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ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities

07-28-2010 , 06:06 AM
I see she was OK with you posting this thread, but is she actually following it? Seems like it would be pretty odd if she was.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 06:26 AM
It would be really great if you could talk your girlfriend into posting here.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 07:42 AM
Posting in next Stephen King book

This thread is beyond amazing. OOT HOF without a question, no matter if it's true or level.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by skunkworks
I don't mind the armchair psychiatry going on ITT because it's mostly done in the spirit of learning or trying to grasp the nature of the relationship and the how/what/why of something strange like this. I think most people in the thread are in it for these reasons.

But some of you dicks need to stop being pushy by projecting your armchair psychiatry & "moral" values on something involving a condition about which you know nothing.
in before

@OP: thanks for the thread. fascinating stuff as in glad i'm not the one to deal with that. i'd have run a long time ago. so, props to you.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 08:40 AM
I have 2 friends who have been diagnosed with DID. Another friend has dated both of them. I'll try to get her to start an "ask me what it's like dating two different dudes with DID" thread.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 08:48 AM
cant find if it already has been adressed but is her main persona happy
now as it is
or does she want to get cured/rid of the others?

would she lose them if she could do it with the press of a button?
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 08:54 AM
One of the most interesting threads I have read on 2+2, thanks for doing this op.
I don't think any of these questions are reposts but if they are feel free to skip them.

- Does she have any siblings?
- Whats has been the most embarrassing episode for you?
- what kind of hobbies does Michelle have?
- how has your family/friends reacted to the entire thing, and have you lost contact with any of them as a result of your relationship?

Thanks for doing this again op and best of luck to both of you
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 09:12 AM
What does OP make of Matilda (I believe it was) and Michelle Proper being almost indistinguishable now, with the exception of Matilda's salty language. Do her doctors see this as a personality being re-absorbed back into the original one? If not, what's happening, in their estimation?

How do they advise OP personally on the management of this condition long term? So far everyone seems to give as wide a berth as possible for the expression of these personalities -- is that typical in cases of MPD? Have her doctors suggested other strategies or therapies?

From my recollection of the timeline, she developed four in a relatively short period of time (a couple of years). Where do her doctors put the odds that another personality will develop? Is this a condition that worsens gradually like Alzheimer's, or do patients establish their max early on?

Has anyone confronted the uncle who arguably started all this? Has he been excommunicated, or is he still considered part of the family?

Apart from the MPD, you said she has blackouts/spells of amnesia, sudden temporary loss of vision and hearing, and seizures. What are Michelle's educational and career prospects with all this going on?
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 09:30 AM
Just deleted a crapload of posts and infracted Henry and Bart. Won't say it again, don't screw up this thread. If you want to argue the merits of DID, take it to a different thread or SMP or something.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 09:31 AM
OP, when Michelle goes through her amnesia does she always have the same exact reaction to things? Is it the same expression, body language, level of excitement everytime you tell her that you guys are engaged?
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
spoon - When you answered the question about why you're with her you just said she was amazing and that she didn't start going quite as nuts until after you had see her for awhile...then went into more stories about how the different personalities act and interact, etc. That doesn't really answer the question of why you're still with her. You just said that the multiple personalities didn't change that. Really?

Also, it all started when you moved in together? So doesn't that lead you to the conclusion that the pressure of being together like that is basically making her a whack-job?

She has some personalities that try to kill herself or you...and you have to call 911. There are a lot of guys who would not stay with such a girl just on that alone much less the fact that she's just freaking weird and acting like an 8 year old part of the time, etc.

Is the whole multiple personality thing somehow a turn on for you at all? Do you think that at the heart of this you just enjoy the drama? Was she a dramatic chick at all before these other personalities came out?

Anyway, many of us can't figure out why anyone would want to date/marry such a person. This is like the ultimate high-maintenance girl. Not only is she a freaking weirdo who goes into 8-year-old girl mode interchanged with her other personalities but you also get the fun of trying to stop her from killing herself or you every once in awhile.

Why would you marry someone who you legitimately think might kill you? Since the moving in part seemed to perhaps trigger some of this stuff one wonders if actually getting married could perhaps even make it worse. Do you think that is a possibility too?
I thought this as well, somewhat.... but, then again, here's a similar question:

You meet someone, fall in love and get engaged. Then you find out they have a serious illness that (presumably, go with the theme here) hadn't been discovered before.

