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Asked out a friend. Shes giving conflicting signals ?? Asked out a friend. Shes giving conflicting signals ??

04-25-2008 , 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by garcia1000
There would definitely be a large market for a book titled "Reproductive Success For The Omega Male"
lol, nice
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04-25-2008 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by garcia1000
There would definitely be a large market for a book titled "Reproductive Success For The Omega Male"
Chapter 1: How to troll for ladies at Jenny Craig Clinics

Chapter 2: Ugly girls can be pretty in the dark

Chapter 3: If she has low self esteem, she's for you

Chapter 4: Blind women, hey, you gotta shot

Chapter 5: If you are still reading, re-adjust your standards

Chapter 17: Mail order brides, yes you are that desperate
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04-25-2008 , 04:56 AM
Originally Posted by pokerbobo
Chapter 1: How to troll for ladies at Jenny Craig Clinics

Chapter 2: Ugly girls can be pretty in the dark

Chapter 3: If she has low self esteem, she's for you

Chapter 4: Blind women, hey, you gotta shot

Chapter 5: If you are still reading, re-adjust your standards

Chapter 17: Mail order brides, yes you are that desperate
18: Have you considered anything other than women?
Asked out a friend. Shes giving conflicting signals ?? Quote
04-25-2008 , 05:07 AM
Originally Posted by nath
Uh, yes, assuming direct verbal communication is the only valid form of communication is crazy.
It's the only sane form, but yes, assuming anyone is sane is crazy.
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04-25-2008 , 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by AlexM
It's the only sane form, but yes, assuming anyone is sane is crazy.
You one of those guys who listens only to what other people say and then get all confused when you have lots of communications problems
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04-25-2008 , 06:06 AM
Originally Posted by Brian
I can't believe with all the replies in this thread, there's only one that sees what the true situation is. Actually, I can, cause Alobar's always right ldo.

This chick wants nothing to do with you romantically. You are her emotional tampon, and it's disgusting how you act like a little lost puppy dog. The second she calls you, you show up at her door, and when she's done flattering her ego, she tells you to leave. Standard.

On the bright side, don't feel bad, because you certainly didn't miss an opportunity to get laid.


[EDIT]: This guy sounds about as spineless as they come, and girls don't dig dudes with no balls. So I very much disagree with the, "She probably rejected you the first time because it caught her off guard."
OP you better learn this
I was the idiot emotional tampon for girls when i was like 15 or 16 meanwhile all the guys who were dicks but actually made a move were ramming them
I learned back then if you want it go for it, if she says no then whatever but dont be her puppy dog while shes someone elses cum dumpster
Asked out a friend. Shes giving conflicting signals ?? Quote
04-25-2008 , 06:24 AM
why the **** are people talking about kissing
is this junior high school?
Asked out a friend. Shes giving conflicting signals ?? Quote
04-25-2008 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by garcia1000
You one of those guys who listens only to what other people say and then get all confused when you have lots of communications problems
You must not have read what you quoted.
Asked out a friend. Shes giving conflicting signals ?? Quote
04-25-2008 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
I've never heard of this.

It's more like waiting for her to rescind her previous decree of "sorry, just friends". Lots of people out there tend to assume that if people say something, they mean it, crazy I know, especially when dealing with women, but there it is.
This is further proof that the vast majority of the Politics regulars are most certainly virgins.

Which is good, because most of them should never reproduce.
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04-25-2008 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by dxu05
your sweet amber lovejuices
Drink more Sprite and less Dr. Pepper, imo
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04-25-2008 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by siccjay
Just asking her is really bad.
not if he says, "So you want to bang or what?"
Asked out a friend. Shes giving conflicting signals ?? Quote
04-25-2008 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by Your Mom
not if he says, "So you want to bang or what?"
asking would be like giving her respect. it should be assumed.
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04-25-2008 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
siccjay - Not if he doesn't suck at it.
If he asks her how I suspect badly or wussily as one would expect then it is definitely really bad.
Just asking her is probably really bad my his way of doing it more often than not. But it doesn't have to be.
I don't think are very many good ways to just ask. You need to just make a move and then see what happens. Girls aren't much for guys being all Emo and just asking how they feel. Asking them usually talks them out of the tingling feeling in the vagine.

If you think she wants the wang, make a move. If she rejects it then give her the deuce and play with it yourself.
Asked out a friend. Shes giving conflicting signals ?? Quote
04-25-2008 , 05:47 PM
Girls aren't much for guys being all Emo and just asking how they feel.

This is why I said that it depends on how it is done.
If you do it in a wussy-emo way then, yeah, I think that is a definite fail.
But it is possible to ask, or bring up the topic, in a non-wussy-emo way.
Not that this would be the way that the OP would end up doing it. Just that it is possible.

I could tell this girl that, "Hey.. ya know I gots me a big old crush on you" without it coming off as emo.
Or say something playful and fun about her touching your leg.
Or you can actually do something kind of similar to her!! [gasp...touching the girl in return when she touches you....OMG!!!!! What a concept!!]

