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Backstage at YTF's Open Mic stand-up comedy debut, 4/13/15 Backstage at YTF's Open Mic stand-up comedy debut, 4/13/15

04-03-2015 , 12:57 AM
BTW, before you book your plane tickets for MSP, I gotta push back the date a Monday or two. None of my closest friends will be able to make it on the 13th.
Backstage at YTF's Open Mic stand-up comedy debut, 4/13/15 Quote
04-03-2015 , 01:03 AM

Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
There is no bad news! I'm 48 years old, and I'm out getting laid now, for the first time in my life! I can see my dick now! Now, when I get a blow job, I can watch! I used to think BJ's were over rated...but now that I can watch? "Oh, NOW I get it! That's hot! Work it, girl!" Bad News??? This is better than a LOTTERY WIN!!!

Uh, not a fan.
Backstage at YTF's Open Mic stand-up comedy debut, 4/13/15 Quote
04-03-2015 , 01:13 AM
bobby hostess?
Backstage at YTF's Open Mic stand-up comedy debut, 4/13/15 Quote
04-03-2015 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
There is no bad news! I'm 48 years old, and I'm out getting laid now, for the first time in my life! I can see my dick now! Now, when I get a blow job, I can watch! I used to think BJ's were over rated...but now that I can watch? "Oh, NOW I get it! That's hot! Work it, girl!" Bad News??? This is better than a LOTTERY WIN!!!
Works better if you edit it down a bit.
Backstage at YTF's Open Mic stand-up comedy debut, 4/13/15 Quote
04-03-2015 , 05:59 AM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
There is no bad news! I'm 48 years old, and I'm out getting laid now, for the first time in my life!
Well it's a lot easier to pay for hookers when you don't have to tap your 401k at Krispy Kreme.
Backstage at YTF's Open Mic stand-up comedy debut, 4/13/15 Quote
04-03-2015 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by Dr. Spaceman
I still feel like a fat guy, but it's all relative. Last week I played pool at a local bar and they called me Minnesota Slims.
See YTF, even really funny people miss on a joke sometimes!

Also, on that BJ bit.
Backstage at YTF's Open Mic stand-up comedy debut, 4/13/15 Quote
04-03-2015 , 08:47 PM
You could make a skit about how you asked a gambling forum for advice on your stand up
Backstage at YTF's Open Mic stand-up comedy debut, 4/13/15 Quote
04-05-2015 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
BTW, before you book your plane tickets for MSP, I gotta push back the date a Monday or two. None of my closest friends will be able to make it on the 13th.
Apparently no date works for anyone I know (iow, I'm pretty slow at taking the hint), so since I'd already arranged my own schedule around the 13th (a week from tomorrow), I'm going with that.
Backstage at YTF's Open Mic stand-up comedy debut, 4/13/15 Quote
04-05-2015 , 04:10 PM

lol, I was going to make a comment about that, but decided not to since Spaceman has been totally crushing it with all his other suggestions.
Backstage at YTF's Open Mic stand-up comedy debut, 4/13/15 Quote
04-05-2015 , 04:24 PM
+1 on the Spaceman joke. It was good in a way to see he's not absolutely perfect. 99% is close enough.
Backstage at YTF's Open Mic stand-up comedy debut, 4/13/15 Quote
04-08-2015 , 01:55 AM
Joe Pesci's name came up in the break room tonight, and I reflexively launced into my Joe Pesci impression, which always kills, and it hit me that I have to somehow figure out a way to crowbar it into this set. I don't even care that Jim Breuer and Artie Lange do it.

"We hired a kid at work named Henry. He's a great kid, I love him...but I just cannot say his name without turning into Joe Pesci. 'Henry! Henry! What kind of people are these, Henry? What am I asking for, Henry? I'm asking a favor, I do a lot of favors for you Henry!'"
Backstage at YTF's Open Mic stand-up comedy debut, 4/13/15 Quote
04-08-2015 , 02:44 AM
could be funny. i'd do the the part from outside the bahama breeze. that's the best one, outside of funny like a clown.
Backstage at YTF's Open Mic stand-up comedy debut, 4/13/15 Quote
04-08-2015 , 04:23 AM
Don't you mean "Hendry"?
Backstage at YTF's Open Mic stand-up comedy debut, 4/13/15 Quote
04-08-2015 , 10:43 AM
When do we get to view the new set?

Backstage at YTF's Open Mic stand-up comedy debut, 4/13/15 Quote
04-08-2015 , 11:07 AM
It's getting late. Not much time left for us to rip it apart so you need to rewrite it.
Backstage at YTF's Open Mic stand-up comedy debut, 4/13/15 Quote
04-08-2015 , 11:38 AM

I don't think it's that great an idea to try and work in one random impersonation, but if you insist on doing it id say go with "do I amuse you?" since that's prob the most recognizable bit.