Is that a blanket escape clause?
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 09:35 AM
grunch for this question:

OP- are you thinking about having kids in the future? Concerns, on that topic?

Oops- just saw the bc answer. Shouldn't you be thinking about a vasectomy, if you're planning on marrying these women/girl?
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by NeverScaredB
Has it occurred to any of you trolls that OP is a) better informed b) in a better position to judge the risk and c) more caring about the harmful effects of him having sex with LM than all of you put together?
Not sure that's an automatic "yes", sir.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by Lottery Larry
You meet someone, fall in love and get engaged. Then you find out they have a serious illness that (presumably, go with the theme here) hadn't been discovered before.

Is that a blanket escape clause?
I think I would draw the line at an attempt on my life. A lot of people don't though, which is interesting. To me it would divorce me from the relationship aspect and put me permanently in the role of care-taker. On the surface nothing would change much in the weeks following, but regardless I couldn't feel "mated" anymore with someone who came at me. Still, there are lots of women who stay with violent men who do in fact try to strangle them more than once, and while the mental disturbance isn't an exact comparison the result is the same.

Edit: Would be open to hearing the reasoning from the other side.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 09:40 AM
i know there have been a lot of posts after these but i cant help it but address them

Originally Posted by MicroBob
Anyway, many of us can't figure out why anyone would want to date/marry such a person. This is like the ultimate high-maintenance girl. Not only is she a freaking weirdo who goes into 8-year-old girl mode interchanged with her other personalities but you also get the fun of trying to stop her from killing herself or you every once in awhile.

Why would you marry someone who you legitimately think might kill you? Since the moving in part seemed to perhaps trigger some of this stuff one wonders if actually getting married could perhaps even make it worse. Do you think that is a possibility too?
Originally Posted by Grue

If its true at all, I would really like to hear about the psychology of the OP. I don't even care about the girl. Why in the world would you date/marry someone so incredibly screwed up? You are basically throwing away your life.
not everyone minds taking care of the person they love the most. she clearly makes him happy. i dont see how you can bring yourself to convincing him that he should give her up. he's the best thing that ever happened to this girl and you want her life destroyed now?

Originally Posted by VoraciousReader
Her parents didn't protect her then and she got worse when she moved back in with them.
this. OP, whats the reason she still stays with her parents? they obv dont take care of her like they should. why arent you living together anymore? sorry if ive missed this but i really couldnt find the answer to this.

Originally Posted by spoonitnow
She opens it and Michelle's sitting on the bench thing inside passed out laying against the wall. I wake her up and check her arms and as I expected she had clawed the crap out of the inside of one of her arms and was bleeding a little. I hid this from the old lady, the manager guy who showed up, and his cronies who were crowded around to see what was going on. The manager guy was trying to tell me something like security was coming and I had to stay there or something like that (I have no idea why) but after making sure she didn't have the jeans on she was trying on (thank god because that would have really sucked) I helped her to the car. On the way home, Rebecca and I had our first long conversation ever that didn't involve her trying to hurt herself. After that, the times Rebecca has done anything of that nature have been few and far between.
i have enormous amount of respect for you now. the way you take care of her and make sure it's as little embarassing for her as possible is just admirable. dont let anyone convince you otherwise.

Originally Posted by spoonitnow
The other memorable time (for me at least) Rebecca was behind this kind of stuff was once when against the instructions of me/common sense/Michelle's therapist/Michelle's doctors, Michelle's parents had left her home for a few hours while they went to church because she didn't want to go or something. When I found out I flew over there like a bat out of hell (they live about 40 minutes away) and when I was really close Little Michelle called me and said she woke up in the kitchen and her arm had been cut a few times with a knife and she didn't know what happened. I think this time is very memorable for me because of how it felt wondering if I was going to walk in on her having tried or succeeded in killing herself. I don't even know how to describe it. Just thinking about it now is making my stomach feel uneasy, but it was basically the feeling I have whenever I'm in the middle of vomitting greatly amplified. I've had similar scares a couple of times, and I get the same feeling, and it's easily the worst thing I've ever felt in my life.
after this, i dont see how you let her family near her. they're clearly useless as hell and only bring you trouble. i assume michelle in her normal state is aware of what had happened here or that you've told her? if i was her (or you), i would never have talked to them again. they scared the **** out of you, that would be the end for me, family or not.