It would be kind of flirty and fun without being all desperate so would kind of be setting up the move in a way anyway.

I'm a bit out of practice doing it with girls I'm not with because I've been with my current GF for 5 years. But it really isn't all that different.
Girl I'm a friend with or I'm crushing on OR Girl I've been dating for 5 years:
"How the hell did you get so cute?"
Asked out a friend. Shes giving conflicting signals ?? Quote
04-25-2008 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
This is why I said that it depends on how it is done.
If you do it in a wussy-emo way then, yeah, I think that is a definite fail.
But it is possible to ask, or bring up the topic, in a non-wussy-emo way.
Not that this would be the way that the OP would end up doing it. Just that it is possible.

I could tell this girl that, "Hey.. ya know I gots me a big old crush on you" without it coming off as emo.
Or say something playful and fun about her touching your leg.
Or you can actually do something kind of similar to her!! [gasp...touching the girl in return when she touches you....OMG!!!!! What a concept!!]

It would be kind of flirty and fun without being all desperate so would kind of be setting up the move in a way anyway.

I'm a bit out of practice doing it with girls I'm not with because I've been with my current GF for 5 years. But it really isn't all that different.
Girl I'm a friend with or I'm crushing on OR Girl I've been dating for 5 years:
"How the hell did you get so cute?"
WHOA....... WHOa..... WHoa.... Whoa..... An LTR just got introduced into this....... Stop.
Asked out a friend. Shes giving conflicting signals ?? Quote
04-25-2008 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
This is why I said that it depends on how it is done.
If you do it in a wussy-emo way then, yeah, I think that is a definite fail.
But it is possible to ask, or bring up the topic, in a non-wussy-emo way.
Not that this would be the way that the OP would end up doing it. Just that it is possible.

I could tell this girl that, "Hey.. ya know I gots me a big old crush on you" without it coming off as emo.
Or say something playful and fun about her touching your leg.
Or you can actually do something kind of similar to her!! [gasp...touching the girl in return when she touches you....OMG!!!!! What a concept!!]

It would be kind of flirty and fun without being all desperate so would kind of be setting up the move in a way anyway.

I'm a bit out of practice doing it with girls I'm not with because I've been with my current GF for 5 years. But it really isn't all that different.
Girl I'm a friend with or I'm crushing on OR Girl I've been dating for 5 years:
"How the hell did you get so cute?"
I agree that 'asking' can be easily accomplished. The key to this is just asking in a matter-of-fact way and giving the appearance where a no answer will just roll right off your back.

Asking in a needy way where you look like you'll be hurt or disappointed at all is a recipe for disaster, though.

OP: {confidently]Hey, i'm a bit confused by the signals i'm getting here. You know i like you. Wanna ****?
Girl: Yeah, i think that sounds good.
OP: [Removes panties and ejaculates prematurely]

OP: Same
Girl: No
OP: OK, guess i got things wrong here. no sweat. i think i'm going to go for the night. talk to you again soon.
OP (later): (is fine with just being friends. proceeds to make it clear he's interested in other girl(s) and is pursuing them when those situations arise)
Girl: (gets interested)

OP: (not confidently - look of desperate hope in his eyes) Same
Girl: No
OP: (Sad look)
Girl: (Wow, this guy is in love with me, i'm never hooking up with him)
Asked out a friend. Shes giving conflicting signals ?? Quote
04-25-2008 , 06:47 PM
I wouldn't quite ask it like that but I think you get the general point.

But all this "How should I make the move?" type stuff is kind of missing the mark for the most part.
Send signals or have fun and do SOMETHING and from there you can see if you have a chance.

You don't have to just go from totally cold and distant and 'just friends' to ridiculously hot and officially 'out of friend zone'.
There is some room in the middle there.
Play with it some. Have fun. Don't expect her to have to do all the work.

She's sending a signal that maybe she's now starting to be a little interested.
But you haven't talked about it in awhile.

Send a damn signal back that your feelings haven't changed.
This signal can come in the form of actually speaking about it.
But you can be playful and fun about it without saying, "I would like to inform you that the signals you are giving seem to be contradictory to your officially released statement of 86 days ago in which you declared, and I quote, that you 'are definitely not interested in dating in that kind of way because it would ruin our friendship'. So our current situation in which you are touching my leg is, for the time-being, going to continue to be considered to only be platonic because you have yet to say anything to refute your statement of 86 days ago thus it still stands. I am declaring this to inform you that if you wish to rescind that previous statement then you should do so now while you have my boner at peak attention."
Asked out a friend. Shes giving conflicting signals ?? Quote
04-25-2008 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
I wouldn't quite ask it like that but I think you get the general point.

But all this "How should I make the move?" type stuff is kind of missing the mark for the most part.
Send signals or have fun and do SOMETHING and from there you can see if you have a chance.

You don't have to just go from totally cold and distant and 'just friends' to ridiculously hot and officially 'out of friend zone'.
There is some room in the middle there.
Play with it some. Have fun. Don't expect her to have to do all the work.

