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03-08-2015 , 03:26 AM
Originally Posted by wiper
on one hand, no way you purposely spelled that "boarders".

on the other, doesn't seem like ruling out you being unintelligent is a major leak either.
I believe I already addressed that spelling isn't my strong suit...
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03-08-2015 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by StrightHustle
**** the scalpers. They make my business harder than it should be.

True hustlers hedge their bets and rarely "eat" any losses.
If you think of yourself as anything other than a scalper, you're wrong. "True hustler"......that's cute.
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03-08-2015 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by StrightHustle
So there will two Bob Uecker bobblehead giveaways this season.

The all fan give away is on Sunday August 9. 40,000+ Bobbleheads Produced

Then the limited edition Major League Harry Doyle Talking Bobblehead on Tuesday July 21. 8,000+ Bobbleheads Produced (They released an additional 4,000 tickets after the first batch sold out so quickly.)

They haven’t released any additional details of the all fan Uecker, but I assume it will be different than the Harry Doyle

Also, I agree with you about the diluted demand with the dozen or more bobblehead giveaways this season, but for some reason people keep on collecting them.

As for the availability… The original 4,000 allotted tickets sold out that day and because of that they released an additional 4,000 tickets. It is true that this additional allotment has yet to sell out. My only guess is because the game is on a Tuesday evening.
OK, got it...thx for the clarification, Stright.
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03-09-2015 , 02:37 AM
just grunching, love the dude blind firing 30k+ into u2 and getting hit by the snowplow.
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03-09-2015 , 08:29 AM
I personally like scalpers and brokers, because I know I can sit front row whenever I want if I want to pay for it. Without that service, there would be less opportunities to obtain good seats to events I want to see without waiting in line or playing the fastest finger game.
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03-09-2015 , 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by EddyB66
I personally like scalpers and brokers, because I know I can sit front row whenever I want if I want to pay for it. Without that service, there would be less opportunities to obtain good seats to events I want to see without waiting in line or playing the fastest finger game.
I am right there with you. When I buy tickets for personal use, I almost always use the second hand market. You get to pick your own seats and depending on your timing you can pay less than face value.
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03-09-2015 , 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by ec_outlaw
If you think of yourself as anything other than a scalper, you're wrong. "True hustler"......that's cute.
I think of myself as a business man.
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03-09-2015 , 08:51 AM
...the same way the kid that sells dime bags to his classmate is a businessman.
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03-09-2015 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by EddyB66
I personally like scalpers and brokers, because I know I can sit front row whenever I want if I want to pay for it. Without that service, there would be less opportunities to obtain good seats to events I want to see without waiting in line or playing the fastest finger game.
ditto.. 95% of all the concerts i've attended in the last 10 years i've used scalpers.. i've sat exactly where i wanted and bought tickets as late as the afternoon of. it's the price of convenience and totally worth it IMO.
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03-09-2015 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by EddyB66
I personally like scalpers and brokers, because I know I can sit front row whenever I want if I want to pay for it. Without that service, there would be less opportunities to obtain good seats to events I want to see without waiting in line or playing the fastest finger game.
Exactly. I'm a Saints fan who tries to make a couple games every year. Right now I'm like number 20,000 in line to buy season tickets. If scalpers didn't exist I'd literally never have a chance in my lifetime to go to a Saints game.

People don't understand that scalpers are just part of a free market. Markets are by far the best way to allocate scarce resources. Markets ultimately connect two different parties together to make a mutually beneficial transaction. If both parties don't stand to benefit from the transaction then the deal is not made.

If somebody is willing to pay $20k for grateful dead tickets they obviously want to see them play really badly. Scalpers give them that opportunity by listing their tickets for sale on the open market. Without scalpers, these mega-fans would be sitting at home.

Anyone who gets upset at scalpers has absolutely no clue about how our modern world actually functions. They should really read up on basic economics.
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03-09-2015 , 10:03 AM
Hippies understand how economics works (well some of them, anyway), they just disagree with the premise.
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03-09-2015 , 11:27 AM
I'm not upset at scampers, I've used stubhub and/or the guys outside the game dozens of times.

