Originally Posted by FlipsTix617
And if you worship a rapist like Kobe and seeing him play from the upper deck of the stadium one last time is the type of thing you need to be at and post on your facebook your a chump who deserves to get ripped off. You are exactly what leads to prices like that 'I havent been to see my local team all year that I claim to be a die hard fan of and haven't given them a penny but I want to see Kobe' or 'I haven't been to a concert in a year but I need to take my gf to see Adele but scalpers are evil how dare someone make me pay a grand for that.'
This too.It was the same thing when Jeter retired. His last game which was meaningless otherwise had a terrible forecast for tons of rain and the prices were through the roof. people had 20 years to see him play, could have gone the day before for 10 bucks but instead pay 500 then cry about those evil brokers.
I'm very familiar with Yankee Stadium prices and to me it's still comical that Jeter's last game, and opening day in 2009, the all star game in 2008 all went for much higher prices than any of the three home games of the world series in 2009.
It made no sense to me but I was quite happy to sell my tickets for 2 regular season games and an exibition game and a much higher price than I had to pay to get into the 2 world series games I didn't get with my partial plan.
The same fans who cry about brokers are the ones setting markets that don't even make sense.
Brokers aren't making them pay a ton of money to go to a game. The fact they want to go to a game everyone else wants to go to also is.
If more tickets were released to the general public for "hot" games 2 things would happen
1)some people would get tickets at face value direct from the venue who wouldn't otherwise. many of these people would actually use them to attend the event. But a lot of them would also sell them because
2)tickets on the secondary market would be even higher than they are under current conditions because a lot fewer would be available
For the people in #1- in the specific example where they would have gotten tix directly from the venue if brokers didn't exist they would be better off if brokers didn't exist. Otherwise they're better off with brokers.
Last edited by borg23; 01-15-2016 at 02:44 AM.