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*** Augustus 'Caesar Salad Days' of Summer LC/NC thread *** *** Augustus 'Caesar Salad Days' of Summer LC/NC thread ***

08-30-2010 , 09:55 PM
I know you were.
08-30-2010 , 09:58 PM
Hmm reading back over my posts in that thread I do kind of come across as a card-carrying member of the Temperance Movement. Ah well--they can figure it out.

Last edited by Keyser.; 08-30-2010 at 10:07 PM. Reason: oh wait your whole post was a joke. Got it! I'm going to level up before I enter this thread again. OOT pro one day!
08-30-2010 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by JL514
I would make a "HELP LIFE DECISION JOB POST" post but instead I'm going to make it easier.

1) Current Job (good career path, semi-cushy, but stagnant)
2) Recent promotion @ same company, out of career path, more money, longer hours, stressful, supervisory experience
3) New job in Chicago, advancement in my current path but big COL increase, unknown stress level

Where would you be moving from? This city's pretty cool if you can handle winter.
08-30-2010 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by knivesout
Where would you be moving from? This city's pretty cool if you can handle winter.
And summer.

Chicago's a great city but not if you're picky about the weather.
08-30-2010 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by Pudge714
El D's current facebook status is "Beets are a top five vegetable"

Last edited by Pudge714; Today at 10:09 AM. Reason: Not a thinly veiled brag about being friends with him it just popped up in my news feed because friends commented on it.
I once got linked to a Yelp review by El D that has his photo. True story.
08-30-2010 , 11:30 PM
I'd be down for FF, just remind me before it starts.
08-31-2010 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by Eyedea
I once got linked to a Yelp review by El D that has his photo. True story.
Everyone knows that's a fake photo
08-31-2010 , 01:45 AM
Weird end to the night, must get blogged about on 2p2.

So it is (was) my birthday today (yesterday the 30th). Clearly we all got way too drunk and made terrible decisions to go out to a bar and sing karaoke (if FFK and/or Chair and/or AEKDBet or still around they'll know where I'm talking about).

I'm dressed in this ridiculous Ed Hardy t-shirt that I bought for $2 at the thrift store and am singing Eamon - **** It at karaoke (and killing it, fyi). A friend of mine from the MBA program and I start hitting on a few girls there and they seem to be responding well, whatever. Later on, another of my girl friends goes to talk to someone in their group and after the conversation she tells me the girl I was talking to is a pornstar.

Now, not to position myself as a connoisseur of the adult arts, but I feel like I would have recognized this. The girl was certainly cute, but not porn cute. Besides, what the hell is some porn chick doing in a dive karaoke bar in Atlanta? Anyway, obviously this goes nowhere as I'm on 2p2 at 2 in the morning, but now my mind is all like "really, was that girl in porn?" mode and my friends spent the car ride home trying to find her on various sites to no avail.

Is there a chance this girl was for real or was she just messing with my friend?
08-31-2010 , 01:56 AM
you do know that not all pornstars have boobs the size of houses right? Some of them have smaller boobs and stuff and like to take time away from reliving their childhood abuse to go have fun at a bar you ****ing douche.
08-31-2010 , 02:00 AM
08-31-2010 , 02:02 AM
there must be at least a zillion porn chicks out there at this point. not too hard to believe.
08-31-2010 , 02:07 AM
Finally opened the Home Depot thread, this is gonna take a while.
08-31-2010 , 02:09 AM
God dammit. I was hoping for other answers.

I didn't hear the "she's a pornstar" line until after leaving so now I'm disappointed. Worst birthday ever not sticking around and pursuing this further.
08-31-2010 , 02:14 AM
you do know they don't have souls right?
08-31-2010 , 07:20 AM
Players in

AC Cobra
Pocket Trips
Omar comin

Everyone up for $20 each so people stay interested? I'll PM a few more guys who may want in.
08-31-2010 , 08:37 AM
Originally Posted by knivesout
Where would you be moving from? This city's pretty cool if you can handle winter.
From upstate NY. Can definitely handle the weather.
08-31-2010 , 09:03 AM
20 bucks is fine with me.
08-31-2010 , 09:44 AM
ill have to send via a non poker source but im in for cash.
08-31-2010 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by Run Ricky Run
dear oot lawyers. can a company that i work for use photos of me in a brochure without my consent. If they need my consent and i don't give it, can they fire me? if they fire me, can i sue them?
not a lawyer, but as a designer, i'd say this is a major no no if you haven't signed any release or consent forms.

also if being a model is not part of your job description, then i wouldn't think they could fire you.

if they do, definitely talk to a lawyer.
08-31-2010 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by mmbt0ne
Now, not to position myself as a connoisseur of the adult arts, but I feel like I would have recognized this. The girl was certainly cute, but not porn cute. Besides, what the hell is some porn chick doing in a dive karaoke bar in Atlanta? Anyway, obviously this goes nowhere as I'm on 2p2 at 2 in the morning, but now my mind is all like "really, was that girl in porn?" mode and my friends spent the car ride home trying to find her on various sites to no avail.

Is there a chance this girl was for real or was she just messing with my friend?
Porn "star" is probably unlikely, but sure, it's possible she was in porn.
08-31-2010 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by Omar Comin
you do know that not all pornstars have boobs the size of houses right? Some of them have smaller boobs and stuff and like to take time away from reliving their childhood abuse to go have fun at a bar you ****ing douche.
Am I missing a joke, or is this response weirdly aggressive to 'Tone, who's like the nicest person ever.

There's a ton of like fake amateur stuff out there that uses "normal looking" girls- I'd wager if it's legit, she's from something like that.
08-31-2010 , 10:30 AM
anything resembling a name we can work with?
08-31-2010 , 10:54 AM
maybe she specialized in bukkake and you dodged a bullet.
08-31-2010 , 10:59 AM
the term "porn star" gets thrown around way too much. how many of these girls are "stars" versus those who get penetrated for some extra scrilla?
08-31-2010 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by Dids
Am I missing a joke, or is this response weirdly aggressive to 'Tone, who's like the nicest person ever.
I wouldn't so much say 'you're missing a joke' as 'you're so ****ing eager to be officious that your sense of humor, or ability to recognize humor since that wasn't much of a joke, completely vanishes when you get the chance.'
