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07-10-2008 , 04:33 PM
the bathroom habits of other human beings never cease to amaze me

avoid at all costs. hover if absolutely necessary. get the hell outta there
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07-10-2008 , 04:34 PM
People that can't crap in public bathrooms are hilarious and strange. As though it were some private, secret thing that no one does and is so embarrassing you have to be sequestered and the only place you can do it is in your own house.

Anyway, ass gasket all the time please.

The more important question is this: which way do you orient the ass gasket?


Most people go with option 1, but I've noticed that the toilet seat cover is actually shaped to be oriented like option 2. HOW DO WE RECONCILE THIS?
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07-10-2008 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by skunkworks
People that can't crap in public bathrooms are hilarious and strange. As though it were some private, secret thing that no one does and is so embarrassing you have to be sequestered and the only place you can do it is in your own house.

Anyway, ass gasket all the time please.

The more important question is this: which way do you orient the ass gasket?


Most people go with option 1, but I've noticed that the toilet seat cover is actually shaped to be oriented like option 2. HOW DO WE RECONCILE THIS?
wtf is with that thing in the middle? Wouldnt that just hang down int he water and get all wet???
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07-10-2008 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by JasonK
I hate crapping in public toilets as well. I can go camping for a couple of days and not even need to ****, but as soon as I get home I have to dump out.
Same here. My sphincter is more disciplined than I am.
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07-10-2008 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
wtf is with that thing in the middle? Wouldnt that just hang down int he water and get all wet???
the only purpose I see is that it automatically drags the f*cker in when you flush so you don't have to touch it
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07-10-2008 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
wtf is with that thing in the middle? Wouldnt that just hang down int he water and get all wet???
Have you really never seen one of those before?

Yes it hangs down and gets wet. The purpose of it (so I deduce) is that when you flush it pulls the whole thing down.
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07-10-2008 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by eviljeff
the only purpose I see is that it automatically drags the f*cker in when you flush so you don't have to touch it
This, but I always end up ****ting on it and I find the thought of crap just chilln there 2 inches from my ass, sorta gross, so I rip the middle part off. I'm also 50/50 on ass jackets. Depends on the mood, urgency of my eminent **** and cleanliness of the seat.

+1 for hating to **** in public places.
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07-10-2008 , 05:01 PM
I think we need a 'homebase' thread
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07-10-2008 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by eviljeff
the only purpose I see is that it automatically drags the f*cker in when you flush so you don't have to touch it
Dude I always rip that piece off. Are you guys that paranoid that you can't even push the ass gasket down the toilet?
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07-10-2008 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Tony_P
Yes it hangs down and gets wet. The purpose of it (so I deduce) is that when you flush it pulls the whole thing down.
Fascinating. My problem with that thing, let's call it the tongue, is that it seems to me that toilet water can climb the ladder, so to speak, and reach my thighs.
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07-10-2008 , 05:13 PM
Dude I always rip that piece off. Are you guys that paranoid that you can't even push the ass gasket down the toilet?
why spend the extra time/energy ripping it off? if it's there might as well use it.

I'll push you down the toilet you little ****er.
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07-10-2008 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
wtf is with that thing in the middle? Wouldnt that just hang down int he water and get all wet???
If you're joking, you got me good.

Originally Posted by Los Feliz Slim
Fascinating. My problem with that thing, let's call it the tongue, is that it seems to me that toilet water can climb the ladder, so to speak, and reach my thighs.
The water climbs only partway up the tongue, thankfully.

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07-10-2008 , 05:43 PM
hmm yeah either we got leveled or Alobarrrrrrrr
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07-10-2008 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by capninsano
Ugh, one time partying out in Nashville I had explosive diarreah. Club bathrooms are obviously covered in piss/vomit/****/aids and whatever else. I tried to do a clean down of the seat but did a poor job because I couldn't hold it. I tried hovering but I thought it was going to run down my leg so I just bit the bullet and sat on the seat. It was quite hilarious hearing every person who walked into that bathroom for the next 10 minutes saying "OH MY GOD!". It was the most foul odor to have ever come from my body.
HAHAHAAAA, that is awesome. I used to never use public bathrooms for poopin cuz I knew that dudes just pissed all over the seats. Im pretty sure I messed up my intestines by holding it in for hours back in school. Now I just wipe seat down and let it spew.
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07-10-2008 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by Bostaevski
I can't use them - too awkward. I just clean the toilet seat before sitting down.
Exactly. Use you hand sanitizer and clean the seat.