Originally Posted by Sole
will their be a separate wedding for each personality?

Originally Posted by Poker Reference
I would also be interested to know what the therapist makes of you having sex with Michelle's nine-year-old self.

Even if Michelle Proper hadn't been molested, it seems a little bent to have sex with anyone who thinks they're a child.
Originally Posted by Snoopydance
That still doesn't really answer the question. Little Michelle is 9 years old in the body of a 23 year old (24?). What does it matter if she knows this? She is still a little girl, and she is still being taken advantage of (regardless of who is initiating) by someone she now views as her care taker. It shouldn't matter if she can "rationalize" (?) it in her own head (or you in yours) by knowing that she knows she's not really the real Michelle. She still feels like a 9 year old. You still have to remind her about things that aren't good for her, like how ice cream isn't a suitable replacement for a meal.
little michelle realises she's not 9 so i really dont see the problem here. i think you're seeing too much into this. she realises he's a 'bf' or 'fiancee' and not someone that just takes care of her. she wouldnt initiate sex otherwise. btw 9 yo dont initiate sex so obv she realises she's not 9 at that moment they have sex.

i know nothing about this topic but it feels wrong that OP gets attacked for this.

Last edited by MadeLiefje; 07-28-2010 at 09:45 AM. Reason: thx, english isnt my first language
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by MadeLiefje
i have enormous amount of respect for you now. the way you take care of her and make sure it's as little embarassing for her as possible is just admiring. dont let anyone convince you otherwise.
Admirable, but +1

spoonit- one thing to think about: 40 years of dealing with things, if she can't be "cured" or at least toned down.

Last edited by Lottery Larry; 07-28-2010 at 09:45 AM. Reason: ironic next reply forced an edit of the short name
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 09:44 AM
When a new personality becomes the forefront, does 'it' remember all previous occasions being the forefront?

Is each personality equally skilful at cooking/riding bicycle/blow jobs/chess etc
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by Lottery Larry
spoonit- one thing to think about: 40 years of dealing with things, if she can't be "cured" or at least toned down.
This is a good question. I think OP has already answered it, but.. is there a time frame in your mind where you are going to be like "if things aren't better by X, I should probably get out of this relationship." Is it a singular thing, or is there a set of goals in your mind like "she has to be thus much better by X, this little bit more better by y, and cured by z" or are you really in it for the long haul even if it comes to light that she is never going to be any better.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 10:01 AM

hopefully this is not an inappropriate request but would you be willing to share what the therapy sessions are like? How do they begin? What methods does the doctor use to help her "treat" the personalities? Do they come out and talk to the doctor often? I totally understand if this is too sensitive to answer and apologize if so.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by RayPowers
or are you really in it for the long haul even if it comes to light that she is never going to be any better.
... or, if her personalities start to fracture even more.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 10:12 AM
Reading this thread reminds me how awesome is youth. Proud, fearless, energetic.... just, awesome.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by Karak

hopefully this is not an inappropriate request but would you be willing to share what the therapy sessions are like? How do they begin? What methods does the doctor use to help her "treat" the personalities? Do they come out and talk to the doctor often? I totally understand if this is too illegal to answer and apologize if so.
This is a completely inappropriate question.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 10:26 AM
OP, are you at all concerned about what the stress of planning a wedding might do to her? Do you think that is a day she can get through as Michelle? I guess i'm sort of assuming you are having a proper wedding ceremony with those questions which i guess should be my next question.

Also, i worry far more about what kind of person some of the haters in this thread are then the OP, that's for f'n sure.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by supafrey
This is a completely inappropriate question.
Is this really illegal if done with her permission, as thus far he has stated the entire thread is? I'm genuinely curious.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
07-28-2010 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by RayPowers
Is this really illegal if done with her permission, as thus far he has stated the entire thread is? I'm genuinely curious.
With her permission it's obviously fine. Therapy is supposed to be a safe place, though, so I just wanted to make sure OP didn't slip up and say something he wasn't supposed to without specific permission.
ask me what it's like dating a chick with multiple personalities Quote
