Originally Posted by fsoyars
Just bc it's part of common usage doesn't mean it's ok. The n-word was once a part of common usage too. Just bc saying something is gay isn't mean offensively doesn't mean it isn't offensive. People are insensitive and ignorant and say offensive things all the time even when they don't mean to. It's still wrong and those people need to be educated.
And your black magic/black comedy analogy makes no sense. The word "black" in those words isn't derived from the ethnicity, it means that tonally those things are dark. That's why black people aren't offended by those terms. Otoh, saying something is "gay" to mean dumb or bad is directly derived from a time when being gay was considered wrong. What's implied when you say "that band was gay" is "I hated that band in the same way I hate when two people of the same sex having sex." I realize that people who use the term don't always actually feel that way about homosexuality, but it's a holdover from a time when it was ok to outwardly hate on gays. We should stop saying it and try to move past that time. Just pick another word. It's not that big a deal.
I had this argument recently in the plo forum, of all places. My position is unchanged. The south park episode was pretty well on the money for me. You're not going to be able to change popular culture. So you have a choice. One of them involves being offended and getting worked up and upset. The other involves realizing that, whatever the past connotations of the word, the current intention of the word is not negative. Sure, it sucks like hell that there are so many gay kids around the world that are getting down about society maltreatment of them, and this is but one aspect of that. If we could change society, we would. But we can't. So we take the passive, tolerant approach, and we encourage others to do the same, otherwise we get a brain aneurysm from all the anger and bitterness.
If it currently makes you angry, choose to
want that it no longer gets you angry. Realize that their intentions are not negative. Realize that they are ignorant, but that changing yourself, while difficult, is 100x easier than changing other people.