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07-10-2008 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by wizardplow
. I try to hold it in because it's Gay Pride week in downtown SF and everything is packed
Nice pun.
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07-10-2008 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by skunkworks
If you're joking, you got me good.

The water climbs only partway up the tongue, thankfully.


no seriously, ive never seen one. Like I said, I dont **** in public bathrooms.

seems like orientating the tongue to the front is kind of stupid since you are just going to piss on the thing if you do, no?
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07-10-2008 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by Tom1975
This is right up there with using a paper towel to open the door after you're done. For 32 years I've been using public toilets sans ass gasket and opening the door with my bare hand yet somehow I'm still alive. Yeah, I'm the weird one.
So before you eat you go and you wash ur hands you then touch the door handle knowing that lots of dudes dont wash their hands after going and then go eat food?
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07-10-2008 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Alobar
no seriously, ive never seen one. Like I said, I dont **** in public bathrooms.

seems like orientating the tongue to the front is kind of stupid since you are just going to piss on the thing if you do, no?
hahahaha weird. Yeah, you end up pissing on the tongue which is dumb, but I've noticed that the hole on the seat cover is cut out/oriented in such a way that it "fits" the toilet with the tongue in the front, like the company is trying to guide you to proper usage.
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07-10-2008 , 06:50 PM
Sitting on a toilet seat with no protection probably doesn't carry any risk of disease, but if you do it enough, you are eventually going to have another guy's dried piss touching your buttocks which is gross. I'm with whoever else said use strips of TP. I think they are way more comfortable and effective than the "ass gasket"
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07-10-2008 , 07:27 PM
These 'ass-gasket' things. Are they easy to find? Do you have to buy them yourself and carry them around with you in case you need to defecate in a public convenience? Or are they always present?

I don't think they exist in the UK, or at least not in my backwards part of it.
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07-10-2008 , 09:54 PM
I believe this thread should turn into gross poop stories.
Dateline: Baghdad Summer 2003

Situation: Approximately 75 guys eating nothing but MRE's and dropping logs in two Port-O-Potties.

Logistical Difficulty: Getting the crappers emptied and refilled with blue water in a timely fashion.

The Horror: Taking a dump in a plastic crapper during a summer's day in Baghdad is like being thrown in the sweatbox from Lionheart/Cool Hand Luke. The large volume of high density turds combined with the lack of regular maintenance and the rapid evaporation of blue water in that environment can lead to only one thing. The poop level rises well above the water level and forms a crust of baked turds. The crust becomes a dookie stalagmite and inches closer and closer to the opening. Each day it grows and you know that eventually it will rise above the seat hole. It becomes a bizzaro Sword of Damocles preying on your mind.

The Ending: After 3-4 weeks Iraqis driving the SST (**** Sucking Truck) arrive to save the day. These knuckleheads think it's funny to spray each other with the blue water but still get the job done. Crisis averted.
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07-10-2008 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by 2/325Falcon
Dateline: Baghdad Summer 2003

Situation: Approximately 75 guys eating nothing but MRE's and dropping logs in two Port-O-Potties.

Logistical Difficulty: Getting the crappers emptied and refilled with blue water in a timely fashion.

The Horror: Taking a dump in a plastic crapper during a summer's day in Baghdad is like being thrown in the sweatbox from Lionheart/Cool Hand Luke. The large volume of high density turds combined with the lack of regular maintenance and the rapid evaporation of blue water in that environment can lead to only one thing. The poop level rises well above the water level and forms a crust of baked turds. The crust becomes a dookie stalagmite and inches closer and closer to the opening. Each day it grows and you know that eventually it will rise above the seat hole. It becomes a bizzaro Sword of Damocles preying on your mind.

The Ending: After 3-4 weeks Iraqis driving the SST (**** Sucking Truck) arrive to save the day. These knuckleheads think it's funny to spray each other with the blue water but still get the job done. Crisis averted.
I can just picture the music from Platoon, as you open the door in slow motion to witness the atrocity.
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07-10-2008 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by 2/325Falcon
The crust becomes a dookie stalagmite and inches closer and closer to the opening. Each day it grows and you know that eventually it will rise above the seat hole. It becomes a bizzaro Sword of Damocles preying on your mind.
lol, very very nice. my faith in oot is quickly being restored. Has been pretty sweet this week.
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07-10-2008 , 10:10 PM

i don't understand how the size of your ass matters. the gasket covers the entire toilet seat. how do you somehow touch 50% of it anyway??
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