hustle just came off as a dick. he's fine too, I dunno. I'm all about the free market and reselling tickets doesn't bother me at all, just another hustle.
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03-09-2015 , 01:58 PM
Obviously scalpers who sell fake tickets or tickets they don't have is pond scum but people complaining about honest scalpers suck at life
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03-10-2015 , 11:48 PM
I hope this doesn't become the "i hate ticket brokers so bad i wish they could all go **** themselves" thread

i thought this was supposed to be an informative discussion about the secondary ticket market for those who are participating on it or want to learn more about this industry

those who disagree with the resale of tickets and think ticket brokers are bad individuals must have a very poor understanding of simple economics. SMH
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03-11-2015 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by payoffpitch
those who disagree with the resale of tickets and think ticket brokers are bad individuals must have a very poor understanding of simple economics. SMH
I think people understand it quite clearly, which is why they tend to look down upon it.
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03-11-2015 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by payoffpitch
those who disagree with the resale of tickets and think ticket brokers are bad individuals must have a very poor understanding of simple economics. SMH
lol no
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03-11-2015 , 07:00 AM
I have no interest in engaging in arguments of the moral turpitude of the free market system in America. I could argue my position all day and night with economic principles and ideals that our country is founded on and there will still be people that disagree and would rather throw stones than engage in a rational debate.

In a world where people accept as true what they watch Fox News (or any TV news for that matter), refuse to vaccinate their children and believe in Big Foot but not evolution this comes as no revelation to me… Call me names, focus on my poor spelling/grammar, compare me to depraved criminals. Haters goina hate.

I have no ulterior motives; I don’t want to change anyone’s opinion. I am here to share what I have learned and continue to learn about the secondary ticket market through my years of experience with anyone who wants to read it.

Plenty of money out there, its all about finding creative ways to redistribute it.
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03-11-2015 , 07:10 AM
then how about instead of strutting around like a peacock thumping your chest you share what you've learned about the secondary ticket market?

including "haters gonna hate" is probably exactly what this thread needed to get the focus off your dickheaded side and back onto flipping tickets...or maybe it wasn't.

either way, this topic is interesting to a lot of people, how about you stop using words that are bigger than your ability to understand them and stop jerking off in front of the mirror long enough to actually talk about tickets and markets and times to sell/buy, etc?
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03-11-2015 , 07:44 AM
Originally Posted by wiper
then how about instead of strutting around like a peacock thumping your chest you share what you've learned about the secondary ticket market?

including "haters gonna hate" is probably exactly what this thread needed to get the focus off your dickheaded side and back onto flipping tickets...or maybe it wasn't.

either way, this topic is interesting to a lot of people, how about you stop using words that are bigger than your ability to understand them and stop jerking off in front of the mirror long enough to actually talk about tickets and markets and times to sell/buy, etc?
For the record, peacocks don’t thump their chest. They let all pretty feathers do the work for them.

That aside, if you have an actual question feel free to ask it and I will be more than happy to share any relevant information I have on the subject.

I’ll try not to use too many big words in the future as not to confuse you. My deepest apologies
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03-11-2015 , 11:06 AM
re: Grateful Dead tix. How many were you able to get? Most everyone I know had lots of trouble. I would think they could have sold 15 or 20 shows at this one loction. This must have been fairly tough for brokers as well.

Lot's of deadheads are whining all across the internet about scalpers but they'd be just as shut out if there were no tickets above face value. Demand is likely 5-10X supply.
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03-11-2015 , 02:44 PM
Great Thread Idea!
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03-12-2015 , 07:20 PM
I bought a weekend season ticket plan and will likely go to the games I don't sell. When would you guys say that demand peaks for most weekend baseball games? I know I used to buy tickets a week or two before the game mostly.
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03-12-2015 , 09:30 PM
Always try to sell ASAP. Buyers aren't pressured to buy at any particular time, but sellers know their unpurchased inventory is worth $0 after the game. Your leverage only decreases the closer it gets to game day.
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03-12-2015 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by evenmoney43
I bought a weekend season ticket plan and will likely go to the games I don't sell. When would you guys say that demand peaks for most weekend baseball games? I know I used to buy tickets a week or two before the game mostly.
It depends on which team they are playing. If it's against a division rival then there won't me as much demand as if they played against a non-division team. Any special giveaways (bobbleheads, jerseys, t-shirts, etc.) can also drive demand up.

Anyways, a very important thing to always look at is ticket volume available. That means how many tickets remain available for sale. Stubhub is s good place where this can be followed. Just look where it says "tickets available" on the top right corner of the page and write that number down, then come back the next day or a few days later and see how much that number has changed. If you notice the number of tickets available keeps decreasing day-by-day then prices will likely go up (which means you need to hold on to your tickets) and if the number of tickets goes up then try to sell ASAP since prices will likely drop as you get closer to the game.
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03-13-2015 , 12:27 AM
If PSUMike is following this thread, maybe you could sell veggie burritos as an adjunct to scamming hippies at O'Hare.

And to the ticket scammer: die of AIDS.
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