If you're really great at it, you could lead or end with it. Don't worry about a big joke/intro/story, a great impersonation is good enough. "I decided to come to my first open mic night because people are always saying I'm funny..."
Backstage at YTF's Open Mic stand-up comedy debut, 4/13/15 Quote
04-08-2015 , 12:41 PM
"How am I funny?" is his most famous scene, but he keeps his voice low and stern in it. My impression is funny when he's yelling and getting operatic. Even a line like, "So it was either wear the leather jacket,which I know you hate, or. ....this!", because he practically sings it,and mimicking his rhythm is more important/recognizable than his voice (and his/my accent peeks through on "leather").

Watch that scene in the desert when he's yelling at DeNiro,he sings that whole scene. "You know I get calls from back home every ****ing day, they think you went bat ****!"

(When I'm at parties, I'll pull up that scene on YouTube, mute the sound, and voice both parts like a cartoon. It kills every time. )
Backstage at YTF's Open Mic stand-up comedy debut, 4/13/15 Quote
04-08-2015 , 01:14 PM
YTF, at the risk of what has been suggested to you previously itt, you don't need to turn every bit into an oratory.


Your delivery seems tailor made for that approach, not lengthy story-telling.

Good luck!
Backstage at YTF's Open Mic stand-up comedy debut, 4/13/15 Quote
04-08-2015 , 02:52 PM
Pesci voice could be used as part of your current jokes. Like, you could say watching an idiot on Jeopardy instantly causes you to scream at the TV like Joe Pesci. Pesci voice could also be used to mimic the gas pump asking you questions antagonistically, or the station owner. "He wants a car wash? In this ****ing weather?"
Backstage at YTF's Open Mic stand-up comedy debut, 4/13/15 Quote
04-08-2015 , 02:57 PM
Watched video. Legit loled at "does the car wash even work in -10". That joke kinda sucked overall but your delivery was really good.

"Pepper, Doctor" was the funniest thing in this thread so far. If you used that punchline, the Jeopardy set up may be worth it IMHO.

+1 on fat jokes

Good luck, you have balls to try this
Backstage at YTF's Open Mic stand-up comedy debut, 4/13/15 Quote
04-08-2015 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
(When I'm at parties, I'll pull up that scene on YouTube, mute the sound, and voice both parts like a cartoon. It kills every time. )
I find YTF's (perception of his) life just completely fascinating. It's like this is an offshoot of the way he used to perceive his old eating habits.

YTF, please don't do a Joe Pesci impression unless it serves a larger joke, as Spaceman suggested.
Backstage at YTF's Open Mic stand-up comedy debut, 4/13/15 Quote
04-08-2015 , 03:12 PM

Originally Posted by Dr. Spaceman
Pesci voice could be used as part of your current jokes. Like, you could say watching an idiot on Jeopardy instantly causes you to scream at the TV like Joe Pesci. Pesci voice could also be used to mimic the gas pump asking you questions antagonistically, or the station owner. "He wants a car wash? In this ****ing weather?"

Back to form with a great suggestion!
Backstage at YTF's Open Mic stand-up comedy debut, 4/13/15 Quote
04-08-2015 , 03:20 PM
Heh, Pesci voice is out. I just recorded myself doing it, and it's the first time I've ever heard it that way, and it doesn't sound anything like Joe Pesci. Shame on me for daring to mention my name alongside Bruer's and Lange's.

Video is uploading now (its me doing the cartoon thing), I'll post it when it's done, because it's still kind of fun. But that "impression" doesn't belong anywhere near a stage. I guess it gets laughs IRL for other reasons:

--people are shocked to hear profanity at such high volumes (especially the racial slur at the end)
--people are shocked that I can do all that from memory, like Rain Man doing Who's on First. It's like when I do We Didn't Start the Fire at karaoke, people are less impressed by my singing than the fact that I can do that song without looking at the words on the screen.
Backstage at YTF's Open Mic stand-up comedy debut, 4/13/15 Quote
04-08-2015 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
Heh, Pesci voice is out. I just recorded myself doing it, and it's the first time I've ever heard it that way, and it doesn't sound anything like Joe Pesci. Shame on me for daring to mention my name alongside Bruer's and Lange's.

Video is uploading now (its me doing the cartoon thing), I'll post it when it's done, because it's still kind of fun. But that "impression" doesn't belong anywhere near a stage. I guess it gets laughs IRL for other reasons:

--people are shocked to hear profanity at such high volumes (especially the racial slur at the end)
--people are shocked that I can do all that from memory, like Rain Man doing Who's on First. It's like when I do We Didn't Start the Fire at karaoke, people are less impressed by my singing than the fact that I can do that song without looking at the words on the screen.
Admit it, you change that one lyric to "Boston's got a winning team."
Backstage at YTF's Open Mic stand-up comedy debut, 4/13/15 Quote
04-08-2015 , 03:54 PM
Why didn't I think of that? ?? Can't wait to start doing that, thanks!

Do not adjust your set,the video is crap...but obscuring their lips was a happy accident!
Backstage at YTF's Open Mic stand-up comedy debut, 4/13/15 Quote