She's sending a signal that maybe she's now starting to be a little interested.
But you haven't talked about it in awhile.

Send a damn signal back that your feelings haven't changed.
This signal can come in the form of actually speaking about it.
But you can be playful and fun about it without saying, "I would like to inform you that the signals you are giving seem to be contradictory to your officially released statement of 86 days ago in which you declared, and I quote, that you 'are definitely not interested in dating in that kind of way because it would ruin our friendship'. So our current situation in which you are touching my leg is, for the time-being, going to continue to be considered to only be platonic because you have yet to say anything to refute your statement of 86 days ago thus it still stands. I am declaring this to inform you that if you wish to rescind that previous statement then you should do so now while you have my boner at peak attention."
lol...yeah, I'm obviously not asking exactly that way either, but you get the idea.

Bottom's about the way you ask and the impression of yourself you're giving while you ask.

Weak ,intimidated, possibly disappointed - girl not interested

Confident, feel good about yourself, can easily live with a no response and move on to other things - girl possibly interested
Asked out a friend. Shes giving conflicting signals ?? Quote
04-25-2008 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by vetiver
Maybe you missed the part with EMERALD TOUCHING


this + the not wanting you to leave when she gets tired and lays down makes me think it's more then "Friends" unless girls typically want a friend to hang around when they're tired and have to get up early. If thats the case, I miss-read the situation many times in previous years and still found my way to the endzone many a times.

You can try asking her out again but unless she's actaully decided to go for it with you I think this will provoke a rational "lets just be friends" response. However you can play the spur of the moment card and just let the moment happen next time then she doesn't have nearly the inclination to think of all the reasons why she shouldn't date a friend.
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04-25-2008 , 07:27 PM
Confident, feel good about yourself, can easily live with a no response and move on to other things - girl possibly interested

I think the 'can easily live with a no response' because you know other girls out there and that you aren't exactly the worst catch in the world is key here.
That's pretty much my attitude anyway.
As opposed to wanting some girl to take pity on me because I'm kind of desperate and am just hoping that she has finally decided she might be okay with giving me a shot and maybe I can catch her at a time when she doesn't really have any other prospects.
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04-25-2008 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by ThankgodforRB
I agree that 'asking' can be easily accomplished. The key to this is just asking in a matter-of-fact way and giving the appearance where a no answer will just roll right off your back.

Asking in a needy way where you look like you'll be hurt or disappointed at all is a recipe for disaster, though.

OP: {confidently]Hey, i'm a bit confused by the signals i'm getting here. You know i like you. Wanna ****?
Girl: Yeah, i think that sounds good.
OP: [Removes panties and ejaculates prematurely]

OP: Same
Girl: No
OP: OK, guess i got things wrong here. no sweat. i think i'm going to go for the night. talk to you again soon.
OP (later): (is fine with just being friends. proceeds to make it clear he's interested in other girl(s) and is pursuing them when those situations arise)
Girl: (gets interested)

OP: (not confidently - look of desperate hope in his eyes) Same
Girl: No
OP: (Sad look)
Girl: (Wow, this guy is in love with me, i'm never hooking up with him)
I think the best way to not sound needy and sound completely confident is this:

Buy a brick at a local Home Depot. Just one will suffice. Now buy a bag of oranges at your local safeway or fry's (Make sure it's a sturdy bag, maybe double bag). At this point you have a choice, either stick the brick in the bag, or hold onto the brick. When you finally decide it's time to make that move, call her up. You just need to say "hey, we really need to talk, I'll come pick you up for a cup of coffee." She'll probably respond "uh okay, whats wrong?" To which you respond "It's something I have to say in person."

This is the vital part, she'll judge you on how you perform the next part so don't choke. When you go to pick her up, walk out of the car with the bag of oranges. If you did not put the brick in the bag, conceal it somehow or hold it behind your back like flowers. When she comes in for the obligatory friend hug, BOOM HEADSHOT with the bag of oranges. If you have the brick behind you throw at her head while she is down. Finish by asking "Howdya like me now?"

This is the best approach because regardless of what theory you're a proponent of you're projecting all the right qualities. You certainly think shes expendable. You don't seem desperate. You treat her like an equal and don't have her on a pedestal. You put her in a spot of vulnerability with you holding the power. Fear. You show her you're the alpha male without leaving any marks(if you put the brick in the bag) and can manhandle your woman. Best of all you're confident and you don't seem like a pussy.
Asked out a friend. Shes giving conflicting signals ?? Quote
04-27-2008 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by BoraHorzaGobochul
Try not being a gigantic vagina next time and you'll probably get laid.
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04-30-2008 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by RayPowers
Don't mind me, I'm just replying here so I remember to see the witty replies later.

nice, i do this too.
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04-30-2008 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by markksman

It is okay to be gay.
Markksman - I don't know why, but the fact that your avatar is Richie Rich makes all your posts golden imo. It's like I can imagine him saying it out loud.
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04-30-2008 , 05:12 PM
This thread needs to die until OP bangs his friend.
Asked out a friend. Shes giving conflicting signals ?? Quote
