But your problem is not your hair. Seriously.
Bald Men - Just How Bad Is It? Quote
11-19-2012 , 12:57 AM
I'm 31 and feel plenty young! I really can't say that having hair would make me feel younger. Would most likely end up buzzing anyway like I've said. The Patrik Antonius look!
Bald Men - Just How Bad Is It? Quote
